I put all the eggs in 2 flats and tilted them 45 degrees in bator. Will just take flats out tomorrow and turn flats 180 degrees and then tilt them the other way 45 degrees. Now they are stacked with air still getting in between all them. Babies in LG due in 7 days!!! Candled them tonight and out of 35 only 4 did not develop all the way the other 31 are very active with lots of movement. Some of the eggs are pretty much all black like there is no more room for chick to grow but I did see some movement in those. Wife thinks Im crazy and told me I better find homes for some because we cant be like the 101 dalmations. LOL I told her its not 101 now because i took 4 out. She then looked at me funny and said " oh yea 4 makes a big difference" I just laughed and said we just need to build more coops.

Here is few more pics since i put eggs in flats.
They are tilted just can tell. Plus pics are upside down now for some reason. If anyone has any other opinions please feel free to share. I cant really think of anything else to do till the others hatch.

True. But the light doesnt make a big difference in there for heat. But I dont know for sure since im not in the coop. LOL
im in the coop here and there its built into our shed (moving it to our yard this spring/summer) its alittle cold in there but not as cold as it would outside im originally from Michigan so im kinda use to the cold
Animallover, your adult birds shouldn't need heat as much as the babies do.My birds have done great all winter with no heat or light. The babies need heat, they have to be kept warm or their bodies can't grow, and they cant digest food. They won't live hun. I am sorry, but that;s the facts. I would hate to see you lose more babies, its so sad when they die. Please if there's any way you can do it give them heat.
I put all the eggs in 2 flats and tilted them 45 degrees in bator. Will just take flats out tomorrow and turn flats 180 degrees and then tilt them the other way 45 degrees. Now they are stacked with air still getting in between all them. Babies in LG due in 7 days!!! Candled them tonight and out of 35 only 4 did not develop all the way the other 31 are very active with lots of movement. Some of the eggs are pretty much all black like there is no more room for chick to grow but I did see some movement in those. Wife thinks Im crazy and told me I better find homes for some because we cant be like the 101 dalmations. LOL I told her its not 101 now because i took 4 out. She then looked at me funny and said " oh yea 4 makes a big difference" I just laughed and said we just need to build more coops.

Here is few more pics since i put eggs in flats.
They are tilted just can tell. Plus pics are upside down now for some reason. If anyone has any other opinions please feel free to share. I cant really think of anything else to do till the others hatch.

that should work well. You sure have your hands full! Best of luck to you on hatch day, so exciting!
Animallover, your adult birds shouldn't need heat as much as the babies do.My birds have done great all winter with no heat or light. The babies need heat, they have to be kept warm or their bodies can't grow, and they cant digest food. They won't live hun. I am sorry, but that;s the facts. I would hate to see you lose more babies, its so sad when they die. Please if there's any way you can do it give them heat.
im bringing the heat lamp in tomorrow and seting it up for the babys ill figure out some warmth for the bigger ones tomorrow

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