If anyone would like free pallets the dollar general on e Washington st in Cumberland has over 20 of them with a "free" sign taped to it.
Wow that a lot!! My DH doesn't like the look of pallets so he won't use them. But he's going to be gone on a business trip and who knows what he'll come home to!! And that's what he's afraid of!!
Hi everyone! I am so far behind, I know...... We just had a chick come out of our Sportsman like this the other day because it jumped off the back of the hatching tray. I think it got stuck underneath the hatching tray and couldn't stand up. It corrected itself without 10 minutes once in the brooder and is fine.

I'm wondering if anyone has a solution to keep the chicks in the hatching tray in the older Sportsman cabinet incubators? I've yet to be able to finish a hatch without opening the door because I'm concerned about them being stuck in the back. We tried to make some hardware cloth "gates" for the front and back to keep them in, but they were interfering with the turners.
Anyone have rare breed chicks around the Indianapolis area that they want to sell? I have two right now but want a few more. TSC only sells six min and I don't want that many. Plus I want some rare breeds.
Does anybody know of a way to turn a white heat bulb into a red? Safely? I have several of the clear but needing red. Can't go to the store till tomorrow.
Ok -- one more for today. Is anyone in my area looking for a few more cuties? We have some extras that are looking for a new home. The black one is a Black Copper Marans/Cuckoo Marans mix (all black - probably female). The little yellow ones are Orpington/EE mixes that hatched from blue eggs. The big guy is a week old and friends with the littles. He is a Black Copper Marans/Orpington mix.
PM me if interested and we can arrange pick up.

(I don't know the sex of any of them. I suspect the black one is female because of sex-link genetics. I also suspect the older chick is a male. You can take some or all if interested.)

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