always can use more chicks...

I have some down my drive and was wanting to move it into the yard, my flock free range too, am going to try it we shall see.
think I will look it up.

from day 1 as in age 1 day?

I like the overlapping as well. Great job BTW

mine have been on starter grower, how do you think I should switch them over? little at a time, mixed in with the starter maybe?
That is what I would do, kind of wean them off it.
always can use more chicks...

I have some down my drive and was wanting to move it into the yard, my flock free range too, am going to try it we shall see.
think I will look it up.

from day 1 as in age 1 day?

I like the overlapping as well. Great job BTW

mine have been on starter grower, how do you think I should switch them over? little at a time, mixed in with the starter maybe?
Yep a day old. It is for all ages. It's pretty high in protein. I supplement vitamins in their water with chick saver and apple cider vinegar, but it isn't necessary.
I have a chick(10-12 weeks old) that is dying.
I moved her group to the grow-out coop about 4 days ago and everyone else seems to be doing really well. I have no idea what's wrong with her. She did drink water when I dipped her beak, but other than that she's not moving. Her body temp seems very cool. While I was trying to put all the chickens away tonight, my rooster grabbed her up by the neck and shook. She was hiding under a piece of wood, so I thought she was safe.
She survived his attack, but I don't think she'll make it through the night. Does someone have the info for getting a necropsy through Purdue? Is it free? I'm having a hard time finding the info on their website and I want to make sure it's not a contagion or whatever.
ETA-symptoms: Her belly area looks dirty, like she hasn't cleaned herself, but nothing is stuck to her. All poops in the tractor look clean. This is not the same group that had Coccidiosis a few weeks ago. She's very listless, drinks water, but only if her beak is dipped. Her vent area also looks clean.
I don't feel very "cut out" to be a chicken momma right now.
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One thing that I was thinking with the grasses is that you don't get a stump like you do if you need to cut down a tree. Now I have no experience with them so maybe y'all can educate me.

I need a privacy across about 160' but I don't want to plant trees because they often die from the bottom up (spruces) and leave you with a bunch of tall trunks and no cover at the area you want. Then when you go to remove them, there are stumps and roots that are a hassle to get rid of.

So I was thinking to do the grasses as an experiment and if we hate them, I figured that you could just cut them down and resume mowing the area rather than having to grind out stumps.

Is that possible?
I think its a great idea! FIL really likes his, I would love to add some as a barrier.
So many ideas!

What's the temps in your area? Not your incubator temps but weather temps. I figured i better clarify that since most of us are hatching fanatics. Lol

sent from your friendly neighborhood poultry raiser! cluck... cluck...

60 some degrees, it was beautiful today! I wore shorts til after 7pm.
My chicks that I have outside are all 6 weeks and older, the lowest temp this week is going to be 34 at night and 49 daytime, do you think I could shut thier heat light off at night? I already turn it off when it is above 50. If they get cold would they have enough body heat to stay warm? There is 15 of them. in this

I think if they had extra bedding to help insulate they would be ok.
I have a chick(10-12 weeks old) that is dying.
I moved her group to the grow-out coop about 4 days ago and everyone else seems to be doing really well. I have no idea what's wrong with her. She did drink water when I dipped her beak, but other than that she's not moving. Her body temp seems very cool. While I was trying to put all the chickens away tonight, my rooster grabbed her up by the neck and shook. She was hiding under a piece of wood, so I thought she was safe.
She survived his attack, but I don't think she'll make it through the night. Does someone have the info for getting a necropsy through Purdue? Is it free? I'm having a hard time finding the info on their website and I want to make sure it's not a contagion or whatever.
ETA-symptoms: Her belly area looks dirty, like she hasn't cleaned herself, but nothing is stuck to her. All poops in the tractor look clean. This is not the same group that had Coccidiosis a few weeks ago. She's very listless, drinks water, but only if her beak is dipped. Her vent area also looks clean.
I don't feel very "cut out" to be a chicken momma right now.

Awe I hate to hear that Lil! I was gonna say sounds like cocci. The only way to be sure is get her separated in a box with a heat lamp lined with paper towel so you can clearly see her droppings. Get her started on Corid right now and start the others on it too. It won't hurt them. You might get it soon enough but her already being cold sounds too late. The others though you can save but act fast. Obviously just my opinion but that's how I've dealt with it and experienced. Keep in mind that the poo doesn't have to be bloody. Very wet white watery is also cocci.
First nice day of spring!!!! The bobble heads got to free range for awhile, and the new duck ladies got to meet the flock with little to no issues. they took right too each other.

Loved all the pics

For poking around outside, I think I actually got a little done. I fixed a pen that had a piece of loose netting- I really should of done that last week, because everyday this girl has been out

She is easy to catch

I cleaned out the shop. It had sawdust piles I had swept up, but not scooped. (from when I had quarientine pens sat up)

Took apart some pallets

And got the bottom and 1 side done for one of my new breeding pens. (not yet actually put together
She is a cutie! I cut the ugly bush wayyyyy down to a manageable size today, and cleaned up the yard. So much to do.

This is what happens when you let you Jack Russell out while tearing out a koi pond. GRRRRR

too adorable!

Today we had 3 pair of redheads & 1 pair of wood ducks, 3 herons, plus the usual mallards & geese. No snow goose though and no new birds. I was hoping to see the snow goose again, but it's probably on its way to Siberia -- got a few miles to fly yet!
So very cool! I would love to see wood ducks up close, they don't look real, so colorful.
I found an interesting article on sexing chicks. Not sure if it is accurate, but it is informative.
this was interesting, thanks for sharing!
Quote: I have 2 hens that are doing an evil thing that I was going to try crating. When the rooster mates 1 of the 6 month olds and 1 of the older girls, these 2 attack them from the face end while the roo has them pinned down.

The 2 attackers are 2 of the best layers in the flock so I'd hate to just take them out. I'm hoping that things will calm down more when they can range more area now that spring is coming in. But this poor little pullet runs every time the rooster looks her way. She's terrified of being attacked and I could just do something I'd be sorry for when I see it happening.

yes, that would really be jail time for them here. If they were out of the coop a week or so it should change the atmosphere of the coop quick.
Roof is all framed, the next thing is framing in the doors (people & chicken), windows and vents. Then the finishing work. Siding and sheeting/shingles.

Some of the ducks and chickens are already trying to move in!
Thanks all, I'm trying to get it done!! I started the siding and thus gives you an idea of what it will look like.

I think it's break time again lol
Wow! Moving fast! Looking fantastic too.
Forgot to ask - what kind of crate do you use - an all wire one that they can see out of or one of the plastic type crates?
I use wire crates. Just so much easier to keep clean!

Spoiled silkies want out all the time now. If it wasnt for the hawks I would let them. They see me and pile up at the fence lol.

The EE girls on the other hand are being very good today. Just napping with Scrappy.

The bantams and cochin chicks are wild beasties though. :)
Too cute! Yep, thats what all my birds do. Line up at the gates and pace

From what I've read, having a mixed flock of ages, I should stay on starter feed for everyone right? I just integrated my babies with my 6 month old pullets.and everyone gets along great. Still no news on my pullet who cant walk, anyone heard of articular gout? I'm thinking she may have this, the vet has been on vacation, so hopefully tomorrow I'll have more answers.
How old are the babies? Flock raiser is probably a good way to go.

Quote: Really love the feeders. The babies are adorable!

I need some opinions! At first I was thinking of over laping boards for siding, but then I went ahead and tried one wall with the boards laid side by side. This left a ton of gaps so then I went back and started to do a overlapping board and I think it's 100 times better. What do y'all think?
This is the partially done wall with over lap and behind that is the side by side wall. (Partially done because I ran out of nails lol)!!
Opinions please!!!!

Here is a pic of the inside if anyone is interested.
I really like the overlap. Inside looks great!
So bummed. .. tending to the hatchlings and noticed my Olive Egger is looking to have a crossed beak! Sigh... WTH!! excuse the language! but gosh I just hate that! And if I had to guess they all look like boys! I'm happy to have gained a GCM boy and some BCM boys ..though I rather have girl OE as my other came out with a single comb ... the pea combed one is tge one with the crossed beak...not what I wanted

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