I took some pic's tonight after feed time, hope you like:

Romeo took a swim, I hate it when he does that, it scares me to death.

Mom MF and her kids, cant see real well but if I open the door she hides her kids.

This is Shorty, 6 week old MF, we call her that due to her broken upper beck. She now resides in the special needs pen with Baby Girl & Honey after she recovers of course, I hope. But for now her and Baby Girl seem to be getting along fine.

They think they are going to sleep outside tonight, I think they aren't, wanna take bets on who is right come dark???? lol They wouldnt come out or the create so I took the create away. They not happy one little bitty bit.

Dad is camera shy

Hope ( goat ) and Ayla ( BJG ) Yet to be named ( depends on sex )

Ozzy AKA Big man on Campus ( he thinks)

these last 3 are the same hen, you might remember Pretty Girl, she was always trying to steal the spot light.
ok I'm dodne for now. G-night all long day me tired.
I'm curious, is anyone looking for baby chicks right now? I have 3 of the 4 that hatched under a broody that I don't really want. They are sumatra chicks but not blue. 1 is black and the other two are shades of a white or creamish color.
I think about wanting a drake every now and then but I really don't need a drake.  I like being able to have my ducks teach the chicks how to free range and a drake can be mean to hens.  Not all drakes but many.

As for a week of camping, I think we should all pack up and head your way this coming year.  If all of us chipped in, I'm sure we could find an old bus, paint some chickens and flowers on it.  Just picture it now 20-40 of us Indiana Chicken people headed your way in either a bus or caravan.  It could be a history lesson for those of us that missed the 60's.  And the BEST part we can make it a surprise for your DH.  I'm sure he would love to host the 2015 chicken fest with little to no notice :)

Just kidding around but it would be fun to travel your way.

I think my drakes still think they are girls. Lol. They are definitely NOT aggressive or mean in any way t the hens! They are very protective of all the hens ( ducks and chickens), I've seen them gang up on an over frisky rooster that was attempting t force his way on a young pullet. They also chased a cat ( the mean one that carried off my first buff Orp baby) out of my yard today.
As far as you all coming my way...bring it on!!!! Sounds like a blast! My DH would get over it (eventually) and is absolutely love t host the Chickenfest if anyone was willing t drive this far. I even have two extra rooms with double beds and a hide-a-bed sofa. Bring tents!!! My neighbors would get a kick outta seeing a hippy bus pull into my driveway and a gathering of a bunch of crazy chicken people here. I'd love it!!! Any and ALL of you are welcome here ANYTIME!!! OMG it would be the talk of this small town for years!!! So when are ya'll coming? Lol
I was told i need to pop in more often. So here i am. Lol. How is everyone? I been busy all day working on my silkies coop. Making it better before winter comes.

sent from your friendly neighborhood poultry raiser! cluck... cluck...

Howdy Cluck Acres!!! Yes you really need to "pop" in more often!!! What are you doing to your Silkie coops to prep them for winter? (Just wondering if I should get busy prepping mine too!?!?!?) hmmmmm!
Thanks :hugs
Go with your instincts and I hope you have a good day tomorrow!

Thanks! We had a fantastic day today. Mom got very tired very quickly but she enjoyed her day with all of her kids, grand kids and even some of her great grand kids.

Yea they won't be mama's anymore. Between them they squished 6 eggs, killed 2 chicks and 1 poult.


Sorry about you poor chick, but lots of luck with your remaining chick. :fl

She's doing well today, even started eating and drinking. And trying to hop out of the brooder. She's a tough little gal!

I don't always post, but I always read. I just wish I had more time :)

So my broody hen is on day 9 sitting on eggs. I went out the other day and realized there was one less egg in her nest than I had put in there. DH suggested maybe she ate it, then I found half a shell pushed to the side last night when I let her out. This morning I went out and another egg was broken in her nest :( what's going in? Thres egg yolk all over the other eggs too, should I mess with them or leave them be?

This is how my two broodys were acting. If you keep the eggs with the broody until hatch time I'd watch them close. Is she brooding the eggs separated from the flock? I had mine locked up after the first poult was killed, should have locked her up sooner. The whole flock did fine last year with my broody BA, but not this time. Lesson learned the hard way.

I now have two chicks in the house, one 6 days old and the other hatched yesterday. I'm hoping I can join them and brood the together after about a week. I wasn't planning on having any chicks in the house, now I have 2 chicks and 12 turkey poults. 2 out of 9 eggs hatched and one was killed so I ordered min order of 10 and they sent me 11. They are 4 weeks old and the house is starting to smell of turkeys! I need to re evaluate my game plan!

Good luck with your hatch!


Here he is. poor baby with no toes!

my rooster got some frostbite on his toes this past winter, just on the tips of his toes. I really expected them to fall off, but they haven't. I was actually expecting him to be dinner by now.

I'm really hoping one of the chicks that hatched in the last week is a boy. He's a good rooster, calls his girls for food and treats, does the warning calls, puts the girls to bed and does the mating dance for them. And he has no problems with people, he stays clear of us. He's just about a year old now. But, he has hurt 2 of my girls very badly. They won't submit to him. I had other roosters in the men pen and one kept getting out and in with the flock, he was actually the dominate rooster and taught my nice guy some bad habits. So he will be gone just as soon as I know for sure I have a replacement. And hopefully he won't have the time to teach those bad habits to the new one. The two girls he hurt won't stay in the chicken yard they go to the old turkey run and sleep outside each night. Totally away from the flock.


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