Incubators Anonymous

Yesterday I went around to the pens collecting eggs as usual. At the sweetgrass pen only one egg. Now they have been out grazing so I wondered if the girls set up a new nest somewhere. Then I remembered, yes, one of my sons saw a girl in the thickets. But which one. I hunted down the kids for more info and they rushed off to find the nest. 9 eggs! 9! Into the incubator they go!!

Here is the daddy!

So my eggs that pipped at the wrong end, again, hatched. At least 4 if them did. Another one looks like it may not make it. Plus I have 2 new baby silkies from my broody hens. Still haven't figured out why my last 4 batches have failed. I've done nothing different then I did last year.

Here's the newest additions.

I think that it depends. These guys were really trying to push out of the shells so I helped them. If they weren't trying so hard I would have left them.
I hatched 6 Salmon Fav, 1 Ark Blue and a malard mix. One more SF internal pipped and quit, 5 more AB went into lockdown kicking and quit ;-(. Everyone looks good.
Now I am going to start having DT's since everything else is so far out. I have Turkeys, guineas and Wait for it...... Literally ...... Muscovy! 35 days can you believe it?
I have broodies sitting on guinea eggs and my BR Turkey on some Muscovy too.
Did I hear that bantams don't take as long to hatch? Like how long exactly? I think I'm starting to shake!

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