Incubator Journal


Chicken Ambassador
10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
Bagshot Row
3:45 Decide to finally build one. Locate Omaha Steak cooler and thermometer/hydrometer. Discover that the thermometer needs a battery.

3:50 Discover that Husband (who is away for the weekend) loves to store stuff in old Home Depot bags. Tear house apart looking for parts purchased 2 months ago.

3:58 Feed whiny kids a snack...head up to attic to continue search for lamp kit and thermostat. Find useless old mini-fridge/food warmer....tempting but not controllable.

4:03 Head out to shop to find elusive endangered thermostat and lamp kit.

4:05 locate old transformer on kitchen counter.

4:10 marvel at the sheer number of half finished projects sitting in old Home Depot bags in the shop. Stop to pray cause it couldn't hurt.

4:20 Abandon search to go back to Home Depot to buy those things again. We'll take them back if we find the originals.Q
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All that in less than an hour. That is progress.
cleaned kitchen counter hoping to find it under the crock pot.
Find $200 in uncashed checks instead.
4:45 heading out for Home Destroy, I mean Depot. Going to eat Jack in the Box for dinner because I'm sick and salt sounds good.
5:10 Place order in drive through.
5:20 receive order from JitB.

Realize order is wrong (who serves a cheeseburger with no cheese?)
Go inside and get new burgers.

6:00 get stuff at Home Depot
6:12 feed wrong burgers and uneaten fries to grateful chickens.

6:15 Finally start to build incubator!
6:25 use the top of Husband's grand piano as workbench because he's out of town and I can watch the kids easier.

6:30 Stop to put on bandaid from where hardware cloth bit me. I was bleeding on the incubator...that's not the effect I'm going for.
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6:41 Warn older son to stop winding up little son. Pull older son off the top of the back of the couch.

6:43 Install hardware cloth fake floor.

6:47 Install light bulb guard.

6:53 Try and figure out wiring. Tell self it's not dangerous, nothing's plugged in. Accidentally cut the wire I'm trying to strip. Dang.

Stop to ask question: I wire the light directly to the thermostat, yes?
Ok. Thanks.

7:10 finish wiring light to thermostat...carve out place for thermostat to live.

7:15 placate fussy kids. Turn on electric babysitter (TV).

7:17 realize wiring mistake....redo wiring.

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