IncuView turner information wanted

Yes, they turn the eggs, but not as efficiently as the other type of turner that has cups that hold eggs upright and rock back and forth.

I have marked X and O's and that has shown me they don't turn evenly, X and O's end up 'out of order' so to speak. Much has to do with the contact between the egg and the bottom mesh of bator and the eggs touching each other which may create resistance against turning smoothly. The nature of the oblong egg can cause some 'shingling' along the row, which further impedes the eggs from turning evenly.

That said I've had pretty good hatches with this bator, first one was 100%.
I don't do a ton of hatching, once or twice a year in spring, if I did I might use the rocker type turner for incubation and the Incuview for hatching...cause no doubt that big clear lid is the bomb.

Do you think it is possibly that it might not turn a particular egg enough and cause the embryo to possible get stuck on one side of the egg?

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