Incubators Anonymous

Yes cuckoos can be sexed. Sounds like 2 pullets and a roo. Odd they are smaller. Same chickens for all the eggs...... OH maybe not. I think I had 2 pullets in that pen. 1 was the exchequer cross and the other is a leghorn..... oh I can't remember
So the 2 black came from the exchequer cross for sure. She maybe younger... were the eggs smaller? They will catch up.
All the eggs were the same size. It might be just that they're in with chubby/fluffy EEs and favorelles. I'm excited and hoping for girls on the CCLx.
I have pips..
I have PIPS!

A day late, but I have six little broken shell spots out of 15 eggs. Day 21 was yesterday. I guess being at 97 degrees slowed them down a bit. I hope they don't suffer for it.

Oh, and I found out Broody Hens go into "lockdown" too - only I call it "Pancake"
The broody silkie outside is very very flat. She is only about 5" high and almost covers a 12" x12" area... wow!
I have pips..
I have PIPS!

A day late, but I have six little broken shell spots out of 15 eggs. Day 21 was yesterday. I guess being at 97 degrees slowed them down a bit. I hope they don't suffer for it.

Oh, and I found out Broody Hens go into "lockdown" too - only I call it "Pancake"
The broody silkie outside is very very flat. She is only about 5" high and almost covers a 12" x12" area... wow!

Awesome !!!! :)
I have pips..
I have PIPS!

A day late, but I have six little broken shell spots out of 15 eggs. Day 21 was yesterday. I guess being at 97 degrees slowed them down a bit. I hope they don't suffer for it.

Oh, and I found out Broody Hens go into "lockdown" too - only I call it "Pancake"
The broody silkie outside is very very flat. She is only about 5" high and almost covers a 12" x12" area... wow!

ME TOO! mine are due tomorrow. I don't think it hurts anything with the lower temps.... might even be better.... I think some LOWER the temp a little for lockdown.

Sorry I can't keep up right now... I just skimmed.... if I missed something sorry.

I made some changes for this hatch. 1) I took a pill bottle cap and drilled a hole and put the probe through it to use it like an umbrella to keep the drips off. 2 ) I didn't put any eggs in the HOLE OF DEATH corner. I did put a basket with 2 containers of water. When I left the temp was fine and the humidity was pushing 70% I liked that. There was lots of condensation on the glass though. Really nothing major was changed so we will see if that help with shrink wrapping this time.

Nobody offered an opinion on my baskets with solid bottoms in the new hatcher. Do you see a problem with that as long as there is air circulating around the baskets? He may be able to work in the hatcher this week.... we will see. If I need to make changes NOW is a good time before he starts cutting wood.

make sure you post pics, I for one am very interested to see the outcome of the new hatcher

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