Quote: My mom didn't think flying squirrels she thought they where made up and just on cartoon shows, but she was suprised when her cat brought her a dead one, she wouldn't bellive me then my brother called on my cell phone I simply told him tell your mother that flying squirrels are real and handed her the phone. yes she wouldn't believe what was in front of her.
So many great pictures! Love them all, but especially the hen and chick.
Mr Frizz is getting mean how do I turn that around I cant kill him cuz he's going to be my show bird and he's my breeder I tried imitating a peak but he just comes around and attacks my hand and I hold him when ever I'm outside but yet he trys to attack me any ideas

Mr Frizz needs to think of you as the alpha rooster. Watch what he does and do it better. We have chased our roosters a few times but now I only have to sternly look at him and he takes off. Some people won't chase or scare their rooster since they don't want the rooster to be scared of them. Basically you just find a training method that you are comfortable with that works. It is trial and error. And if all else fails incubate some eggs now and raise up a new rooster or two. Two or more really since if is hard to pick out a show rooster until they are full grown at least 20 weeks from what I have read on other threads.
Littleameraucanamom - here is Wolf Lake's response to being a vendor at their swap.
a vendor spot is $20, it is 25' x19'. you can set up the friday before. you can camp on your spot, just no campfires. you can pick out your spot the wedensday before. no cages, or cage supplies, and nothing illegal are allowed for sale. beyond that we have just a few common sense rules. hope to see you there, and good luck!"
I am loving this weather!!!!!

I cannot get enough of my chickens, so you have to suffer through my endless posts of chicken pictures.

This is Berren. He is a Biewer Yorkie, but he thinks he is a chicken dog. He walks around all day with the chickens. It is hilarious!

Just some of the flock looking for the best bugs in the yard.

They love the tall grass.

I can't get enough of them. They are so entertaining!

My little Buff Orpington. I don't like to pick favorites, but she is definitely my favorite!!!!

Oh, how they love a good compost pile.

I love the purple crab apple pedals all over the ground.

Pure JOY!
Mr Frizz is getting mean how do I turn that around I cant kill him cuz he's going to be my show bird and he's my breeder I tried imitating a peak but he just comes around and attacks my hand and I hold him when ever I'm outside but yet he trys to attack me any ideas

Mr Frizz needs to think of you as the alpha rooster.  Watch what he does and do it better.  We have chased our roosters a few times but now I only have to sternly look at him and he takes off.   Some people won't chase or scare their rooster since they don't want the rooster to be scared of them.  Basically you just find a training method that you are comfortable with that works.  It is trial and error.  And if all else fails incubate some eggs now and raise up a new rooster or two.  Two or more really since if is hard to pick out a show rooster until they are full grown at least 20 weeks from what I have read on other threads.

ok if all else fails he goes to someone else ..after i get some of his babys of course
Hi Everyone, I am located in Greencastle and I have been looking for Organic non-GMO feed for my chickens. Our local stores do not seem to sell any and the shipping for buying online is very expensive. I don't mind the additional cost to get good food, but I don't want to spend more than neccessary on shipping fees. A nice drive is much more fun. I found one place, but I was wondering if you know of any others or if you have had any experiences with this business? Thank you for your info!

I buy my organic feed from here, I think its $32/bag. The guys are really helpful there and you can get everything you need. I get my shavings and straw and pet food there.

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