incubator facts and info.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
I have a batch of eggs in the incubator right now 18 chicken eggs and 6 duck eggs. I have a thermometer and keeping it at about 99-101 range. it almost time for lock down and i would like to get some insight on how to make sure that my humidity is right or okay with out a reader to tell me that its at the range it should be at. i had two other batches last year and had none of the to hatch not sure because of the shells being really hard or what but those first two batches of eggs where the first laying eggs from the chickens that we had when they started to lay them. this time the shells are a little thinner and hopefully we get a better out come. I have candled them once so far and they seem to be doing good but there were at least 6 of the eggs that didn't seem to have anything in them so i let them stay in a little longer and when i check them again in a couple of days and still nothing in them i will take them out and give more room for the others.

So please give me some insight or tips on the incubator and the humidity


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