Incubators Anonymous

You could always start insiminating the hens with his stuff if you really need fertel eggs from him but besides that I have no idea. Defluffing the vent area getting saddles for traction :hmm ... ?? Someone should know though.
You could always start insiminating the hens with his stuff if you really need fertel eggs from him but besides that I have no idea. Defluffing the vent area getting saddles for traction :hmm ... ?? Someone should know though.
I don't think that is the problem.... I think he is not even TRYING to get his GROOVE!

Maybe I need to go watch that video on youtube.....
Ah yeah I know how that goes . I had 3 of 5 people back out from the chicks they were sapose to take from me. Now I have like 11 7 week old chicks in my livieing room

I hope this little silkie pips soon Im gonna have a heart attack or soemthing . 12 hours now of peeping and rocking but no pipping
I have had several people interested in my chicks also. They even call or email and want me to save this one or that one. I got tired of them backing out on me. The brooders in my carport are overrun with chicks! I have 41 chicks 2 - 3 - 4 weeks old. We've tried to let the older ones in the run when the 7 weeks old girls are free ranging. As soon as the girls realize what is going on in their run, all meanness comes out in them. It's the Gold Comets and New Hampshire Reds that are the most aggressive towards them. The Barred Rocks and Australorps are wonderful with them. Even my Australorp roo tolerates them. We've had to close the run when we let the silkies and Gold Laced Polish in there. Those are the ones that they want to be the meanest to (snatching by the feet, pulling the top hats). It's crazy.

I wish you luck with your silkies that are trying to hatch. I have 2 Jerseys that I'm so nervous about. They are due to hatch next weekend. I've lost all of them except these 2 and 1 is very iffy.
We won't be m uch help because we'll be as excited as you about the next hatch!! I live here on IA even when I'm not hatching.
Me too! I'm afraid I'm going to miss something. My hubby says since I have 41 chicks in the carport and 16 in the coop/run that I can't hatch any more until these are sold. He's not very thrilled about the 2 JG eggs that left in the bator. Maybe if I sneak a few here and there, he won't notice. His chicken math is way better than mine (and I teach Math. LOL).
I have been free ranging my young roos with my JG Simon's flock. He is Very tolerant, don't know why, he's my best producer. I think he's a good teacher too. I'd try pushing up the protein levels a bit. Isn't it pretty hot up there right now? Maybe some ACV or electrolytes in the water or a couple of very active roos in the pens next to him. Sometimes I thing my guys have a competition going back there, once one gets started----
I have been free ranging my young roos with my JG Simon's flock. He is Very tolerant, don't know why, he's my best producer. I think he's a good teacher too. I'd try pushing up the protein levels a bit. Isn't it pretty hot up there right now? Maybe some ACV or electrolytes in the water or a couple of very active roos in the pens next to him. Sometimes I thing my guys have a competition going back there, once one gets started----
This actually works in other livestock too!! Watching is great incentive.
I saw a thread for a hatch along , aiming for hatch day on WOrld egg day. I thouight I would pass this along in case anyone needs a reason to hatch!

It's for educational purposes right?
I saw a thread for a hatch along , aiming for hatch day on WOrld egg day. I thouight I would pass this along in case anyone needs a reason to hatch!

It's for educational purposes right?
World Egg Day? can't have been created by anyone on THIS group... EVERY day is egg day. right?

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