Incubators Anonymous

Another BO egg in the feeder this morning!!
Why not the nest box? I'll collect a few to hatch out.
Well, starting the 16th, should have eggs hatching under our little seram cross hen. It's her first laying and hatch so cross your fingers, she is so tiny and her eggs are the smallest we have ever had. After that should have eggs hatching from other nestt and 2 incubators right thru the end of the month. Should get some lovely silkies, sultans, and some cross chicks from the hens we have. The new hen house is coming along nicely but need to hurry it up a bit with the expected population explosion. I will be narrowing our flock down to 3 breeds, silkie sultan, and serama soon too. Hubby is setting up a wood shop to start building incubators for sale at the local feed store. All in all, it keeps me busy.
Well, starting the 16th, should have eggs hatching under our little seram cross hen. It's her first laying and hatch so cross your fingers, she is so tiny and her eggs are the smallest we have ever had. After that should have eggs hatching from other nestt and 2 incubators right thru the end of the month. Should get some lovely silkies, sultans, and some cross chicks from the hens we have. The new hen house is coming along nicely but need to hurry it up a bit with the expected population explosion. I will be narrowing our flock down to 3 breeds, silkie sultan, and serama soon too. Hubby is setting up a wood shop to start building incubators for sale at the local feed store. All in all, it keeps me busy.
I have eggs going into lock down on the 16th...DC,WR,RIR,CX,and a couple home made BSL. I have 1 BR hen and my rhoady roo cant seem to get enough of her! I have 2 bators full right now and just built one too.I used parts of an old bator I found at my GP's place that had never been used( he was an egg farmer )it was an old galvanized metal round job with a wafer therm. that held maybe a dozen eggs. he had large bators and used to get things like that from sales reps according to my dad.anyways,I built one that holds 4 dozen eggs. I swear these things bring out the O.C.D. in me, I cant stop staring at the thermometer! it like being fixated on watching grass grow,ridiculous!
I now have 11 chicks. Two hatched this afternoon and the other nine are now in the brooder. Still have one working on getting out of the shell and there are a few more eggs in the incubator.

I thought it was exciting last year when I got my first chicks from Tractor Supply, but this is even more exciting because this time I took the eggs I got from a farm and have nurtured them and now seeing the results. I feel like the mother hen after sitting for 21 days and now have a clutch of little ones to care for.

These chicks will keep me busy until my Delaware and Leghorn chicks arrive from a hatchery in May.

We will see if incubating more eggs are in my future.
I'd like to join you over here. I told my husband I was reading the Incubators Anonymous thread, and he said, "That's good. The first step is to admit you have a problem."

I only hatched twice last year, then I had a little double/staggered hatch last weekend, and I have German New Hampshires (!!!!!!) in the incubator on Day 5. I went to the swap today to sell some chicks, and one of my chicken-acquaintances said he is planning to bring me 70+ OEGBs and some duck eggs and a few other things to hatch out next weekend. I told him I had no idea what I would do with 70+ OEGB eggs (I might just keep a pullet, maybe two), and he said to sell them, of course. "People love bantams!"
He is one of those fantastic, knowledge-filled old timers who it would be disrespectful to turn down, so....
Good thing I bought a second incubator this year so that I can stagger.
why dont you see if you can get some eggs from some one here of the breeds you want,that way they'll be way better quality and you get the excitment of the you'll still end up with chicks in may!
Hello, my name is Kim and I'm an incubator addict

My husband too is frustrated! Hehe..I just love watching them pip and hearing them peeping inside the egg! So fun seeing what hatches.
We had a bit of a problem with our runner ducks though. They all were almost completely formed but none hatched. We had other chicks in the same incubator hatch, so I don't think it was the temp/humidity...Anyone have any ideas?
I now have 11 chicks. Two hatched this afternoon and the other nine are now in the brooder. Still have one working on getting out of the shell and there are a few more eggs in the incubator.

I thought it was exciting last year when I got my first chicks from Tractor Supply, but this is even more exciting because this time I took the eggs I got from a farm and have nurtured them and now seeing the results. I feel like the mother hen after sitting for 21 days and now have a clutch of little ones to care for.

These chicks will keep me busy until my Delaware and Leghorn chicks arrive from a hatchery in May.

We will see if incubating more eggs are in my future.

Good Job!!!

I'd like to join you over here. I told my husband I was reading the Incubators Anonymous thread, and he said, "That's good. The first step is to admit you have a problem."

I only hatched twice last year, then I had a little double/staggered hatch last weekend, and I have German New Hampshires (!!!!!!) in the incubator on Day 5. I went to the swap today to sell some chicks, and one of my chicken-acquaintances said he is planning to bring me 70+ OEGBs and some duck eggs and a few other things to hatch out next weekend. I told him I had no idea what I would do with 70+ OEGB eggs (I might just keep a pullet, maybe two), and he said to sell them, of course. "People love bantams!"
He is one of those fantastic, knowledge-filled old timers who it would be disrespectful to turn down, so....
Good thing I bought a second incubator this year so that I can stagger.
Welcome! I have been living here all winter waiting , trying to contain my addiction until the Easter hatchalong; I emptied the incubator for lockdown, put in turkey and chickens on Easter and have added a few since for a staggered hatch. If only your husband knew we are really enablers at IA !!!

You can always eat some of those eggs if you can set them all. 70--
Good thing you have a second incubator!!

Hello, my name is Kim and I'm an incubator addict

My husband too is frustrated! Hehe..I just love watching them pip and hearing them peeping inside the egg! So fun seeing what hatches.
We had a bit of a problem with our runner ducks though. They all were almost completely formed but none hatched. We had other chicks in the same incubator hatch, so I don't think it was the temp/humidity...Anyone have any ideas?
WHen I started learning to incubate last year, I read Chookschicks cheat sheet and pm'd her. She gave me the confidence to try the dry air method. I had a 50% hatch rate on turkeys and chickens my first time. Then I started reading info sites, and here they are. I haven't done ducks though I understand they are a longer time than chickens--that's all I know! LOL You might ask on the duck page. Otherwise you might find clues among the chicken stuff:

BackYardChickens Forum / Links to university info on incubating and hatching eggs

ANd DH--my DH was won over when Irene hit and he had to take the incubator to work for a week while we were without power. He now loves the chicks. I also tell him : they are for sale!! HE believes me.

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