Perfect. Thanks, Brad.
He's going to check and let me know if he has eggs hatching next week!
I recieved this birthday card yesterday and I thought you guys you would like it.

Here is my birthday present to myself lol
A Yellow sided green cheek conure. Her name is Jade. She is 10 weeks old today

Of all the toys I bought her, she likes the food a water holder on the cage the best lol. What a waste.

She has been sneezing throughout the day, so I am going to set up an exam for her very soon.

I stayed home sick today and you would think I would be caught up on BYC, but i'm not.
does anyone know if the turner for the 1588 incubator will fit in the still air? I have a few eggs that I set a week later than my batch going into lockdown tomorrow night. I want to use the 1588 for hatching to see if cleanup will be a bit easier and because there are quite a few eggs this time. But I also don't want to hand turn eggs in my still air.
Hey, glad to see you posting again!
My first thought when I saw your post was to ask how Penny was doing! Rangi's protective of her nest, too, although she usually only starts pecking when it's me checking for eggs!
Penny/Penguin is doing good! DH said she was sitting on two eggs when we came home tonight cause they were very warm. If anyone is gonna go broody, its her.

Glad to see you on here :) Happy to hear Rangi and Roha made up, even though I missed the part when they weren't friendly.
So far I've got 7 chicks in the brooder! One is having some difficulties hatching I think. It broke the shell this morning and has done next to nothing since. It looks rather nasty, but I know that a few other chicks are messy looking from whatever stuff is in the egg with them. But if any of you have any advice? If its dine then its taking its sweet time but if it really does need help id like to know what I can do for it.

Here are some pictures!

The whole little gang, the silvery ones are Br/EE and one of the black ones is too I believe, its got a big fluffy face. The rest are br or br/rir/njg.

Here's the other chick.
Bad pic sorry. Im on my mom's "smart" phone. I'll get more later if he,she,it doesnt do anything else so ill just keep a watch on it.
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Gus' spur surgery went well. We sterilized a whizzer cutting wheel, covered Gus up with a towel turned on the air compressor, and cut through.... VERY CAREFULLY! As we cut half way through, we saw the quick. I wasn't sure about how much blood there would be, so I had the flour ready to stop it. (flour works best if you don't have kwik stop without benzocaine). Mine does, so flour it was.

Well as I had hoped, the friction of the wheel cauterized the spurs and not a drop of blood. Whew! I used alcohol wipes on them and filed the edges that were a bit sharp, and sent him on his way. He kept looking at his legs, so Im sure they are sore. I turned the lights out in the barn and they all went to bed. I didn't want him to knock out the cauterized plugs and start bleeding. So bed is best. I really hope this helps my hens. He is really obsessed with my australorp hen for the last 3 days and she is missing all but her down feathers on her back. I filed his nails down a bit also. They were actually pretty dull. Probably from walking in coarse sand all the time. Fingers crossed that this solves our problem!
Ugh. My soon to be ex husband's girlfriend found a closed fb group in and joined. Is it just me or is that creepy? It's not a group about anything she cares about afaik nor a large one that would be easy to find. I may be sensitive cause I loathe her.

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