Incubator is staying at constinant temperature! YES!


9 Years
Feb 17, 2010
East Hartland, CT
I got my incubator today because for the first time my hens didn't want to sit on the eggs. I've been fiddling around with the tempurature all day and it is finally staying at 99.7-100.4 degrees. The perfect temperature. I'll be able to put the eggs in tomarrow if it is still at that temp. The hens make it look so easy!
Also, I got a styrafoam incubator. I put an egg turner in it and when i need to put water in for the humidity i have take the turner out. Is there another way to do it?
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I feel your joy. I have been working on building an incubator for the last week and finally got it to hold a steady temp. that is until the sun came through the glass door and shot it up to 105 degrees but I know how to fix that. three days at 100.2 to 100.8 degrees I am very happy.
YES! Congrats first!

What specific kind of incubator?
And if you run some airline tubing, like for fish tank pumps, throught the opening with the turner cord and under the wire screen, you can add water using a syringe without a needle. Or, depending upon what kind it is, you can use a straw to add water through the vent opening.

I use the airline tubing and just never take it out. It works great and I sterilize it after the hatch just like the bator, mild bleach/water solution.

Happy hatching!
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YES! Congrats first!

What specific kind of incubator?
And if you run some airline tubing, like for fish tank pumps, throught the opening with the turner cord and under the wire screen, you can add water using a syringe without a needle. Or, depending upon what kind it is, you can use a straw to add water through the vent opening.

I use the airline tubing and just never take it out. It works great and I sterilize it after the hatch just like the bator, mild bleach/water solution.

Happy hatching!

I got a Little Giant Incubator. The one as TSC. Thanks for the idea!

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