Ooo, I'm absolutely no help on this, but very interested to hear what others may know. We just got our chicks and I would love to find a local source for this. I'm up north, but I drive 5 hours one way for my dog food, why not add another drive in for the chickens.
Wow, 5 hours is a long drive! What kind of food is it? Maybe you can find it near the chick feed store too. I haven't heard any updates on the chick feed yet, but am still hopeful that someone can help!
ugh 14 pages behind! coop is almost done! One wall needs sheathed, the siding up, and finish painting the inside! The roof also needs to be shingled. Its gonna be a long day! But hopefully today it will be done. Lots of rain supposed to come our way. Have a good day everyone!

pbirdhaven, I've said that too many times before (notice I did not put how many!!)
Let us know what you get LOL
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Mr Frizz is getting mean how do I turn that around I cant kill him cuz he's going to be my show bird and he's my breeder I tried imitating a peak but he just comes around and attacks my hand and I hold him when ever I'm outside but yet he trys to attack me any ideas
Mr Frizz is getting mean how do I turn that around I cant kill him cuz he's going to be my show bird and he's my breeder I tried imitating a peak but he just comes around and attacks my hand and I hold him when ever I'm outside but yet he trys to attack me any ideas

Put on a chicken costume and peck him back..
And with their brooder mates (anyone know how to prevent them from knocking all the food out if feeders and onto the floor? It gets annoying lol)

I hated that too! I put down about 3 bricks side by side, and then laid a tile on top of them. This made it about head height for them (the standards) and all they had to do was stick in their head. The smaller ones jumped up on the tile, but they didn't knock out nearly as much feed. It also will keep the water clean.
Wow, 5 hours is a long drive! What kind of food is it? Maybe you can find it near the chick feed store too. I haven't heard any updates on the chick feed yet, but am still hopeful that someone can help!

I feed my dogs raw and it's the closest most reasonably priced place I've found that offers a quality raw diet. Luckily I only have to make the drive twice a year. I buy about 700 lbs of food each trip. If I supplement with the cheaper local sources I can stretch out the time in between trips too. It's really not as bad as it sounds, plus I adore my dogs, so it's a small price to pay to keep them happy and healthy.

Please let me know if you find out anything about the chicken feed. I'll start asking around as well and let you know if I find anything as well.

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