Been absent a while but still following our thread! set almost 60 chicken eggs tonight. Anyone else adding to your flock? We drastically downsized a few months ago but I'm ramping up the breeds that seem to do best for us. Right now keeping BR, BCM, Lavender AM.
I have 3 Muscovy hens brooding eggs. lets see how that goes!
Lot of difficult choices with this Covid19. Oldest daughter 38 and my Dad 86 have discussed risks of visiting. Quality of life and depression of course is a factor too. She lives in OH and works in a elder health care facility.
Dad is really feeling depressed missing his grandkids, great grandkids. He got to see our baby grandchild Wyatt this week, masks and gloves. Chrissy one of his grandchildren will come home this weekend same preparations. We have to help our elderly feel like they are not abandoned and forgotten.
I have 4 broody Muscovy hens now! There is 3 new drakes from last year currently locked up. Big Daddy lavender watches over the ladies brooding and has sure tore up those young drakes. I want them to brood without disturbances, the young drakes don't respect eggs or broody ducks.
I'll be candling eggs tomorrow to see fertility in our chicken eggs. I've set Barred Rock, Lavender Ameruacana and Black Copper Maran on 4/28 in my GQF 1502 cabinet.
Been absent a while but still following our thread! set almost 60 chicken eggs tonight. Anyone else adding to your flock? We drastically downsized a few months ago but I'm ramping up the breeds that seem to do best for us. Right now keeping BR, BCM, Lavender AM.
I have 3 Muscovy hens brooding eggs. lets see how that goes!
Always nice to see your post :)
I have a buff orpinton sitting in 5 eggs ( not a clue if the eggs are fertile) I guess we will see after 21 days. This hen has been broody many times and hard to break her so I really hope she sits on these eggs all the way and don't decide to quit before 21 days.
this is a very sad day. this is one of our silkies. she has stood on one leg for months now and refused to leave the coop. no swelling and no other symptoms. i never found any sore spots or anything with her leg. 3 weeks ago we brought her in from the coop into the small coop we have inside because she started to loose a little weight. we started her on poly-vi-sol and anti-biotics. she started to seem like she was getting better. then last week that all changed and she collapsed. she is now unable to stand at all and just lays on her side. i have been helping her eat and drink once an hour since. i feel the time has come that it would be best to end her suffering. she has no quality of life at this point. she is one of my favorite chickens. i feel like my heart is being ripped out but know this will be for the best. please don't think this is easy for me because it isn't. this is one of the hardest things i have ever had to do. she will always be in my heart. :hit

I am so so sorry. I just lost my favorite chicken, a beautiful silkie, about an hour ago. I do not know what happened, or how she died. She was perfectly fine earlier today and I went to check on her and she was seizing, rocking from side to side, and unable to breathe. I do not know what happened. I feel your pain. I cried for so long.
I am so so sorry. I just lost my favorite chicken, a beautiful silkie, about an hour ago. I do not know what happened, or how she died. She was perfectly fine earlier today and I went to check on her and she was seizing, rocking from side to side, and unable to breathe. I do not know what happened. I feel your pain. I cried for so long.
so sorry for your loss. :hugs
Farm update! Candled all the eggs I set in the incubator. So far only 2 weren't developing out of 60+! I set every chicken egg I had for a week. I may continue hatching, I have a close friend at TSC and they are selling out nonstop.
My first Muscovy hatch is due anytime. These eggs are Broody raised so I'm hoping for a few ducklings! My other 4 hens are brooding but we are about a month out. We have 3 Muscovy boys from last year we have to cull. Extremely aggressive drakes and not respecting the ducks that are nesting.
We have 1 goat doe left to kid anytime and a calf due in August. Paprika our oldest goat is an excellent milker, getting almost a half gallon daily. She's a very good girl I adore her. Gracie our newest Hereford cow was bred by an Angus bull before we bought her. She should calve late August.
I don't know if any of you have been to DInky's auction barn in Montgomery, but I went last night and came home with the most beautiful pair of mottled Java's. They are just getting statred back up with their small animal auctions, but they had quite a few birds last night and some really pretty ones. I'll post a picture later. I have to get them settled in today. They will have their own little coop, so no worries about the rest of the flock. I just couldn't wait to share.:woot

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