No I'm sorry. This is totally ot for here though now I'm terrified she's going to show up here too!
Oh okay. Sorry you are dealing with that.
I recieved this birthday card yesterday and I thought you guys you would like it. Here is my birthday present to myself lol A Yellow sided green cheek conure. Her name is Jade. She is 10 weeks old today Of all the toys I bought her, she likes the food a water holder on the cage the best lol. What a waste. She has been sneezing throughout the day, so I am going to set up an exam for her very soon. I stayed home sick today and you would think I would be caught up on BYC, but i'm not.
Love the card! Happy (belated?) birthday! :D I got a green-cheek conure for my 16th birthday (which was.. wow, quite a while ago!). They can be feisty, but a lot of fun. My guy's name is Koda. :) He gets moody whenever I get my camera out, though, so I don't have any recent pictures of him. :rolleyes: He's either angry at it or afraid of it, can't make up his mind.
[COLOR=800080]Penny/Penguin is doing good! DH said she was sitting on two eggs when we came home tonight cause they were very warm. If anyone is gonna go broody, its her. [/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Glad to see you on here :) Happy to hear Rangi and Roha made up, even though I missed the part when they weren't friendly. [/COLOR]
Aww, so Rangi's going to be an aunt? :lol: Yeah, Roha decided last week that she hated Rangi and was beating her up whenever she saw her. I was glad to see them getting along so well again! :) Roha's such a sweetie, it was so surprising to see her behave in such a way! She and Rangi will both come running to me for snuggles, but Roha in particular is a ham for attention. Rangi's more of a shoulder-hopper. :lol: And a face-pecker, but I've learned her warning signs now so she doesn't get away with it often.
Love the card! Happy (belated?) birthday!

I got a green-cheek conure for my 16th birthday (which was.. wow, quite a while ago!). They can be feisty, but a lot of fun. My guy's name is Koda.
He gets moody whenever I get my camera out, though, so I don't have any recent pictures of him.
He's either angry at it or afraid of it, can't make up his mind.
Aww, so Rangi's going to be an aunt?

Yeah, Roha decided last week that she hated Rangi and was beating her up whenever she saw her. I was glad to see them getting along so well again!
Roha's such a sweetie, it was so surprising to see her behave in such a way! She and Rangi will both come running to me for snuggles, but Roha in particular is a ham for attention. Rangi's more of a shoulder-hopper.
And a face-pecker, but I've learned her warning signs now so she doesn't get away with it often.
Thanks (it was yesterday). She likes to tug on my shirt and bites fingers a little. I blow in her face, as I don't want her doing that. We have gotten a lot better with biting. She like pictures and cuddling. Is yours a yellow sided or just a green cheek? She gets mad when she runs out of the sunflower seeds in her feed (which she picks out and eats first) and she screams when I turn out the light lol. She is pretty quiet though. I really want to get a bigger bird like a goffin's cockatoo, umbrella cockatoo, B+G macaw, or a hynatchi (spelling?) macaw. What can I say, I am a bird person lol. It will be a loooooong time before I get any of those though.
You're right its pretty awful and extremely uncomfortable.
Not fun, good luck with her
. I always thought making yourself seem superior through knowledge was a pretty good idea (that sounded a little nerdy). What I mean is- Most people don't like having the feeling that someone is smarter than them, sort of an ego thing I guess. It is never fun to be in a conversation, where you feel like an complete idiot. Just a thought?
I can imagine your feelings. I have had acquaintances follow me around on the internet. It is almost worse than a big brother conspiracy feeling.
I have not come up with a good solution either. So instead I'm sending you cyber hugs.
At least yours are acquaintances. Mine are family! LOL I think everyone has a Troll somewhere in their lives. Nobody likes trolls. Ever.

Kari was an old girl, but she was a dependable girl. When she was young, she was Toyota's state of the art luxary sedan, her systems and features were years ahead of her time. She stood the test of time, too, and even at the age of 19, after over 200,000 miles of service, she could keep pace with anything on the road. She cornered like she was on rails. She was comfortable and efficient, and her AC was ice cold. We will miss you, Kari. Rest in Peace, old friend.
Had a nice surprise when I got home today! As I pulled up to the nearest intersection, I see someone walking up to my door. I never have visitors (strangers) just show up. I was freaking out a little! As I pull up closer to my house, he runs from my front door out to a vehicle. At this point I can see he looks like a teenager. They back out of my drive, I pull forward. He was a 4Her and saw I had LF Cochins and was wanting some lol. He had wrote a note and put it on my door. So he asked what other breeds I had. I just asked if they wanted to see them. Come to find out I'm related to them by marriage! He seemed very knowledgable and eager to learn. As I went into each pen, I started collecting the eggs from all the pens. He was a talkative young man lol. By the time we saw each pen, I asked if he has incubated eggs before. He had. Then I asked mom if if was ok if he could have some hatching eggs. She said it was fine and I handed him the dozen eggs I collected. You should have seen his eyes light up! Then I asked if he wanted more eggs. He had a big old grin! I went in handed him an egg flat full of older eggs i was going to feed back to the chickens. I explained their age and fertility will likely be poor. So he got a nice mix of silkies, Cochins (both bantam and LF), showgirls, and tolbunt polish.

It was nice talking with him and showing off my birds, but the best part was knowing I just made his day!
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