Now I have read through all the threads I am off outside to cut the back grass. Finally got the yard ornament / art pulled up to the house. Now it wont start... ARGH!!!
I was putting off the grass now it has to be done... Waaaahh!!!

Ooh, I also started my FF. DH is rather skeptical and thinks I am going to poison the chickens. He is not happy with me giving it a go. I am feeling optimistic it will be good.
I feed my dogs raw and it's the closest most reasonably priced place I've found that offers a quality raw diet. Luckily I only have to make the drive twice a year. I buy about 700 lbs of food each trip. If I supplement with the cheaper local sources I can stretch out the time in between trips too. It's really not as bad as it sounds, plus I adore my dogs, so it's a small price to pay to keep them happy and healthy.

Please let me know if you find out anything about the chicken feed. I'll start asking around as well and let you know if I find anything as well.
Thank you!! I will let you know. PS, What kind are your dogs?
If I had to guess it has to do with them having a permanent building on site that just sells cages and all supplies to make them. They are very reasonable in price as well.

Be sure to post if you ever decide to go!
well it might be easier to answer what kind I DON'T plan on getting lol. Right now I have a 9 yr old Bouvier des Flandres, 4 yr old Miniature Pinscher, and a 1 yr old French Bulldog. While I still have a lot of breeds I'd like own before deciding a favorite, the french bulldog has really jumped to the top of this list. He is such a goof ball, but also loves to cuddle. Here is a recent pic of him sunbathing.

And all three

They are so cute!

I have 3 dogs right now as well. I have Berren, the 4 lb. Biewer Yorkie, Kheiron the 135 lb Great Dane, and I have PD, the 35 lb. stray (MUTT) that fallowed us home. Love dogs as much as chickens!
Quote: It may also be to protect someone from price gouging on a cage or someone misunderstanding and finding out instead of paying a certain price for a certain number of birds and a cage finding out it was for just the birds. And also I am sure some people would buy some birds just for a cage if it was a combination deal and abandoning them to use the cage for other birds or if they just wanted a cage.
My internet has been messing up alot lately. I cant even do anything on the web. Its running so slow!!!!
I called my provider and they said everything looks good. Well i chased down my wire from satilight and found where something has chewed on the cord but its still together. So maybe thats my problem. I have to cut the wire put new ends on it and get a coupler for it. Maybe it will work better then. Thats why i havnt been on much or been able to post. I finally got on this site but facebook and some others still mess up bad and are really slow and wont load.
Are you asking if the roosters will bother the neighbor with the peafowl or closer neighbors?

At least your roos won't be screaming for help...

I was asking if they have loud peacocks, do I need to worry about my neighbors complaining about my loud roosters lol. I don't think the people with the peafowls will hear my roosters, but I haven't heard them crow yet either! (I meant my roosters, not the neighbors crowing ha ha!)
I am loving this weather!!!!!

I cannot get enough of my chickens, so you have to suffer through my endless posts of chicken pictures.

This is Berren. He is a Biewer Yorkie, but he thinks he is a chicken dog. He walks around all day with the chickens. It is hilarious!

Just some of the flock looking for the best bugs in the yard.

They love the tall grass.

I can't get enough of them. They are so entertaining!

My little Buff Orpington. I don't like to pick favorites, but she is definitely my favorite!!!!

Oh, how they love a good compost pile.

I love the purple crab apple pedals all over the ground.

Pure JOY!
Pure joy indeed. Love your pictures. I need to get some current ones of ours up. we are letting them out of the run a bit. They really enjoy the outside, it's funny to watch the mad rush once one realizes the door is open. They seem to stay around, and run back to their run/coop, when we gather the flock.

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