These are some of my new babies. 4 barred rock bantys.
also here is new silkies from brad.

Sent from my N861 using Tapatalk
So adorable!

I'm so pieced I could scream!!!! Pretty much everyone knows I got Silkie eggs from Kab AND a friend whose hen died. Well last evening Kabs started to hatch, had three pipped by time I went t bed at 11:10, figured I'd be woken up by little peeping in a few hours. Well fat chance of that! Woke up at 4 by full bladder climbed outta bed to cold! Power went out sometime during the night!!! Bator was down to 91* grrrrrrrrrr of course no progress in bitties with it that cold!!!! Are they still going t hatch? Can they get that cold and still be ok??? I ran t kitchen tried to turn on to boil water (thinking to put a towel in there then ring it and put around bator) duh...electronic igniter! So scrambling to find fire place matches and power comes back on. Run into room crank up heater in bator get heat back to 99,5... And of course damage done so power stays on.... Bn watching for movement and listening for cheeps... Nuttin! So now what????
Grit your teeth, and hope for the best
This has happened to me several times.
Some still hatched, and other times, none. Wishing you luck.
Well just got back from the vets my chickens have coryza. The vet says they could have had it for a long time and it just now showed up, or they could have just got it, or the coons I had in my coop a few days ago could have carried it in.
It can not be cured, IF they make it through the long treatment, they will be carriers for the rest of their lives, cant sell them, cant bring in new chickens. Can be transferred from coop to coop by your shoes ect... A friend of mine wants Big Man and Linus, the only 2 not showing signs, and she has a flock affected with this already. She has chosen to keep them, that's up to her, but I feel differently, I want more and I sell the eggs and ( no eggs are not affected unless you hatch them ) I cant do that with this illness, if people were to find out it would kill my sm business. and I cant watch them suffer, this is a painful thing to the birds.
I am going to give the roo's to my friend and keep my finger crossed for them and for her. They are pets to her and only pets, she don't even eat the eggs, she don't like eggs.... she just spoils them and treats them like kids.
I have chosen to cull my whole flock. Not a thing I want to do but some of these hens I have a bond with and I refuse to see them go through this.
After we cull we will burn and sanitize and not put any poultry on the place for 60 days.
We have not decided what to do with all the chicks I have in the house, don't know how I could keep them in the house after they get bigger, don't have enough cages with enough room for them. So I may have them for sale soon, they are not infected, and they are getting vaccinated by the vet just as a percausen ( cant spell ... just in case thing ) vet said it would be a waste of my money but doing it anyway.
Thank everyone for the support you have given me and letting my rant from time to time.
Oh, no thats horrible to hear.
I am so sorry.
Want you know, you are always still welcome here, You don't have to own chickens to be part of the thread.
When I got home, I had a great surprise. Three more hatchlings joined the one that hatched this morning. Then I got to watch two more hatch right in front of me. It was fun cheering on the little guys.

Three of the hatchlings so far are legbars, and I think they are all boys. Hoping the last one is a girl. It has pipped, so we shall see. The others are all mixes.

Considering my previous two attempts at hatching were 1/7 both times, things are looking up!
So exciting, good luck!

Quote: When we have severe weather, temp swings, and damp dreary weather, another common disease will show up in raccoon.
They can contract distemper. Has many of the similar symptoms. Rabies is less common here, but does occur.
They lose a sense of fear towards people also! Can be a dangerous situation for children.
In the late 90s I had almost 600 raccoon distemper cases reported in NW lake county alone for the year.. Really depressing.
Skunks and bats are a big threat for rabies, also, just FYI to everyone.

Quote: Agreed! Well said too. We need to consider bio-security going forward.
Sooo hoo hey Kab... We are Mommies!!!!


So much for minimizing the straight comb breeds I have. Just ordered barred rock eggs from Fred's Hens! They are just too nice of birds to pass on.
LOL I caved too, my den is buried in brooders and babies
The lghorns sure mature fast, cant believe how big they are already!

Quote: Ugh, it will make you crazy. I always just barely moved mine and was looking every 10 minutes at the temps.

Quote: I know of one over in Noblesville, will check into it tomorrow. Everyone with younger children, when does sports typically wrap up for the summer?
I know that will affect availability for people too.
Not only is it up and moving around but is playing soccer with all it's hatch mates that are yet to get out! Has gotta be a girl too never heard such a big voice from a tiny little thing! Another is zipping now so gonna be at least two! Dark skin looks like 5 toes and Lilmizcareall may get her splash. Dunno for sure though still real wet n sticky looking.
LOL sounds like a little go getter, thats great news!

I'll tell ya, after watching my broodies, those little peeps are not as delicate as we think they are. My broodies always had an egg or two hanging out under tail feathers or a wing. I'm pretty sure it isn't 100 degrees under there. But they almost always have full hatches. My biggest concern with the babies is if they have pipped and get out of the humidity and shrink wrap. I don't think temperature is as iffy as humidity. I found a silkie egg room temp, so very cool, under snow during the last hatch, the little guy still hatched. They didn't have their land legs yet though, so the humidity may have been an issue since my house is so dry even under a broody.
I think that the starting point is a healthy hen. The egg is healthier and the chick will be stronger too.
Hello. Just called TSC in Seymour, IN earlier and they said they were getting their chicks tomorrow (02/26/14). :)

When i asked last year the one in Kendallville told me they were getting them from Townline.
schoonies and waltja02 ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!

Do you want to be listed on the BYC Indiana Members’ List?
“Being a member of this thread” just means adding your screen name and flock info, which can be helpful because the list is a spreadsheet format that lets you sort the list by breed, county, or other category. It’s an easy way to find other members who have the same breed you have or who live in a nearby county, etc.

Click on the link (Indiana BYCers . . .) located below my signature to view the list. Just look at the bottom of the list page for sorting options.
Just look at the bottom of the list page for sorting options.

If you’d like to be added, send me a PM (personal message) by simply placing your cursor over my screen name: Mother2Hens, and you will see “Send a PM.” A personal message ensures that your info is added. Please send your screen name, county, and city. Also include the following information about each member of your flock: List each species (chicken, duck, etc.), breed (Barred Rock, Blue Cochin, etc.), is it a LF (Large Fowl) or Bantam? If you breed, please include the species. bradselig actually adds the info, so you can PM him directly, too-- whatever is the easiest for you. if you have any questions about this thread, please PM jchny2000 (Janet) who is the founder (thread starter) of this group.

About the Indiana Thread~
To participate on the Indiana Thread, we ask that you follow’s rules for family-friendly posts. We have members of all ages. Our thread is known for being very active, and our members are supportive, respectful of each other’s opinions, interesting, and fun! Please post messages and photos as often as you like! Posts are not limited to the topic of chickens. There is no such thing as a “dumb” question! We have members with different experience levels in a variety of interests. Whatever your questions may be, we should have members who can help.

Indiana County Map for instant member location/Avatars
If anyone would like a map of your county, like the one on my avatar, I will be happy to provide one. If someone wants a combo map and a chicken or an animal for your avatar, I can put that together for you, just PM me. When I read posts, many times I think “Now where are they from?” I look at the city and still have no idea what part of the state they’re from. The map icon with the county in red because you could quickly glance and see where the member who is posting is from. These avatars are not required-- they are just a free service if you’re interested.

If members would like me to change the photo(s) on their avatars, just PM me. Someone might have a picture of a chick that has grown into a hen (or a roo!) and would like to update the photo or someone might like something totally different.

BYC Indiana Google Map for detailed information
Cluck Acres (Curtis) set up a Google Map for just us INDIANA BYC’ers. You must first log on to your Google account or make a Google account. (If you have gmail, just use your gmail password). All you have to do is go to this link.... . Here are the directions. You will see the state of Indiana.. Zoom in to where you live and then click on the red button that says Edit. After you click Edit you will see a hand, blue pin point and a zig zag line on the map. Click the pin point and drag it to where you live on the map. After you have placed your pin point then click on it and you can edit your description by adding your county. If you want to change your blue pin point to another icon or upload your own then up on the right of that box click the pin point icon and choose others or upload your own icon. If anyone has problems with this feel free to ask.

This information is submitted periodically by Mother2Hens
Will probably be setting eggs tomorrow in the incubator, but since we've never hatched eggs before, had a couple questions for those with more experience:
i have got a couple of accurite digital therm/hygrometers in the unit + 2 of the little bulb thermometers + the combo gauge on the lid. Question is should i trust one or the other type to be more accurate or reliable since they dont all read exactly the same (+/- 2 deg & aprox 10+ humidity variance), or would it be better to use an average between the high & low readings?
iamfivewire~ We have a lot of hatchers on this thread, so hopefully some of the early birds will see your post. Good luck with your first hatch!

I give up! I will NEVER catch up on reading these pages! I am cheating and skipping right to today's postings.
I LOVE all the chick pictures! While I like the silkies, I can never tell by picture which end is the head, so I am glad to see other types of chicks, too.

toodlesmom~ I was just wondering about you last night! Seems like that happened last time you posted-- coincidences!
So, has your BIL been able to get medical help for his possible cancer reoccurrence? Wishing all of you the best.

Did you decide to get a readymade coop? Chicks are good therapy for all.
Well DH went to town today and I cleaned house, brooders, and started striping the chicken coop for sanitizing tomorrow. About 2 pm DH came home with grocery's, and a plain brown box.... can you guess what what was inside?......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Ameraucana chicks, 3 SLW's, and 2 BR chicks, all on my wish list.
List is getting Smaller.

Love my DH.

chick rookie ~ That's wonderful to hear!!

jchny ~ Glad to hear you're hanging in there!

Originally Posted by CCCCCCCCHICKENS
Awww! You have adorable birdies! So sweet.
I love the second photo of your d'uncle. That's another one of your Ameraucana-looking chickens! What breed is your hurt one? Poor baby!
These are some of my new babies. 4 barred rock bantys.
also here is new silkies from brad.

Sent from my N861 using Tapatalk

:love So adorable!

I'm so pieced I could scream!!!! Pretty much everyone knows I got Silkie eggs from Kab AND a friend whose hen died. Well last evening Kabs started to hatch, had three pipped by time I went t bed at 11:10, figured I'd be woken up by little peeping in a few hours. Well fat chance of that! Woke up at 4 by full bladder climbed outta bed to cold! Power went out sometime during the night!!! Bator was down to 91* grrrrrrrrrr of course no progress in bitties with it that cold!!!! Are they still going t hatch? Can they get that cold and still be ok??? I ran t kitchen tried to turn on to boil water (thinking to put a towel in there then ring it and put around bator) duh...electronic igniter! So scrambling to find fire place matches and power comes back on. Run into room crank up heater in bator get heat back to 99,5... And of course damage done so power stays on.... Bn watching for movement and listening for cheeps... Nuttin! So now what????

Grit your teeth, and hope for the best :hugs This has happened to me several times.
Some still hatched, and other times, none. Wishing you luck.

Well we now have 5 babies. There was only two when I left headed for Indy. My granddaughter said there is two splash, a blue (gray color), a black and not sure bout other thinks maybe white. I'm such a bad mom here I am in Indy while my babies are being hatched at home. : (
Ok so what's the verdict? Is it too early t go knock on Lilmizcareall's door? Hav t get an early start back home, got a call in middle of the night and my DD is in hospital having emergency surg as I type this. Do ya think she'd (Lilmizcareall ) be mad at me if I showed up on her doorstep just after dawn?
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