They are gorgeous!

I just love them! Congrats on the hatch. And BTW my eggs from chickenfest have begun hatching! I see one dark bantam chick out already :jumpy
Hoping for more cochin, I am very interested in the breed. DH has taken an interest in them too.

Where did you get the candy corn seed from? I got the bicolor sweet this year. Its very good, but I want bigger cobs.
Aww thats sad. My Red GLW lost 2 last winter. It was very hard on everyone's flocks I think.

I don't know the standards, But I think he is stunning!

I like your last bird a lot. You are pretty far from me tho.

My Australorps are very, very broody. Pretty disappointed at the egg production since they are plastered to nest boxes all summer :mad: They may not be a breed I keep next year. When they are laying, its daily but they have been on the boxes most of the spring and summer, ugh.
My silkies are good layers, the OEGB are fantastic! They lay daily without question. But if you miss a day collecting eggs, forget it. Broody sets in fast!
My millies are not laying yet but am hopeful they will soon.

we got the Candy Corn seeds from our local Rural King.
Got home from Cedar Point at 10:15 after a day trip. Had a blast with the family. Did chores and gathered these little beauties!

Missing a few xl Marans, but I'll take what they give lol
Poor boy, he don't let it slow him down apparently. I have a BR Roo that has messed up toes and it took him about 3 weeks of falling off the hens and making them mad before he figured it out... and boy has he got it down now. Did you say they were all males? Sorry about you poor chick, but lots of luck with your remaining chick. :fl Well that changed my mind... Thanks for posting your experience with them. Thanks I have some tetracycline on hand, I was giving that to her when she first started that strange breathing thing she does, it has done no good. But I put her back on it as soon as I read this. That would have been the first thing I would do in her case, BUTT........ yesterday my chicken vet left for a 3 week cruise which we dropped him 300.00 dollars on a bill for 3 of our dogs. So hoping I (we) can figure it out and help her on my own. Just all around bad timing, but when is it not??? I dont feel like such a great Mom right now. I will be working on my wish list for next year: More Silkies, LF Cochins For DH, Just got my MF's, SF, Weaton Am's and some Blue Splash AM's, and BCM's. Will be keeping my laying flock and might let a broody hatch me some Barn yard mixes ( if I get a broody ) just to keep my laying flock going, I might add a few leghorns to the flock. Will keep my goats that I raised add LaMancha's, am selling the others as we speck ( or rather type lol ) So if anyone needs any reg. Todd's or Alpines let me know. keeping my horses of course!!! If we are at a new place (we better be) adding a few cows for DH and a couple pigs, all for the freezer. and DH wants to try some Turkeys???? Not real sure how I feel about that as of yet......................:idunno O did I mention ADDING more SILKIES!!!!!!!!! :love
yes they are all males with the exception of the Silkie picture I posted. I'm not sure about it yet.
Quote: Silver appleyard are very attractive. I know of a breeder, PM if you are interested. I have purchased several hatching eggs from him, and his birds are lovely.

Here are some picture of my chickens at the state fair.

White Rock-champion american

Splash ameraucana-2nd

Splash ameraucana-2nd

blue ameraucana-1st and RB

White rock-3rd

Mottled cochin bantam-1st

I spent entirely too much money at the fair. And i guess at the open show they might have some sale pens. I'm in trouble lol !

There is a junk pile in on of our barns, that we are slowly clearing away. And I have a few hens that kind of just do whatever they want and go from one barn to the other. And I found a stash of eggs in the piile of junk.

My precious "little" meat chickens. I don't want to butcher any of the girls. They are so sweet! And out of 10, only 3 are boys...........

3 tolbunt polish chicks from Brad.

And a fat, angry, fluffed up broody hen....standing on a saw?
My goodness, congrats on the ribbons! Your birds are just gorgeous.
On the CX's aka cornish cross... I have a 2 year old girl named LilX I kept. She lays huge double yolkers about 5 days a week. She walks like a sumo wrestler
but is still a very sweet girl.
Here is her and Bacon (RIP Bacon)

I was told i need to pop in more often. So here i am. Lol. How is everyone? I been busy all day working on my silkies coop. Making it better before winter comes.

sent from your friendly neighborhood poultry raiser! cluck... cluck...
Good to see ya!
Okay, I'm super excited now!! I went up to candle my last remaining call duck egg and saw it wiggle!! EEK!! Tuesday is our estimated hatch date!
Come on, little ducky!!
Oh thats so awesome!
Sending hatching vibes!

Be very careful with drakes around your chicken hens. If they are raised with the chickens, they may try to mate them. If they do, it will kill the hen. The pekin and dabble duck types seem to be more prone to it. My muscovy drakes ignore the chickens.
Quote: Turkeys are messier! But OMYGosh so adorable!
I just had a good hatch on the eggs from Brad at chickenfest, 10 out so far. The are are a few eggs left and I got a SHOWGIRL
Thank you, thank you BRAD!!!! My 32 year old DD actually squealed when she saw it.. not heard THAT out of her in a while
Quote: I have a lavender orp roo I am probably cooking. He is ok with us, but is hurting the hens. One of my girls had skin torn off her neck from him. I caught him pecking her head, put him in jail and almost cried when I saw her neck. I sprayed her with blukote, and put her on antibiotics. She is confined so she can heal also.

Quote: Oh awesome! Thats where I buy seed from too! I am pleased with the bicolor sweet corn. I think the fist batch was picked too early, its shaping up a lot better now.

Got home from Cedar Point at 10:15 after a day trip. Had a blast with the family. Did chores and gathered these little beauties!

Missing a few xl Marans, but I'll take what they give lol
Lovely colors, Thats what I work towards too.

Weird question, but do all turkey's sound like a little dog barking? There was a turkey at the state fair that sounded like a small dog barking. It was too cute!
The hens do, that's a "I'm scared and don't like this" call. A happy turkey trills and makes pleasant sounds. Poults make adorable sounds you would really love.
My hubbie is so sweet - and I thought of you and your posting about chicken spouse support groups - now my DH has never claimed to not want them, but most of their care is me and our dd. But the day after I left (I guess that was only yesterday!) he gave me a 20 min. running dialogue about all the chicken adventures that are going on and then did the same thing today. He is completely enthralled with watching how Sven has affected the flock dynamics and how having a roo has helped the new and old girls integrate!
flyladyrocks~ That is exciting news!! You had said that your DH wasn't feeling well, so I had hoped that taking care of chickens wouldn't be too much work, but it sounds like the flock is a good diversion. It's great that he's bonding and discovering how entertaining they are.
My DH and I worked outside most of the weekend with the chickens' assistance. And I know that he enjoys their antics as much as I do!

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