Quote: I loved watching them at a refuge in NE Indiana, may have been Jasper Pulaski. Just so impressive and beautiful when they flew in to land.

The rain this morning is a welcomed sight over the white stuff! Yes it's messy and sloppy, but I'm so glad it's finally showing up. (Sad face) the near future looks like the temps are gonna drop into the low/mid 30's.
I need the weather to work with me so I can get my coop built!! Sorry y'all that was the first thing on my mind when I woke up lol now I hope everyone is blessed with a wonderful day!¡!¡!

I welcome rain now... Just really done with the freezing temps. Been a very hard winter, heating bills killed my budget last few months.
Been very hard on the animals too. Learned a lot about what breeds of each species are more cold hardy.
So my 19 BAs are doing awesome still. I gave them the left over scrambled eggs a couple times and they LIVE them. Last night I went to give them some kale to see what they thought and one of them I've been wondering if it was a boy, ran over all ruffled up and spread his wings at me!! I was too surprised to knock him back like I would have. Only two weeks old and already have an atritude!!
They are very sweet personable birds. For production, all around dual purpose they are just an excellent flock choice.
Mine are over a year old now, and are just as sweet as they were as babies.
That may just have been an excited greeting! When I let my guys out, they all flap, cackle, fly and act like crazy birds!

Had a bit of a bummer today. Went down to check on the chicks this morning, and found out I had lost my only Blue Barnevelder. No real warning, just was laying dead under the brooder. All the other chicks are doing great, growing like crazy and very energetic. I guess I should be thankful I've only lost one out of the 40 odd chicks i'm brooding.

Oh well, in this hobby, you will definitely lose some from time to time. You just have to do your best to keep them healthy.

One question though - it had yellow poo all over its butt. not like any pasty butt I've seen in the past. And none of the others seem to have it. Is the yellow a warning sign I should be watching for?
I have seen info on yellow poo somewhere.. that is unusual! I haven't read too far ahead yet, hoping someone knows, will start looking too.
I am so sorry
its part of it, but never easy. I lost a little quail tonight, he pipped zipped and hatched.
found him cord still attached to the shell, like the last kick was too much
.DH is always my rational support reminding me it was a "meant to be"
Rest are all zipping around like bumblebees, they are so precious and tiny!
Quote: Good luck figuring it out. Temps going up and down so much I am sure is not helping.

Pile of chicks :

I was just looking over threads about AI on chickens and now I have the urge to test it out just because I can. Yeah, I've got that kinda mind set about new things. Lol. I think if I ever start 'breeding' birds my dad may have to put up with it because it seems to be the easiest way to insure you know who is paired with who right?

Anyway. Hi to all the newbies!

And I'm sorry to those who lost chicks and eggs.
I'm worried a bit about the 30 some eggs I've got in the 'bator since there was a slight flux in room temp that completely {maybe an exaggeration} threw off the temperature of the incubator but now its fine so hopefully it only slightly upsetted the eggs and no real bad damage was done. I think the lowest it got to was around 80 and then it got to about 102. So does anyone know if that will cause losses? It didn't stay at around 80 for more than a half hour or less so I figure that that would be like a broody leaving the nest for just a bit right? And It was Only above 100 for a few minutes. I hope nothing goes wrong, I'm crossing my fingers.
Short periods should be ok. I went thru several power outs and had 2 bad hatches, the rest were fine.
hatching vibes to you!

On a more personal note, Baby Sally is here.

Bless you and your family for your precious little girl

Good post!

Just saw the Indiana BYC site! I can FINALLY share some pictures with other chicken people! Already shared my son's 5 SLW on there!

2 more days until the Final duck decision is made!
Are you picking ducks to order, or getting them at a local breeder/store? I am seeing them everywhere!
I just locked down our first 2 pekin ducklings, one is already pipped internally at day 26!
I got the materials list together for my pallet coop! It will end up being a 8'x12' coop with 80' side walls. the roof is going to be a cross between a saltbox style. I hope to start building this week yet! I warn all of you this will be updated with pic HEAVY post
! The siding will be 1x's taken apart from the pallets as a lap siding style. I will probably do a heavy weather proofing stain and not paint (I want a rustic looking coop). There will be a entrance from the coop into the goats pasture that can be shut off, And a large run (not sure how big yet) off of the coop itself. This will be a fun project and I will try my best to give the "pallet coop" respect when its all done!
Sound exciting! CluckAcres has a lovely pallet coop and LeahsMom (I think ?) recently shared a breeding coops post that was pallets too.
Makes a study, natural looking build that is very attractive!
We are going to start searching for pallets too, want to start building stalls for birthing goats.
I don't plan to add anymore does...
but you know..goat math LOL!
We have a lot of misc supplies to store DH has from auctions for fencing. We have pallet racks, no pallets

Going to start calling the local stores looking for them.
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Saw some bantam chicks at tsc today. They were so cute but I didn't have my brooder set up yet so couldn't get them. Even my mom wanted to bring them home! The first thing I did when I got home was to set up the brooder. Everything is ready except for the light.
My dad mentioned that in the future he wants to build another coop. I think I have my family hooked now. Yay!
Have been drooling over the silver sebrights and millies. I promised DH I wont add to my list till we get new pens built LOL

And I have 4 brooders going.. I need to attend a few chick-anon meetings or something!
My egg flock has dropped drastically due to roosters going to freezer camp, and family that has started keeping chickens too.
(free mixed breed hens for them.) One more "bad day" and I won't have any more leave for a few months.
My sexlink roos all get big fast, and are over running the heritage roos in the egg coop.
Have 5 more that have to go, getting way too big.
I've got a dozen silkie eggs ready to go. Any takers? They are laying about a dozen a week.
I have to pass again! No broody room for a few months, its goose season!
They stop laying in June, very short laying season.

Major victim of "chicken math" today! TSC had the older chicks and Bantams on clearance for $1. We picked up 4 each of Barred Rocks, Silver-Laced Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, Light Brahmas, Easter-Eggers, and White Leghorns. We also got 6 bantams (3 porcelain D'uccles, unsure on others) and 2 each of the Black and Red Sex Links.

Added to our 10 assorted Straight Runs, 4 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Gold-Laced Wyandottes, and 3 assorted Bantams we have a full house! Hoping to get pictures in the next few days, I will make sure to share! If I can get pics of all 10 straight runs would anyone be willing to help sex them?
Lovely choices! Wyandotte are a fantastic dual purpose, leghorns are light eaters.. EE are just pretty and eggs are prettier!
Can;t beat the price either. I can help on the wyandottes at about 3-4 weeks. Most LF breeds, roos feather slower also especially the tail feathers.

I made a pen from a small hog shed with a sliding door. I have 2 brooders going; my mother in law and wife got 20 straight run from rural king that were free with rebait. And I got 40 free Cornish chics that were looking rough 2 days ago. They look fine today.
WOW can't beat that! Awesome on the cornish, they grow super fast.

Hello everyone. I feels like forever since I have been on here. I hope everyone made it through the hard winter ok.
Great seeing you!!! Hows everything going?

The chicks got here around 3 pm. They are settled in now. All arrived alive! I was shocked! There are a few thy are started to act sluggish now. 1 I don't think will pull through- it is healthy just not thriving like a majority of the others. I have another with an eye that sealed shut eye. It is being a little champ though!
Fantastic they all made it. They have the best chance in the world in your care, best of luck with the 2 weaker babies.

My first ever experience with shipped eggs and instead of them leaving at the post office and calling me to pick up they were just sitting outside my front door. No ring of the doorbell or knock at the door...they must have literally tipped toed to the door because my dog didn't even bark that anyone was here and I was home all day watching over hatches and babies in the office right at the front door!! GEESH! So here it is!

As far as I could tell none broken or cracked! I can't see air cells though. .I put them gently in a carton and didn't want to disturb them just yet. I'm letting them sit til sometime tomorrow. .hopefully my last two that have external pips will have hatched and I'll get the bator cleaned .. temps back up...eggs marked and weighed and in they go! There are 14 of fellow BYC Wynette Blue and Black Copper Marans & 2 of her Olive Eggers..
DMRippy didn't have me on her calendar unfortunately so she is sending hers today. I hate to try this with a staggered hatch but I'll probably just buy another bator to use as a hatcher for the first set when they're ready. Ugh..already stressed over the fact $$ spent and things just not lined up like I tried so hard to plan for. I should have followed up with reminders over the weekend and would have avoided this but I hate to be a pest! Ya know!
Wish me luck!
Originally Posted by ellymayRans

O and did you notice the nice little yellow sticker they placed on the box! Sorry to go on and on...but really I was so taken back when I just so happened to have peeked out the door and saw it sitting there!
that sticker tells me they know they oops'd and really..didn't seem to care much!
I get really angry when I see that. Especially my eggs, but in general too.
That's when you see how good the shipper is tho. No damage to the eggs tells me I will be buying from that breeder again!
I have had 2 "dripping wet" shipments of eggs. I DID get refunds on both. one had no more than a foam egg crate, and shredded paper in the box.
the other, the eggs were taped together (no kidding!) with shredded paper. I mean REALLY?
That's just sad.
I have also had eggs shipped from PA that were 80% hatch. you just never know.
Quote: Thats awesome! Good luck with the hatch

Thats why my egg boxes look like a sharpie marker threw up on them. LIVE EMBRYOS, EGGS, FRAGILE, THIS SIDE UP, HANDLE WITH CARE, DAMAGE THIS AND I'LL SHOOT YOU. .....You know the usual be careful with this package messages.
ROFL yes she really does

Quote: X2!

Quote: I love your choices
Frizzles are an obvious and excellent choice to add! So many options that will give you, all will be totally adorable!
And a lot of fun to work with too.

Another pic of the "sleeping beauties":
they are precious
Im indiana too! my grampa had over 200 chickens when i was a kid and now im starting my own small flock!
brittany4 ~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!
What breeds do you have?
Do you want to be listed on the Indiana BYC Members’ List?
“Being a member of this thread” just means adding your screen name and flock info, which can be helpful because the list is a spreadsheet format that lets you sort the list by breed, county, or other category. It’s an easy way to find other members who have the same breed you have or who live in a nearby county, etc.

Click on the link (Indiana BYC Members' List) located below my signature to view the list. Just look at the bottom of the list page for sorting options.

If you’d like to be added, send a PM (personal message) by simply placing your cursor over my screen name: Mother2Hens, and you will see “Send a PM.” A personal message ensures that your info is added. Please send your screen name, county, and city. Also include the following information about each member of your flock: List each species (chicken, duck, etc.), breed (Barred Rock, Blue Cochin, etc.), is it a LF (Large Fowl) or Bantam? If you breed, please include the species. bradselig and CRSelvey (Cheryl) actually add the info, so you can PM either one of them directly, too-- whatever is the easiest for you. if you have any questions about this thread, please PM Jchny2000 (Janet) who is the founder (thread starter) of this group.

About the Indiana Thread~
To participate on the Indiana Thread, we ask that you follow’s rules for family-friendly posts. We have members of all ages. Our thread is known for being very active, and our members are supportive, respectful of each other’s opinions, interesting, and fun! Please post messages and photos as often as you like! Posts are not limited to the topic of chickens. There is no such thing as a “dumb” question! We have members with different experience levels in a variety of interests. Whatever your questions may be, we should have members who can help.

Indiana County Map for instant member location/Avatars
If anyone would like a map of your county, like the one on my avatar, I will be happy to provide one. If someone wants a combo map and a chicken or an animal for your avatar, I can put that together for you, just PM me. When I read posts, many times I think “Now where are they from?” I look at the city and still have no idea what part of the state they’re from. The map icon with the county in red because you could quickly glance and see where the member who is posting is from. These avatars are not required-- they are just a free service if you’re interested.

If members would like me to change the photo(s) on their avatars, just PM me. Someone might have a picture of a chick that has grown into a hen (or a roo!) and would like to update the photo or someone might like something totally different.

BYC Indiana Google Map for detailed information
Cluck Acres
(Curtis) set up a Google Map for just us INDIANA BYC’ers. You must first log on to your Google account or make a Google account. (If you have gmail, just use your gmail password). All you have to do is go to this link.... . Here are the directions. You will see the state of Indiana.. Zoom in to where you live and then click on the red button that says Edit. After you click Edit you will see a hand, blue pin point and a zig zag line on the map. Click the pin point and drag it to where you live on the map. After you have placed your pin point then click on it and you can edit your description by adding your county. If you want to change your blue pin point to another icon or upload your own then up on the right of that box click the pin point icon and choose others or upload your own icon. If anyone has problems with this feel free to ask.

This information is submitted periodically by Mother2Hens
Quote: I don;t think anyone else will deliver shipped eggs either, just USPS.
Thanks for the update. I am planning to try one out, but am not fully sold on them yet.
I remember bradselig built one, I may even go that route!

There is a chick in my. Bedroom laying by a space heater. Poor guy was almost dead, so I brought him in an am giving save a chick every 30 minutes. He had a rough trip. This is the one that was failing to thrive Amoung the others, he is smaller
good luck to your little trooper.

Originally Posted by chick rookie
M2H this was minmin1258 that got the little coop, not me
. I'm happy for her that's great just wanted to clear that up. And you are right Most acts of kindness are "priceless."

chick rookie ~ You are correct-- I was mixed-up! minmin is also very deserving of a free new coop!

chick rookie ~ Now you are mixed-up! lol That was CRSelvey who posted that. It's easy to get confused on this thread, but I figure it's good for my aging brain to sort it all out! haha I use brown for my posts just to color code them to make it easier to follow. Old people like me having to develop coping skills! haha
I know my page at a time catch ups don't help either. Just so many posts I really want to comment on!
The first three pictures are of the pullets we got today, along with the Buff Orps and GLW we already had. The next two pictures are the Bantams. I was told by the lady working at TSC that the smaller bantams were Porcelain D'Uccles and Mille Fleur, thoughts? The last picture is my favorite from the older straight runs.

Originally Posted by RavenChance
Adorable, all of them
Too young to sex yet, but you sure got some nice picks out of what they had!
Feather sexing is hard, you have to see the individual wing tips at about a day old.

It's nice to see some of our long, lost members posting again ~ and it's great to have so many new people join us!
Originally Posted by SallyinIndiana
On a more personal note, Baby Sally is here.

SallyinIndiana~ I'm confused!? Did you have your baby? Is her name Sally? I just recently remember you mentioning that you were expecting, so that's why I am perplexed. Plus, you're referring to a human baby, and we've been used to hearing about tons of chickens and goats, etc.! Plus, your announcement is so understated!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!

Too Much Excitement!
This evening before dark I brought my six hens out to the side yard to help me to yard work. We spotted some turkey vultures circling above, luckily looking for dead things. All of a sudden a large animal was there, and I screamed --all I thought of in that split second was Great Dane, but it was a large doe that raced by us just a few feet away at top speed! The area we were in is a pathway around 6' wide to the open back yard. I was afraid that one of my hens had possibly been trampled, but they all stood up tall like statues and we're no doubt thinking, "What the heck?!" I was worried that a buck might be chasing the doe, so I kept scanning the yards. I noticed that my Jubilee orp and bantam orp had moved a little far away from the rest of us, so just as I was going to get them, a big dog appeared across the street and had just spotted them. I started screaming, and amazingly, the dog turned around and went the other way! I can't even scream very well, so it must have been my crazed appearance that scared it away. After those back-to-back episodes, I decided it was time to herd the hens to their back fenced-in yard.
HeaVenSFeaTheRs ~ You might also look at the top right hand corner of this page where you'll see your screen name listed under "My Profile." Your screen name has a drop down menu where you'll see "Preferences." You can set your notifications how you'd like. I receive an email each day: "Backyard Chicken Updates." When I open the email, it shows the "Indiana BYCers Subscription." I just click on that and it goes directly to that day's posts. I never even get around to looking at the main site or our FB site. I'm lucky to keep up with our fast moving thread!
Oh my, M2H! Thats too many scares in one day! Warmer temps, more dogs are roaming, critters are active.
I am back to checking coops couple times a night. just get so concerned for my birds.
The chick was doing really good around 12-2 last night/this morning. He was starting to walk around so I took him o his "bed" as he was walking dangerously close to the heater. Put him in a box with his bed and everything. The alarm didn't go off at 4 and he went from 2-6 without food. He was weak again, by still peeping his little heart out, which is still an improvement over when I first brought him in. If he starts moving around I might put him in the box with a hand/toe warmer. If all else fails I have my incubator warming up. So I can stick him in there too. He is getting feed every hour. The space heater is turned all the way up and it is like a sauna (sp)- I woke up sweating!
LOL been there a few times! Incubator sounds like a good choice, add food and a tiny water dish.
Last power outage, I put my kerosene heater in the den.
Cracked the window at the top for ventilation and stayed up til the electric came on.
I had it up around 90
but it worked!
Good Morning Indiana'ers,,

I want to thank browncow15 and bradselig for helping me build up my flock. Everyone is doing fine. Here is most of the flock this morning enjoying a breakfast of their regular feed and some dandelion greens. Back behind the barn you can see the new coop being built. We are a bit behind since my husband has been spending a lot of time with his mom, she was hospitalized last week and has very bad lung problems. She is home now and doing ok. He did work on the doors yesterday and I have the interior design all drawn for him.

I am still on the look out for Marans and EE's and Ameraucanas and will always take young ISA Browns. Please PM me if you have any available.

So sorry to hear about your husbands mom, glad she is recovering.
Lovely picture! I Love our marans, only have 2 hens, but plan to expand the flock this year.
Quote: Will you send the cover back?

I have found in the past that when I deal with someone that has authority there that they are very willing to help, refund, etc. Problem is when you get one of the "young'uns" that don't take the initiative to get you to the right person. When I was young and working like that I'd always try to get people a refund, etc...took initiative. But I think that many young folks today just "follow the rules in the rulebook" and don't take initiative to think outside the box.

Glad you got to the right person.
I think its a lot of what kids are taught by the parent too. Respect to your customer, and pride in your work is so important!
I will always return to the store that gives good service and support first, even if it costs a little more.

and left... I am not excited to see the next weeks forcast..UGH

This has been a winter that won't quit.
Good morning everyone! Just a quick post for two things. Yesterday while I was fixing dinner, my DH said get over here quick!!! I ran to the window and there was an opossum trying to get into my garden while the chickens were out. He chased them off, but it was so disconcerting seeing it out there. The chickens just gathered around to see what it was going to do. They didn't even have the sense to run back into the actual run so I could lock them up safely. I thought they knew danger.

Anyway, I know many of you worm your chickens and I'm wondering: only when you see a need or preventatively. Which do you do?

Have a great day. I will try out my access and try updating the spreadsheet tomorrow morning with the new requests. I didn't know I was authorized yet
So sorry, been so busy lately, thanks to M2H for getting you set up!

I am terribly sorry he didn't make it.

Quote: I know we all have different views on predators. I trap and do not release, some species will travel 60 miles or more to return.
Most die from relocation, and often due to starvation. I won't contribute to the overpopulation problem, or give it to another farmer.
(I was a rehabilitator for wild life many years, and was director of animal control also, for 3 large communities)
I do not harm protected or endangered animals, I will call DNR if necessary for advice.
I do follow a worming schedule, because I have so many species of birds and livestock, late spring and late fall.
After the spring rains are over and winter starts are the normal times for us,
Thanks all for the help on my bator. The Welsummer were put in on the 11th so I put them on lockdown on the...28th and they should hatch on the 31st. Unless my math is bad which it usually is
I'm right, right? My dad checked too though so I should be good. Ugh, personal tormentor.

I've got silkies due on the 3rd of april too so I've got to make a hatcher to put the wlesummers in so that I don't have to mess with the silkie eggs.

Lol and dad is threatening to turn the ee chicks outside in a few weeks they are soo cute! Their feathers are coming in and they are all so pretty. I was a little concerned because a couple ate and stood their up straight and shook their heads like they were having seizures of something. I took one out and massaged its chest/crop area incase it was choking and I was surprised at how small but hard and full their crops get. You'd think I was starving them too by how quick they all jump at the food. They cover it up almost withing minutes when I change it out because they like to scratch.
They're something I just don't know what yet.

Ah Kab I'm sorry about the baby duck.
Doesn't sound like that was very fun.

Great hatching plans! The food race is just normal chick stuff, means they are healthy and thriving, good job!
Well, TSC finally got me. I had to pick up some chick feed, and got ducks too. I have a couple Pekins right now, pretty sure these are Kahki Campbell's (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)

adorable babies!
My wife and I were working on the new coops walls. We kept hearing a goat crying loudly, looked over and one of our expecting does had a head and leg poking out!!! And then I helped this little fella out!!! So far just him!

LOL it always happens that way it seems! What a doll, congrats!
X2, I raise all the feeders & waterers as the babies grow to just neck height.
Lot less waste and fewer litter changes.
For anyone in the Indianapolis area that likes to meet up and talk chicken with like minded folks, another group that I belong to is starting up again and having their first meeting of the year.

The Central Indana Poultry Enthusiasts are a small group of chicken owners/wanna be owners that meet occasionally to socialize with other chicken folk. I found this group before I found the Indiana BYC thread, so it was a great outlet to find a group who would open up their homes, and talk chickens with not an eye roll in the house (at least until chicken math was brought up!) There will be people there with just a couple birds on up to people like me who don't like to admit even to themselves how many chickens they have. lol.

The meetings rotate among the homes of some members who volunteer to show off their chickens and coops. I got a lot of ideas from the meetings I went to. Some of you have already met some of them because when we had Poultryfest at my place last year, a lot of them attended also. I have enjoyed every meeting I've been to.

Here is the invite:

Calling all Indy area chicken owners/enthusiasts/seekers of chicken truths
Winter is behind us(hopefully) so let’s get together for food, fun, and chicken stories

Sunday, March 30th 3 - 6
Home/Urban Farm of Sue Gilfoy, (contact me for her address, don't want to post if for everyone to see)
(near IMA & Marion College)

Sue & her five chickens will greet you with open beaks, eager to hear how you dealt with the challenges
of having and caring for your chickens in bitter cold and feet of snow. Did anyone come up with clever
new ways/diets to keep your girls happy and still producing eggs despite the bad weather?

Please bring a snack or drink to share

Call Sue at 317-295-9903 for directions

Don’t mean to be a pessimist but if it is raining or snowing, let’s postpone one week to 4/6
* Some may also want to discuss ordering chicks

If you are interested in going, send me a pm with your email, and I will forward it to the host to send you the invite poster. I can't figure out how to post a .pdf on here.

This brings up the topic of biosecurity. Please be aware you are visiting the home of a chicken owner and will be surrounded by chicken owners who may not be as knowledgeable or careful as you are. I'm not saying this is a reason not to go, but it is something to be aware of. I firmly believe that with the proper precautions, you can have a great time and keep your chickens safe. I have a seperate set of shoes and clothes that I wear to other chicken properties that I wash upon returning home, and never wear near my chickens.

Also - i'm not sure if I will be there or not at this point. I may have to be out of town that weekend. things are still up in the air on that.
Fantastic post, thanks for sharing! I wish we could attend, sounds like a lot of fun! We are booked up that weekend also

April gets a little crazy for us since the campground opens, but please keep us posted on events for the group.

I believe that our doe is only going to have the one baby boy! He is strong and already nursing and following his momma around!
Nice big buckling. He looks super strong, congrats on a great birth, and excellent doe too!

And they are here! I finally received my now trio of Lemon Blue Sports (splash) modern bantams! I'm loving their colors. Here are some quick crappy pictures.

The roo

Hen I bought

Freebie hen
Wow, stunning! There is quite a variety in them I am seeing, like the OEGBs.
Roo is awesome! Is he dubbed, or young yet?
Hen #1 is very striking for sure, #2 is pretty cute too!
I love the long legs and clean lines on the birds.

Quote: Bless your heart, she is just too precious.
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