Last week on Tuesday or Thursday before we lost the runt, he is the one with smaller crest and orange around his eyes:


The lone sweet Tolbunt polish pullet(?) yesterday:







@pbirdhaven do you think she is a frizzle?
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First is the Gold Brabanter which I think is a rooster, see wing


Wo cream legbar pullets on either side of Brabanter:

One more of miss cotton top:
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Indy Rezone Update!

Sorry to just drop in, we've been out of town so I am only 13 pages behind!

We just got home for one reason - to go to the City Council meeting tonight. Indy Rezone will be presented tonight Monday July 13 at 7:00 PM in the City-County building, I am assuming on the 2nd floor in the public assembly room. From there it will go to committee to be discussed.

If you live in Indy and there is any way you can make this meeting - please come!
If you have recently hatched buff orpington's or have buff orpington's and have found that you have tomany rosters then pls pm me I'm in need of one also if anyone has jersey giant chicks or eggs or possibly brahmas pls pm me
Still have the Broad Ripple Currant tomatoes growing like crazy, but now we've got another cherry tomato finally ripening. Here's a picture of the 'Black Cherry' cherry tomato. Both of these kinds of tomatoes taste excellent. The Broad Ripple (yellow) one is such a nice, low acid flavor. The Black Cherry one is low acid also, and has a great juiciness and meatiness/seed ratio, but finishes off sweet. Similar to the Cherokee Purple, only in a cherry tomato size.

Black Cherry Broad Ripple Currant

a cluster of Black Cherry tomatoes

We've had a couple of large tomatoes (normal sized, non-cherry) that have ripened, but only a few. I'm anxiously awaiting the tomato rush!
looks yum!
Question - you've mentioned letting the wood chippings cure for several months. What if that is not an option? Is there any problem with spreading them right after getting them? The city considers it a health risk to have a pile sitting in your yard B/c it attracts rodents.
Hoping to actually get some this year. Like @leslea I have tried several times this summer and last. Kept having companies say they'd drop them off and it never happened. Even stopped trucks in our neighborhood who said they'd come and didn't.
PS:  It is also quite like a "sponge"...once it's built up you'll never see standing water or mud or slime anywhere.   It feels like you're walking on a cushion.

And it's healthy for the birds AND the soil...  The carbon (from the chips) and the nitrogen (from the poo) are a great balance.  The poo just composts through when it rains and when they are scratching through everything.  Seriously healthy.

One disclaimer -
I don't use pharmaceuticals "routinely" (reserved for emergency only) so the ground here has little or no antibiotics to deal with which, if given on a routine basis, may change the healh of the soil.  It's kind of like the "probiotic" balance in the gut.  If left undisturbed, the balance can remain healthy.
@Bawk, as requested in your ovation note thingy. Hope that's what you needed. Crash is super uncooperative for pictures, so I did what I could!



And just because, standing in my hand like the adorable little ducky he is. :love

Are you sure it is a male? I was looking at tail feathers going down

No. :lol: I basically have been calling him 'him' from day one because I didn't want to call him 'it', and I also didn't want to get too hopeful that he was female because that's just not my luck. But he's been sounding more and more like girl lately, so maybe it is my luck after all. :D Really, I've had ducks for all of 9 months and raising Crash has been my first real experience with a duckling, so I am clueless and open to suggestion!

EDIT: Weird, this page doesn't exist..?

EDIT 2: Nevermind, I'm crazy... :oops:
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