I have also converted a shed, but mine was already in place. It might be a little out of your way to visit, but I'd be happy to take pics of anything you want to see, and offer what conversion help I can. The hardest part of mine was building the outdoor run, which you have to do in any case. Converting the shed was just a matter of adding ventilation and a pop door, and some kind of roost. Easy cheesy.

If it were me, I'd go ahead and plan out the scratch build, so that I had a good estimate of cost. Then I'd shop out used sheds, and see if I could get one for less. I haven't gone all the way through this process myself, but my instinct is that a used shed will be significantly less money than the materials to build one out - by half or more. LPT bought hers for 100 bucks, and I'm absolutely positive you can't build one for that. I've seen hers, and to scratch build it would be more like 300, or more.

I would love to see pictures. We plan to go see LPT's next week, she is really close, and then we also want to go up and see Chickcrazed's cause she is not too far either. So I am thinking after I see their's I will have more questions and that would be a good time to see some pics of yours. I am a little jealous of LPT's $100 shed - I'd even be excited about a $200 shed, everything I am seeing on Craiglist is several hundred dollars or more (although hubbie is a great negotiator) and then add having to pay someone to transport - hey just realized that we have a trailer hitch on our van, I looked at Uhaul and trailers are not terribly expensive - not sure why I did not think of this earlier!! Duh!

We have a dog run - we need to get finer wire around it (right now it is lined with pallets for daytime play!) and figure out exactly how we will work it with the shed, but my husband can easily figure that out. It would be great if next week we were able to get a good deal on a shed and just be able to skip the small interim playhouse coop altogether. As long as we can get it well ventilated before we go on vacation (when neighbors are taking care of them) we can worry about other modifications after our vacation. So we just need someone to list a decent shed (next week after payday) and we need to see it first before it is snatched up. All the stars must align perfectly! No problem right!
Meanwhile, back at the Henitentiary...

ETA This account of my Memorial Day chicken activity has be Highly Absurdly dramatized for your enjoyment, and because I was bored. I hate to post a chapter half-finished, but it turned out much longer than I intended when I started writing. I'll try to do the rest this afternoon.

Also, in case you were curious, this post recieved a record number of edits. I know you wanted to know.


Looking forward to the second half of the chapter! My husband called in the middle of reading it and I actually found myself debating on whether or not to answer b/c I wanted to know the outcome. I was good, I answered!

So what actually happened the Queen Penelope the Great and Terrible (much more fun to write than plain old Penny!) Did you indeed eat her?
Gregor was the same this morning (getting discouraged) but I did track down Poly-vi-sol at the store today (tired of spending money on medications!!!!). I am going to give him a bath tonight since he has been lying in his own poop for two days now (I have been cleaning his cage but chickens poop almost constantly). I am also going to do some water aerobics with him
and then try to fashion a sling for him to get him off his legs for a bit. I sure hope he is better by the time I get home so I don't have to do this!!! I was really hoping for SOME improvement by the end of day 2 and am a bit bummed. His water had gone down quite a bit yesterday, though, so I know he is drinking. I made up a new solution of vitamins/electrolytes and he drank a lot of that so he must like the taste better than the save-a-chick. I know he has not yet had the poly-vi-sol but he has been eating liver and drinking vitamin water for a couple days now. His symptoms REALLY seem to support a vitamin deficiency so I am not sure why there has not yet been any improvement. I am nervously watching the rest but they seem totally fine.
So what actually happened the Queen Penelope the Great and Terrible (much more fun to write than plain old Penny!) Did you indeed eat her?

You might have missed it in a previous post, #28033 but Penny is doing time in Solitary (Quarantine) with my three new RIRs. That post isn't nearly as dramatic, but I thought it was still pretty good, and there's another post, #27939, that explains Ariel's brief, traumatic experience with these Outsiders. ;-)
As long as we can get it well ventilated

Ventilation is easy cheesy. I looked at a number of options when I did my conversion, and I still need to add more. It's really just a matter of cutting in louvers. The size and shape will be determined by the construction of the shed, but there are dozens of different kinds of louvers - and you can always custom fabricate your own.
Okay - I have several PM's, and computer issues. Every time I try to respond to a PM my computer crashes! It has been doing that a lot lately, I think we are near the end. So if you have written me a PM and I have not responded I am really not trying to be rude. My computer just does not like me very much right now!
So after much contemplation I think it would probably just be easier for me spend the money for an automatic door than try to get together the parts to build one. Those of you that have the ador do you have it mounted outside? Would anyone mind sharing pics?
So after much contemplation I think it would probably just be easier for me spend the money for an automatic door than try to get together the parts to build one. Those of you that have the ador do you have it mounted outside? Would anyone mind sharing pics?

Here is mine - I made a little box type cover to guard the upper door track from getting iced open (not sure it is necessary but may be something to consider if we have another winter like last winter). I do change out the batteries a few times a year, they are cheap though.


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