
Go with your instincts and I hope you have a good day tomorrow!

Here he is. poor baby with no toes!
That's amazing that he can walk. I assume that was from frostbite. Poor guy! He's very handsome.
The smashed chick died, the other egg was cracked so I placed it in my heater blanket on low with a warm washcloth. She just hatched!
Here she is! She is just chirping away! To cute!

Originally Posted by CCCCCCCCHICKENS
Sorry about the one chick, but yaaa for the other! That will probably be the best chicken you have. The ones that need your help the most, always turn out the sweetest.
hogster ~ Good to hear from you again! Sorry to hear about all of the hatching problems. I'd say that CCCHHICKENS is correct-- it reminds me of the Silkie that @kabhyper1 stayed up all night taking care of after a difficult hatch. Here's the photo that kabhyper recently posted a photo of her baby named Seven that she has a special bond with. Hope things continue to go well for your little chick!

chick rookie ~ If you wish to use a ceramic bulb, they are available in reptile sections of pet stores. We used them for years for bearded dragons, and have had no problems to report. They must be used with a ceramic fixture. When I have used them with a ceramic clamp lamp, I've used a safety cover and wired all of the components together so that if any part becomes loose, it will not fall. Always read instructions and follow a daily checklist that includes dusting, checking components.
I am looking for SQ silkie hens/pullets if anyone knows anyone I'm indiana....they seem hard to find??

silkieaddict ~ Have you looked at our Members' List to see who breeds silkies and where they're located? Just click the link at the bottom of this post. Good Luck!
I s this Wry Neck???

Honey has come down with something. not eating well, drinking very little, legs spread apart wide and will not stand on her feet, she loses her ballance and falls over, is cold and still has that sneezing thing I posted a video on.
This is what I have done so far. brought her in the house, put her on a heating pad, gave her Poly-Vi-Sol without iron, and also put a full dropper full in her water, water bowel is a sm one, put game/showbird feed 18% in feed bowel.
Any help will you can give I will be so grateful. I already lost her mate don't want to lose her.
o and her head and neck stays in one of those 2 spots pictured.
chick rookie ~ In my "Chicken Health for Dummies" book, Torticollis is another name for Wry Neck. Torticollis can be one symptom in several nervous system diseases, so it would be best to consult your veterinarian to find out exactly what's wrong and how to treat it. I am sorry that Honey is sick!
I know it's very upsetting, and you're a great animal mom.
@kabhyper1 ~ Since you were my experienced birthing coach for Bonbon's first hatch, I remember that your Silkie, Suki, was due to hatch at the same time as Bonbon. Isn't Seven one of Suki's chicks?
Heyy everyone I'm back for a little bit how is everyone doing? Good news I'm working on getting my homeschool diploma
I'm going to the excel center of anyone needs me message me
animal lover ~ That's great news that you're going to the Excel Center! Thanks for letting us know, and keep us posted on how things are going.
[COLOR=CC6600]chick rookie ~[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]In my "Chicken Health for Dummies" book, Torticollis is another name for Wry Neck. Torticollis can be one symptom in several nervous system diseases, so it would be best to consult your veterinarian to find out exactly what's wrong and how to treat it. I am sorry that Honey is sick! [/COLOR]:hugs   [COLOR=8B4513]I know it's very upsetting, and you're a great animal mom.[/COLOR]
 [COLOR=8B4513]~ Since you were my experienced birthing coach for Bonbon's first hatch, I remember that your Silkie, Suki, was due to hatch at the same time as Bonbon. Isn't Seven one of Suki's chicks? [/COLOR]

Yep Sukis chicks are about 3 months old now. :) Seven was the last one of the hatch. I got up every two hours to moisten the membrane in her shell to hatch her. She was shrink wrapped. It paid off and she is a cutie. :)
So guys.. whats your plan going into next year? I am looking at the species and breeds we have now.. Holler out what your plans are next year!

Sooooo it looks like my incubator is shutting off in 2 weeks. Actually 17 days, just set about 80 quail eggs.
Really..... Not kidding..... gonna do it
did i mention this is VERY painful?
I have hatched nonstop for about 17 months, and UGH its time for a break!
I plan to look at what I have, decide what breeds and species to keep working with.
Chickens: NNs, OEGBs, MGB, Cochin, Millies and polish.
Maybe still keeping silkies? dunno yet.
Legbar for sure. GLW/SLW, EE, OE, BA, RIR BR and maybe a few rares.
Turkeys, no doubts.
Quail YEP.
Pekin, uh, NO way. They are awesome for the table but eat a LOT too.
no question.
Geese.. Always, forever.. they stay. Brown/white chinese, maybe Embden but I have a daily visitor now. a very friendly Canadian goose hen.
I have actually picked her up, took her in to see Mom. She just showed up in the yard a few days ago.
The gander with her is fearful and won't visit, but at feeding time she is coming right in like all the other geese,
So, I won't confine her, but I welcome her visits. What a beautiful graceful goose too, I am wondering if she wasn't "relocated" at the park.
We usually see a large flock in the north pasture, but never have them close up begging food. My nephew took pics of her, will ask him to send them so I can post.
She is clearly imprinted on people. Who ever abandoned her gave her a good chance at the park. Just sad that she was, pretty obvious since she is not afraid of humans or other livestock.
Keeping and adding pigs, cows.. looking for more!
And of course keeping my goats
For me I'll have:
Chickens ~ RIR, Blue Sumatra, CCLegbars, and BLRW. And I might keep a pair of BR hens to produce Black star chicks Then I'm sure i will have a few that I call my layers that are too cute for the freezer but not breeding material either.
Ducks ~ Khaki, Blues, and black Swedish. I want to sell the blacks and a few of the khakis but so far the offers I have gotten don't even cover the cost of the feed for the first 15 weeks.
Turkeys ~ Blue Palms
And 3 goats ~ 2 show nubian doelings and one Oberhasli

Here he is. poor baby with no toes!
Poor boy, he don't let it slow him down apparently. I have a BR Roo that has messed up toes and it took him about 3 weeks of falling off the hens and making them mad before he figured it out... and boy has he got it down now.

A few pics of chicks that need new homes. Here is the hatchery Silkie with the single comb and no crest I mentioned a few posts earlier. Not sure of it's sex.

This last pic is one of two that look very similar and it's the Birchen colored. I hatched some from a breeder for Black Copper Marans and because the Olive Egger I hatched from them has the same colors I wonder if either they are crosses also or a mistake and actually Birchen Marans. Either way not a part of my breeding program.
Did you say they were all males?

The smashed chick died, the other egg was cracked so I placed it in my heater blanket on low with a warm washcloth. She just hatched!

Here she is! She is just chirping away! To cute!

Sorry about you poor chick, but lots of luck with your remaining chick.

RE the ceramic heat emitters:
I got one of the ceramic heat emitters last year. I set it up and put a thermometer under it to see how it would do. I immediately knew that I couldn't use one for a few reasons.

1. The emitter itself is blazing hot. If a chick touched it it would certainly be burned and hurt very badly. Because there is no light or any way to even know to stay away from it, the chances are that they would touch it.

2. I had to put it very near the floor to even register anywhere near enough heat. The heat area was small. It would have had to be placed too close to the chicks for safety under any circumstance.

3. There is no indicator that it is running. I'd have to check on it by feel rather than looking across a room to be sure it was working properly.

Point 1 & 2 are really the main reasons. I had a lot of hope that they'd be a good alternative but unfortunately not so.

I got one of the Premier 1 heat plates. Would NEVER go back to bulbs again. Supposedly they will save enough in electricity use over bulbs to pay for themselves pretty quickly.
Well that changed my mind... Thanks for posting your experience with them.

Hi, I saw you posted about losing the other. How old are the hens? May just be too immature to brood right now.

Wry neck is so sad. Their neck is fixed in a twisted position. they learn to eat with it, but its usually from birth from what I have seen here. I have had 2, one was an ee, and one goose born with it. They are otherwise lively and active.
This bird almost looks like cocci, or a respiratory infection. I would get tetracycline to add to her water. PM me if you need details but act fast. Once they are visibly ill, they go downhill quick.
He is gorgeous, as is his son. I hope he continues to improve.

Oh goodness too precious! She may be fine, you are doing all you can..
Thanks I have some tetracycline on hand, I was giving that to her when she first started that strange breathing thing she does, it has done no good. But I put her back on it as soon as I read this.

That's amazing that he can walk. I assume that was from frostbite. Poor guy! He's very handsome.

chick rookie ~ In my "Chicken Health for Dummies" book, Torticollis is another name for Wry Neck. Torticollis can be one symptom in several nervous system diseases, so it would be best to consult your veterinarian to find out exactly what's wrong and how to treat it. I am sorry that Honey is sick!
I know it's very upsetting, and you're a great animal mom.
@kabhyper1 ~ Since you were my experienced birthing coach for Bonbon's first hatch, I remember that your Silkie, Suki, was due to hatch at the same time as Bonbon. Isn't Seven one of Suki's chicks?
That would have been the first thing I would do in her case, BUTT........ yesterday my chicken vet left for a 3 week cruise which we dropped him 300.00 dollars on a bill for 3 of our dogs. So hoping I (we) can figure it out and help her on my own. Just all around bad timing, but when is it not??? I dont feel like such a great Mom right now.

So guys.. whats your plan going into next year? I am looking at the species and breeds we have now.. Holler out what your plans are next year!

Sooooo it looks like my incubator is shutting off in 2 weeks. Actually 17 days, just set about 80 quail eggs.
Really..... Not kidding..... gonna do it
did i mention this is VERY painful?
I have hatched nonstop for about 17 months, and UGH its time for a break!
I plan to look at what I have, decide what breeds and species to keep working with.
Chickens: NNs, OEGBs, MGB, Cochin, Millies and polish.
Maybe still keeping silkies? dunno yet.
Legbar for sure. GLW/SLW, EE, OE, BA, RIR BR and maybe a few rares.
Turkeys, no doubts.
Quail YEP.
Pekin, uh, NO way. They are awesome for the table but eat a LOT too.
no question.
Geese.. Always, forever.. they stay. Brown/white chinese, maybe Embden but I have a daily visitor now. a very friendly Canadian goose hen.
I have actually picked her up, took her in to see Mom. She just showed up in the yard a few days ago.
The gander with her is fearful and won't visit, but at feeding time she is coming right in like all the other geese,
So, I won't confine her, but I welcome her visits. What a beautiful graceful goose too, I am wondering if she wasn't "relocated" at the park.
We usually see a large flock in the north pasture, but never have them close up begging food. My nephew took pics of her, will ask him to send them so I can post.
She is clearly imprinted on people. Who ever abandoned her gave her a good chance at the park. Just sad that she was, pretty obvious since she is not afraid of humans or other livestock.
Keeping and adding pigs, cows.. looking for more!
And of course keeping my goats
I will be working on my wish list for next year: More Silkies, LF Cochins For DH, Just got my MF's, SF, Weaton Am's and some Blue Splash AM's, and BCM's. Will be keeping my laying flock and might let a broody hatch me some Barn yard mixes ( if I get a broody ) just to keep my laying flock going, I might add a few leghorns to the flock.
Will keep my goats that I raised add LaMancha's, am selling the others as we speck ( or rather type lol ) So if anyone needs any reg. Todd's or Alpines let me know.
keeping my horses of course!!!
If we are at a new place (we better be) adding a few cows for DH and a couple pigs, all for the freezer.
and DH wants to try some Turkeys???? Not real sure how I feel about that as of yet......................

O did I mention ADDING more SILKIES!!!!!!!!!
So guys.. whats your plan going into next year? I am looking at the species and breeds we have now.. Holler out what your plans are next year!

Sooooo it looks like my incubator is shutting off in 2 weeks. Actually 17 days, just set about 80 quail eggs.
Really..... Not kidding..... gonna do it :barnie did i mention this is VERY painful?
I have hatched nonstop for about 17 months, and UGH its time for a break!
I plan to look at what I have, decide what breeds and species to keep working with.
Chickens: NNs, OEGBs, MGB, Cochin, Millies and polish.
Maybe still keeping silkies? dunno yet.
Legbar for sure. GLW/SLW, EE, OE, BA, RIR BR and maybe a few rares.
Turkeys, no doubts.
Quail YEP.
Pekin, uh, NO way. They are awesome for the table but eat a LOT too.
Muscovy :love no question.
Geese.. Always, forever.. they stay. Brown/white chinese, maybe Embden but I have a daily visitor now. a very friendly Canadian goose hen.
I have actually picked her up, took her in to see Mom. She just showed up in the yard a few days ago.
The gander with her is fearful and won't visit, but at feeding time she is coming right in like all the other geese,
So, I won't confine her, but I welcome her visits. What a beautiful graceful goose too, I am wondering if she wasn't "relocated" at the park.
We usually see a large flock in the north pasture, but never have them close up begging food. My nephew took pics of her, will ask him to send them so I can post.
She is clearly imprinted on people. Who ever abandoned her gave her a good chance at the park. Just sad that she was, pretty obvious since she is not afraid of humans or other livestock.
Keeping and adding pigs, cows.. looking for more!
And of course keeping my goats :love

As for next year:
I would like to start a small breeding operation for SQ silver laced polish.
I am also hoping to breed showgirls and silkies as well.
I will still have all of my other chickens- RIR, EE, BSL, and other polish, as well as all of my exotics, and I plan on breeding my micro pig back next year.
Breeding plans for next year:
Blue/Gold Partridge Brahmas
Gold/Buff laced Brahmas
Modern game bantams in black, blue, splash, Birchen, and brown red
Bantam Cochins in lavender barred, lemon/buff barred, partridge, and work towards an Isabel barred project
Showgirls/silkies in white, partridge, and black/blue
Assorted colored silkies
Blue laced red wyandottes
Tolbunt Polish

I am still on the fence whether I want to keep going with the Birchen Marans and legbars. If anything I will just keep the hens out in the free ranging flocks. I love the temperament of the Marans and their egg color. Legbars I like the egg color. I think I'd rather have silkied ameraucanas if I USA just judging on egg color. The autosexing is ok. It's nice for people who want pullets but then I'm stuck with a bunch of cockerels. I'm too soft to kill them just because they are Roos. I have a hard enough time to kill a crippled chick that I hatched! Lol. The market also seems to be over saturated now with them and selling the eggs is hard to do anymore.
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