Indian Runner sitting longer


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 2, 2008
Conejo Valley
So, I have two Indian Runners and my female (BJ) has a clutch of 14 eggs. I noticed a week ago she was sitting on them during the day but not really at night. Now she is sitting all day and night. I do not know when she started sitting , so my question for anyone is: How do I know when the eggs would hatch?

I have checked them over the weekend but I didn't notice anything different. I have hatched chickens and ducks before but I knew when I started. My boy Runner (Aflac) is very protective of the yard, but the past few days he has gotten more aggressive towards the other animals who get close to the duck pen.
You could guesstimate the time based on when you first saw her sitting. Have you tried to candle the eggs to see how far along they are?
Thanks Kevin565. Never tried candeling before, I will try that today. I just dont want to disturb her any more than the dogs do. If I candle will I be able to see a figure? I know when I hatched the pevious ducklings (hatched by my chicken) I could feel weight and when it was the day before hatching I could hear peeps.
I've also never candled eggs before but i believe you should be able to see a figure.
I've also never candled eggs before but i believe you should be able to see a figure.

I've never candles, tried but not sure. I had the same thing happen with my runners, I just guessed (and was way off
) I ended up putting a large dog kennel over my female and the nest because the others were picking on her and still laying in the nest. Silly ducks

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