WOW!!!! Miss 2 weeks and I come back to 100 new pages! OY! I read the first 30 and skipped to the end. Super excited that our little OEG Bantam is sitting on a clutch of LF eggs for the last 12 days. These chicks will be an interesting mix of PR, BR and EE hens over a Bantam Blue Cochin rooster. I do have a couple of chicks that I am hoping that you all can help me to identify the breed of. I really dislike asking, but I am stumped. I am not too worried about the sex yet, but I am stumped on the breeding. There are TSC Bantam chicks currently 7 weeks old. Any help you can give would be awesome.
Someone suggested Hamburg??? Not sure!!!!!

The chick at the top is the one in question. It has feathered legs too! The one in front is a Cornish X .

I believe this is a Cochin due to the fact it looks like our rooster. And yes that is a duck or two in the picture, we brooded all of them together for a short time.

I have 2 of each breed of these chicks and I do believe on the Cochins?? there is one roo and a hen due to comb size. Thank you in advance!!!!!
Hi, I'm just starting chickens. I am near Bloomington, IN. I have 4 Australorp pullets and 2 EE (they said Araucanas) pullets from RK. I have been looking for an Australorp rooster or cockrel. I can't find one. Would anyone have a young roo or cockrel? I would be willing to drive a little ways to get him.

As I said I'm just starting chickens, I've never done this before so I'm learning a lot
. I have their coop ready, they are in a brooder box right now as they are just over a week old. I had rented a stump grinder and I have tons of wood chips from grinding many stumps. Would this be ok to use as bedding?

I'm getting 2 Blue Swedish ducks that I ordered next week from Murray Mcmurray. They said delievery the week of the 13th, so I assume it can be any of those days thru the week.

If anyone has an Australorp cockel please message me. Thanks!

Hey Everyone! I'm not new to BYC but when I was on here there was no one posting to Indiana. I was told to come back by jchny2000, so here I am. I have chickens, dogs, cats, horses, ducks, and soon to be geese in my backyard! I'm looking to get a couple more turkeys and maybe some guineas. I also have 10 Dozen duck eggs in my fridge if anyone knows anyone that would want a dozen or more. They are $4 a dozen. I also sell hatching eggs as well, and currently have duck eggs in my incubator with some soon to be goose eggs! I'm so excited! If anyone is interested PM me I'm located 5 minutes away from south Anderson. Thank you!

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