Incubator humidity wells question


12 Years
Jun 17, 2007
A little late in the game to be wondering this, but I thought I was all set. Today is day 19!! And now I'm not sure about the wells for water on the bottom of the incubator.

It's a square styrofoam bator that I'm borrowing from 4H, so don't know what the manufacturer is. It has two separate wells and channels running along the bottom, one says thermal, the other circulated. I did have the thermal well filled through the first 18 days. I thought I was going to fill the circulated one on day 19, but after going over the paperwork, it's not clear to me if I should do that or not.

Anyone know?
Oh yeah, I don't have a hygrometer! So, I'm just keeping the well filled up.

I used the same type incubator 4yrs ago and all went well, I just can't remember if I should add water to the circulated side or not. Seems like I should, to increase humidity, but since it says "circulated" maybe not. Wish those darn directions were clear!
I dont know what to tell you , I dont know what cirrculated and what not means, do you ahve a picture of the bator or something maybe that will help, I say when in doubt put a couple sponges in there and keep them wet durning the hatch, I dont knwo how you can tell if its to low but you can tell if it starts haveing condensation on the windows its too high. Make shure there new clean sponges as sponges are breeding grounds for bactria

Good luck
If you are on Day 18, I would definitely add more water than you've had for the previous 18 days. On my LG I always have to put water in all the wells and add sponges to get it high enough for the hatch.

Here's pix of the incubator:

from the outside:

Looking inside:

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