Incubators Anonymous

Hi, my name is Sheri and I'm an incubating addict! I own 4 styrofoam incubators. After not being able to being able to satisfy my addiction with the unreliable styro's I broke down and built my own incubator last year. It used to be a refrigerator! I call it my "friger-bator" :) Currently it holds 2 turning trays in the refridgerator bottom & The top is set up for a hatcher. I need to find one or two more rack shelves for it so I can add another turner or two. I have it full of my Millie Fluer D'uccle eggs and have to candle & cull tonight to make room for the dozen silkie eggs I have coming in the mail today! Hatching is the most enjoyable part of raising birds for me! hee hee I also have 1 of my styro's going with blue turkey eggs and muscovy ducks. I'm scared none of these will hatch tho cuz I had a power outtage of about 20 hours. I let them continue to incubate in hopes of still getting a few out of it.. I'm also raising some silkies for mother natures incubators!
Yay for chick babies!


Hello, my name is Cheryl and I am an incubating addict too. Not only me but my husband as well. We currently have2 little giant incubators and needed more room for eggs so my husband built a cabinet style incubator that holds 3 turners. It was his first attemp and we have it running with sultan eggs and mixed breed eggs from our hens. one of the little giant incubators is full of eggs from our hens too.Starting 4/16 thru 5/1 we will have chicks hatching every day from the incubators and 3 of our hens that insist on sitting. My husband is making plans to start building incubators for sale at our local feed store. We don't eat any of the eggs our hens lay, my husband would be thinking of the chick that might have developed. When eggs are hatching he stays up nights to watch the eggs and goes to bed when I get up. Now tell me we aren't addicts. We have it bad. LOL



The eggs started hatching this morning and now I have 2 chicks. One hatched around 3:00 and the other hatched around 4:30 pm. I excited to see how many more will hatch. There are several more eggs that have little peep holes in the shells and I guess they will break out anytime.


I only got time to check the SLW out of 4 doz+ only 14 developed.
His birds are older... we need to replace his flock.... I already have a roo for him....He needs to feed them better too maybe. Dang..... I didn't get time to check the other eggs... guess I will do that at lockdown in 3 day.


I have sold some chicks tonight. Hopefully I will sell them all tomorrow
Would me nice to have an empty brooder for the next round of chicks

Donna, maybe now is a good time to build one more brooder!
I found 3 eggs in the BO condo--all in the large gravity feeder, 14 inches down!! It's an open top which needs a lid, one that looks like a nest box! So I zoomed to the house to set them--they just might be good. And the boys reported finding 1 lone turkey egg today; that went in too. Staggered hatching for sure this go round! TUrkeys and chickens.
The guy I sold some chicks to, today, he brought me some he found at a lawnmower place. The guy was selling them for $3. They are 3 x 4 by 29 inches, Plywood side and pallet bottoms ..... perfect brooders for these big hatches and they have lids!!!! I am going to make one into a hatcher and the other 3 will be brooders for the big hatches. SEE I WAS THINKING A HEAD.... Chicks for BOXES

I am actually thinking about taking the guts out of my hatcher and just using these things.... I could actually see most of the chicks hatching in these. I have to stack the boxes I hatch in 3 tall and only 4 will fit on each level. This thing I could put maybe 8 on the bottom and then stack from there. 12 baskets is the most I have used so far.

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