Indian Runners: Very small?

Seriously! Awwww yay šŸ˜­ Iā€™m really really really hoping that my little Juniper is going to make It, and turn out like yours! She loves sitting on my lap. her sisters (broodermates) already arenā€™t that into sitting with me.
A friend of mine sent me this video. You can see just how far behind the runner is compared to a pekin. Mine are FINALLY starting to get their fawn and white color and feathering out!

I started out with 2 blue Swedish, 2 rouens, 2 buffs and 1 chocolate runner (they only had one) and he has always been ā€œthe runt.ā€ I got the back in March, and they are all healthy and fully feathered now, but when they were babies he looked weeny next to his friends. I used to get him of of the bath first because i was worried about him getting cold before the others. I keep saying he, but i still dont know his sex. Do runners have sex curl feathers?
Your ducks are so cute!
I was really confused as to why our runners were so small even after growing up haha. We have babies of other breeds that are now bigger than the adult runner hen (Missy). Missy ended up having mixed babies of different breeds, and her full runners are definitely very small compared to her buff mixed ones. And the pekins we had bought are about double the size and half the age of Missy's šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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