Incubators Anonymous

Lets see I have eggs at the post office I didn't even know were coming

More eggs at the Post Office in Nashville today and or tomorrow - well 2 sets because I forgot to tell him I moved

Chicks and more chicks and more chicks and a roo coming next week

Chicks coming out of the hatcher more going in and more eggs to set Saturday or Sunday

Did I tell you my incubator holds 540 eggs and I only have room for 2 trays more... well till I take the eggs out for lockdown then I can put in another 6.... hum progress there will still be room in the bator for more eggs YEAH...... I have to stop.... I am running out of brooder room..... the guinea will need their own brooder too along with the little turkeys I just hatchted

I think we ALL have a PROBLEM that is why we are here RIGHT?????
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I have:

eggs in one incubator hatching today,

eggs in another incubator hatching tomorrow (and more eggs coming up behind those),

a box of live chicks due to arrive in the mail tomorrow,

a box of hatching eggs that should arrive in the mail tomorrow,

another order of hatching eggs which will be mailed to me on Saturday,

another box of chicks that *should* get mailed to me next week,

a mud room full of boxes of chicks of all ages,

2 cages outside with older chicks...

Do you think I might have a problem?
Problem? Not one I can see, but I am bad. I have two bantams in the brooder in the front room, babies in the brooder in the garage, and the incubator with eggs hatching.

I will have two brooders in here for a few weeks until I can get the garage cleared. The bantams will go out with the rest of the birds in the one pen. Then I can move the garage babies out to the pen. The Ducks that are due to hatch will go to garage and the turkeys will go to the front room.

By Then I should have more eggs in the bator and more hatched out....
Mine helped me build it and INSISTED I make it that big. He knew his wife.... but now he complains I have too many.... till I tell him the chickens I sold then he is OK. Till the next hatch.
If I could earn money from them he would have no issues.... or at least if I could toss him money t get more rabbits he would be happy.
ha ha ha you crack me up!!!

I have looked at DMR's BIN thread about 100 times... my DH is getting nervous... already have two full incubators of about 70 eggs... but I really need more, right??!!!

More is GOOD! You all make me so drool
over all these Eggs and baby chicks!!!! Love them! marans are my want and I know I have to wait till next year but I cant help but want.Have plans to build bigger next spring. My husband still needs a little work coming around.I just have to keep making little hints till he gives in!!!! It will work! When a woman gets her heart and mind set on something she won't stop till she gets what she wants!!! Or
FYI Im not that mean!
Well here it goes, My name is Sara and I am a incubator addict! (for some reason kind of reminds me of nemo LOL) but anyways I am not ony a hatching addict I LOVE buying chicks also! I just put 70 quail and 3 cochin eggs on lockdown! My husband gets a little aggravated at me OK so he gets more than a little aggravated! But he is the one that builds the boxes and pens! I sent him last night to pick up 9 polish chicks and what do u know he comes home with my 9 chicks and a dozen of golden laced polish!!!!! Now I need another incubator! ALL I can say is hurry up quail I have got to get my polish in!
Well here it goes, My name is Sara and I am a incubator addict! (for some reason kind of reminds me of nemo LOL) but anyways I am not ony a hatching addict I LOVE buying chicks also! I just put 70 quail and 3 cochin eggs on lockdown! My husband gets a little aggravated at me OK so he gets more than a little aggravated! But he is the one that builds the boxes and pens! I sent him last night to pick up 9 polish chicks and what do u know he comes home with my 9 chicks and a dozen of golden laced polish!!!!! Now I need another incubator! ALL I can say is hurry up quail I have got to get my polish in!

Welcome Sarabeth,You won't get help with a 9 step program here! If you need help feeding your addiction you came to the right place!!!

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