Incubators Anonymous

Hi Vingo your in the right place I know there's no help for me also.
I have a friend who's Pheasant eggs keep hatching early. We keeps dropping the temp in the bators trying to get a better hatch time and rate. Down to about 98degrees in the bators now. Hoping this hatch will go better. Will be the last one of the year. As his hens have stopped laying with the heat.

Keep us posted. Maybe this time the temp will be just right. It's the eggs that tell us the right temps.
hello, my name is vingo, and im an incubator addict like everyone else.I own 5 incubators (one industrial) and 3 extra that i made. everyone around me knows it. they can tell by way i jump around(
), always exited about my next hatch. i dont think anyone can help me.

We won't be m uch help because we'll be as excited as you about the next hatch!! I live here on IA even when I'm not hatching.
ok, well... HM...

i ordered 24 eggs from Donna, but i didn't get 24. lets see...

i got 11 marked C, 10 marked BR, 5 marked blue, 9 with B, and 4 not marked anything. well, guess i can't complain, that's... (ran out of fingers and toes, counting on dog's toes too... ok ran out of dog had to use cat too LOL) 39! wow.

any help with alphabet soup here? 8) 'blue' and 'B' look like marans, so do the unnamed ones. BR i'm guessing is barred rock. C? cuckoo marans? they are darker than the br, but not as dark as B and Blue...
Does anyone else find themselves earnestly begging god to let a little one hatch safely. I have my lone silkie egg from a swap that started to grow and its rocking and peeping and rocking some more and has been since this morning early but hasnt made an external pip . Im so afraid Ill lose another one .
ok, well... HM...

i ordered 24 eggs from Donna, but i didn't get 24. lets see...

i got 11 marked C, 10 marked BR, 5 marked blue, 9 with B, and 4 not marked anything. well, guess i can't complain, that's... (ran out of fingers and toes, counting on dog's toes too... ok ran out of dog had to use cat too LOL) 39! wow.

any help with alphabet soup here? 8) 'blue' and 'B' look like marans, so do the unnamed ones. BR i'm guessing is barred rock. C? cuckoo marans? they are darker than the br, but not as dark as B and Blue...

I want to make sure you have a good hatch. The C is cuckoo marans and would be bigger and darker than the BR and they are Barred Rocks marked with a BR (Blue pullets with a Reg BR roo). The dark ones would all be Blue and Black Copper Marans. Hum... I don't remember marking any just a b..... The only ones laying are my hens covered by my Blue Copper roo... there might be a couple in there from the Black Copper but they really quit laying so I doubt it. I sold them yesterday.
I want to make sure you have a good hatch. The C is cuckoo marans and would be bigger and darker than the BR and they are Barred Rocks marked with a BR (Blue pullets with a Reg BR roo). The dark ones would all be Blue and Black Copper Marans. Hum... I don't remember marking any just a b..... The only ones laying are my hens covered by my Blue Copper roo... there might be a couple in there from the Black Copper but they really quit laying so I doubt it. I sold them yesterday.
I thought you didnt have the cukoos anymore. ?
Quote: I had a woman that was going to buy them and she had some problems ( I kinda know her so I was holding them for her ) and after a month or so she backed out. I think I have them sold now but I have not heard back from him either. They are for sale......

I am keeping one Cuckoo hen. I have some growing up too. If they don't show gold I will try to use them. I have a young roo that is going to be the start of my next flock. I think he is splash and only 1 copy of the barring gene. I am going to put him with the 1 cuckoo I am keeping. He came from a darker egg and has feathered legs so hoping he will help in those department too. He will also throw me some SOLID Marans too (they are VERY hard to find ... TRULY SOLID Blue or Black Marans usually have gold leaking)
Ah yeah I know how that goes . I had 3 of 5 people back out from the chicks they were sapose to take from me. Now I have like 11 7 week old chicks in my livieing room

I hope this little silkie pips soon Im gonna have a heart attack or soemthing . 12 hours now of peeping and rocking but no pipping
Finally got the eggs in lockdown. 1 had pipped when I put them in. Several had internally pipped.

When I last looked I had about 8 pips that I saw. Today is just day 19
I just love it that they hatch early but should I worry? They seem fine when they hatch.

I candled the other batch of eggs and DANG it my Good Shepard roo is NOT doing his job
His is about 9 mths old. I know heritage birds are slow to mature but COME ON! Any Suggestions? I think he needs a teacher, but I can't take a chance on him fighting with another roo. He has been with these girls for a few months and STILL NOTHING!

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