Lots of updates today! I got my first egg from my white silkie pen! I'm so happy and that sucker will be going into the bator this week. I'm hoping to get a few more. I was able to go pick up my second pair of Birchen Modern Bantams. The pullet is still so tiny compared to the others. These little guys are great. I decided to move my black pair in with my blue trio. I was worried about the Roos fighting. I moved them over and after a few seconds of fluffing up, they are just fine together! Since the moderns have all came from same breeder, I decided to put the new birchens in with them old birchens. Same thing with the Roos! They get along fine, but having issues with the original hen accepting the new pullet into the flock! So I've pulled the old pullet out and into her own cage for a few days to see if she will calm down. Here is the new pair.

Went to turn on the old desktop computer to print shipping label and update/add member info to the list and it appears to be dead lol. Not really a bad thing, just annoying. I really need a new one anyways. It was so frustrating having to wait to do anything on it because it was so slow!

Lastly, here are the zip ties I bought from lowes to use on subadults and adults until I get numbered bands.

$3 a bag for 100 ties. I didn't think that was too bad.
I looked them up on google to see their images. They remind me of ghosts. If they are starving it can be a sign of overpopulation. One of the sites I was reading listed their predators as few and far between, eagles and overpopulation are their two biggest threats.
Personally I won't mind it a bit if there is a decrease in the hawk and owl population. Not an extinction but a decrease. With these birds being at the top of the food chain for the most part, and the protection of the governments, it seems to me that there are too many now. But they have been protected for almost 100 years. It is not likely to change anytime soon.
Yes, they overpopulate every few years based on the lemming population, and they will fly south. This year is just a freakishly big irruption. There have been so few spotted in Indiana, I would not worry about them bothering your flock. Those that survive will return to the Arctic soon.
Lots of updates today! I got my first egg from my white silkie pen! I'm so happy and that sucker will be going into the bator this week. I'm hoping to get a few more. I was able to go pick up my second pair of Birchen Modern Bantams. The pullet is still so tiny compared to the others. These little guys are great. I decided to move my black pair in with my blue trio. I was worried about the Roos fighting. I moved them over and after a few seconds of fluffing up, they are just fine together! Since the moderns have all came from same breeder, I decided to put the new birchens in with them old birchens. Same thing with the Roos! They get along fine, but having issues with the original hen accepting the new pullet into the flock! So I've pulled the old pullet out and into her own cage for a few days to see if she will calm down. Here is the new pair.

Went to turn on the old desktop computer to print shipping label and update/add member info to the list and it appears to be dead lol. Not really a bad thing, just annoying. I really need a new one anyways. It was so frustrating having to wait to do anything on it because it was so slow!

Lastly, here are the zip ties I bought from lowes to use on subadults and adults until I get numbered bands.

$3 a bag for 100 ties. I didn't think that was too bad.
ETA congrats on the silkie egg!
Great news on combining the groups, easy is nice once in a while.
That is a great buy on the zip ties!
On the pc, does it make any sound at all? wondering if its a power supply.
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Your coop is too lovely. Great colors.

I salute you for that digging prowess. Maybe if I put all the boys to work at it...what time of year did you dig?

I definitely am not even trying to convince hubs this is a money-saving mission. Spreading out the cost of materials breaks it to him more gently, though!

This morning he said "You know those chickens will probably grow on me, too, because the chicks will be cute and I love animals." I foresee a man with a silkie on his lap! The more chicken dudes he sees on YouTube the friendlier he seems to be to the project. I guess he just thought of BYC as a bunch of crunchy housewives (like me).
We did all the digging last spring. About late April/early May. The ground was not frozen then, but still like concrete with the clay soil lol. And yes, the chickens have grown on us all around here also, except the roosters. They are all gone now.

I should have recognized Her Highness right away, my mistake

We were going to as well and quickly gave it up. I have mine buried a few inches under the dirt and out 24 inches. I can still dig and plant flowers around the coop when I get the urge.
I think you can too, and I've love to see pics if you do!

The night before last, I was in my son's room getting him ready for bed when something GIANT flew into our mudroom and right back out again. The porch light was on and the door was open from letting the dogs out, but I still couldn't tell what it was. I know its wingspan was at least 4 ft but it was so quick leaving I couldn't get a good idea of what it was. Lucy was in a crate inside of the mudroom, so it really scared me.
That's what we did. Bury the fencing out horizontally, 2 feet away from the vertical.
I can now give more updates for today! Just candled eggs in the one bator, 21 of 22 silkie/showgirls are fertile with one blood ring. Leaving 20 in the bator. Both black modern eggs I have in there are also fertile! Just a week and a half till lockdown!
I've met Old Salt and Too Fast. They fit the definition of crunchy housewife even less than I do. Hatch master Bradselig doesn't either. Your hubby will be in good company. You may end up with an enabler, that's when chicken math strikes hard!! Lol.
LOL about the crunchy housewife! Not me, it's the wife! I'm not crunchy!!!!!!! John is way more crunchy then me. I've met you also, racin, and you aren't crunchy. You are more laid back, even if it took you 6 hours to get the water up to temp for the plucking J/K . "Let's go rid ourselves of the roosters!" (The gang who would go after all the hens, from the chicken fest you hosted).

Inside stories, be there for the next chickenfest. At your place again, Patrick?
Quote: It is not just my chickens I get nervous about. We have a great horned owl or pair in the area. They will eat pets too like great barn cats. And to top it off they are defensive towards humans. maybe the snowy ones aren't but DH did not know owls are defensive. He thought they were more like hawks that fly away when you approach them. Instead the owl flew right at DH's head when DH went out to scare it away from our tractor coop.

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