Indian Runner Ducks vs My Current Flock

Runners defiantly work together as a team mine are inseparable they do everything together. My Buffs being hatched with them are part of the Runner clan and are accepted as though they are just two short Runners. My Muscovy’s are more independent they do hang out together but will go off by themselves or in twos to forage and never walk or run in a straight line lol. These breeds get along great mainly because they ignore each other. They eat together but there is rarely any interaction between them except my one and youngest Muscovy (6) she hatched some of these Runners and Buffs and had always liked to hang out with them. She never joins in the single line formation when they go out in force to forage and rid their world of anything thing that might have invaded over night . I wouldn’t say Calls are mn’t better than Runners but sure rank right up at the top of the list with them. Cute little pudgy things that they are;)
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