I just hope he gets big enough to eat before he's too obnoxious to keep around.
Abandon ye all hope on that one...
He'll be so busy trying to harass the girls he'll forget to eat to put on weight.
Well finally have my coop mostly finished. Have a few more things to do but good enough for the hens I'm picking up today.

The front I used all salvaged random boards from around the farm. It got the job done lol

makeshift nest boxes

When do broody moms start laying eggs again? My daughter just brought in an egg & claims that our mama hen had laid it. It was in the run & near her & the chicks. (Chicks are 1 month + a few days old.) Hen is still caring for the chicks & they still pile in one nest box at night.

IMO I think it came from another hen (Cuddles not Cookie), but I wanted to know if it was possible.
Quote: other flies that eat the annoying flies ~ predator flies.

predator flies.

@SallyinIndiana , can you provide a link and/or more info on these fly-killing bugs? They've already started here in low numbers. I've used expensive fly baits with limited success (some, just not enough). If there is a natural killer but that doesn't eat garden veggies out there, I think a lot of us would like to know about it.

predator flies.

Quote: Thanks for posting the link. I've been a bit busy trying to get the goat milking thing on a set schedule that works well with homeschooling. I haven't been on here as much.
Anyone have turkey or guinea eggs? I'm thinking of trying turkeys. After seeing janets midget whites, I'm loving that size but would consider other heritage breeds (I like royal palms and bourbons as well). For guineas any color is fine. If any hatch I will likely keep the hens and sell the cocks. Definitely wasn't a fan of the males when I had them last time and the hens seemed to stay around and not adventure as much.
I have a few turkey eggs right now from blue palms. Some of them once hatched have the royal palm color. I've only got 1 hen laying maybe two if the second one started back up today. Turkeys are funny, they will lay in the same spot for a moth or so and then either go broody or pick a new spot and it can take me a bit to find that spot. The most recent place is under our pool ladder set of steps, its like a plastic hideaway with large hole to let water pass. We let it sit out all winter and now the turkey decides its as good as a dog igloo. In the past my turkeys have hated plastic but I guess the ladder is textured differently.
I am from Elizabeth In, about 15 miles from Louisville KY. I have been out of chickens for awhile and wood like to get back
into them. I am interested in OEGB, and Silkie bantams. Looking for breeders near me.
We figured it out! I wet the feed, used a white plastic spoon. As they were gobbling it down, i lowered the spoon
Haven't been fermenting lately and forgot how much poults like it.

I do have this a lot, and usually they are pretty rich eggs. Duck and goose eggs are like that normally too. Do the yolks stand high?

Yes they stand up real good, looks like a mountain... lol

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and pryers My Aunt should get her results back Monday we all are holding our breath. Cancer runs in the family have lost a lot of family members to it.

DG was out doing his normal bill paying running today, and when he came home he made me close my eyes for a surprise,.... but I heard little tiny chirping....
yep he got me 4 SLW chicks to try and make me feel better about loosing Lacy my SLW that just died for no reason that I could find.
I do love my SLW's they are just too cool looking, and very sweet. Isn't my DH just the greatest????
does anyone close to me have any Cochin chicks? LF. DH is still on me to get him a couple. He has been wanting some ever since We lost our Big Man as he called him... lol I cant find any around here and I have been looking, I can have some shipped but you have to buy so many. I'm trying my hand at hatching in an incubator maybe I can find some eggs?? if anyone knows where I can get chicks or eggs I would be grateful. He likes the Blacks and the Blues.

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