Incubators Anonymous

... but I'm going to eventually run out of less desirables and have only favorites left. What will I do then?!

Build a bigger coop!
Only one did :(
7 perfect Lavender Orpington eggs, nicely bubble wrapped and hidden in peanuts. I candled them as I put them into their egg carton just because I couldn't help myself.. every one looks just fine so far :)

The other expected box, according to tracking, is sitting at the Huron post office, only 40 miles away.
Had I known, I would have taken my husband to work so I could have the car today and gone and GOT them!

Best laid plans . . . .Hope you can get them soon!! Can you at least set them the same time . . .

Well it goes like this.....I love a nice glass of scotch on Friday after a 60plus hour work week. However, I don't think I need to join AA but.......who knows! I do know there is NOTHING like waiting for those magical 21 days to end. It is almost better to not incubate than to incubate and try to quit. It's a drug with positive results but you are hooked at day 21 of incubation. Week one: candle those puppies and place in groups of like growth (or not). Week 2: candle again and regroup if necessary. Skin is starting to itch and adrenal glands are "preloading". Week 3: Skin now crawling as I pour more water in to increase humidity. I do not open the incubator any longer than to pour in the water as I know "lock down" is in 4 days and i get to touch the eggs. (Lock down is where I take the eggs out of the auto-turner and let them rest on their side. This is where I need support to NOT candle again. For example, if "lock down" is a Friday and had to choose between the glass of scotch or look one more time and candle the wife runs for the cast iron pan and a glass of scotch. For I will candle the eggs. She calls me a "hatch-o-holic". So if this is a support group of "IA", I guess that's OK! Dang its fun.


You got've got it!!!

Purely Prairie Polish
Welcome to IA!!!
I said I wasn't gonna do it. I wasn't gonna pull out the incubator until we get home from our trip to Monte Carlo next month. I wasn't gonna leave my farm sitter with new chicks to deal with. But then I caught one of my dogs eating a duck egg yesterday. Went looking and found Cocoa Duck's nest with 7 eggs and 4 shells still wet from the dog's feast. I really really want more Ancona ducks, because the neighbor's dog (now disappeared, and I'm not crying over him) killed all but one female and two males. It was either shoot my dog (which I was tempted to do but just got her spayed and chipped and $tuff) or take the eggs. So I now have 7 Ancona eggs in the 'bator. And I was saving Ameraucana hatching eggs to sell but since I have the 'bator humming and warmed up and all that empty space... threw them in as well.

Hi, my name is Sonja and I'm a lost cause incubator addict...

Originally Posted by auger1wa
just a note to that... this group is not here to 'cure' your addictions, but to *support* them. and i agree, candle, then scotch... don't want to drop those precious eggs.
I know I've got at least one box coming this morning. My mail man really should have called me this morning to let me know he had more boxes so I could put the dogs up, but he didn't.. I have a jumbo-sized mailbox but still, can 2 priority boxes fit? Could I really only be getting ONE box today?? The second box says it left Sioux Falls and expected delivery is today...
Still no tracking info on 2 boxes. Gonna try to get ahold of the sellers later..
My mails runs at 11. I am stalking my mailbox. The only thing keeping me from running out there and just WAITING is that it's pouring rain...

(edited for typo)
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Hi, my name is Sheri and I'm an incubating addict! I own 4 styrofoam incubators. After not being able to being able to satisfy my addiction with the unreliable styro's I broke down and built my own incubator last year. It used to be a refrigerator! I call it my "friger-bator" :) Currently it holds 2 turning trays in the refridgerator bottom & The top is set up for a hatcher. I need to find one or two more rack shelves for it so I can add another turner or two. I have it full of my Millie Fluer D'uccle eggs and have to candle & cull tonight to make room for the dozen silkie eggs I have coming in the mail today! Hatching is the most enjoyable part of raising birds for me! hee hee I also have 1 of my styro's going with blue turkey eggs and muscovy ducks. I'm scared none of these will hatch tho cuz I had a power outtage of about 20 hours. I let them continue to incubate in hopes of still getting a few out of it.. I'm also raising some silkies for mother natures incubators!
Yay for chick babies!
I know I've got at least one box coming this morning. My mail man really should have called me this morning to let me know he had more boxes so I could put the dogs up, but he didn't.. I have a jumbo-sized mailbox but still, can 2 priority boxes fit? Could I really only be getting ONE box today?? The second box says it left Sioux Falls and expected delivery is today...
Still no tracking info on 2 boxes. Gonna try to get ahold of the sellers later..
My mails runs at 11. I am stalking my mailbox. The only thing keeping me from running out there and just WAITING is that it's pouring rain...
(edited for typo)
so put up the dogs (don't want to drop the boxes after all) and enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee (or tea or whatever?)

maybe you'll get them all today.
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Hello, my name is Cheryl and I am an incubating addict too. Not only me but my husband as well. We currently have2 little giant incubators and needed more room for eggs so my husband built a cabinet style incubator that holds 3 turners. It was his first attemp and we have it running with sultan eggs and mixed breed eggs from our hens. one of the little giant incubators is full of eggs from our hens too.Starting 4/16 thru 5/1 we will have chicks hatching every day from the incubators and 3 of our hens that insist on sitting. My husband is making plans to start building incubators for sale at our local feed store. We don't eat any of the eggs our hens lay, my husband would be thinking of the chick that might have developed. When eggs are hatching he stays up nights to watch the eggs and goes to bed when I get up. Now tell me we aren't addicts. We have it bad. LOL

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