we havnt had any snow really here yet. But my flock usually love the snow.

My flock usuzlly does too. But I have gotten so many different chickens sincr ladt winter after replinishing my flock. The white rocks cant get enough of the snow but no one else likes it. I think they like it because it is natural camoflague lol
I had originally planned to paint my first egg gold, but it's so pretty as is that I'm going to leave it plain.

The rooster was making quite a racket around 1 pm today. He crowed repeatedly for about 15 minutes and then settled down. It was the first time that we had heard a full on crow from him.
If you poke a hole in both ends, about 1/8" in diameter and piercing the yolk, you can blow hard on one of the holes and the egg contents will come out the other hole. This is called a blown egg shell. Put it somewhere to dry for a few days and it'll keep for years.

I went out in the pre-dawn hours today to try and get eggs before they were frozen. Nope the ducks still won and the eggs were frozen to the point of cracked shells. The water in the coop was barely glazed over with ice so I thought there was hope. The lights had been on for about 15 minutes in the coop other than the red heat lamps that were on the water. I'm enjoying the duck eggs and more ducks are not out of the picture but I need to get those eggs before they freeze. I thought of putting a heat light on the spot where they lay but it is not the same spot for more than a couple of days. It seems like as soon as the ducks pick a spot the younger pullets start moving in on it, like a battle scene and it becomes the pullet sleeping area. Still during the day those 2 ducks rule the coop and run. They even herded my RIR roos around the run when I let them mingle yesterday.
Completely carpet the coop with electric blankets. That oughta do it.

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Leah's Mom, the snow is harder to get off of the hen stairs than we planned, at least someone saw that coming. I have some hinges, so as soon as it warms up DH will be modifying the chicken stairs to have either the top or side hinge open for me to brush off the snow. Hoping for a warm up during the winter. Otherwise cabin fever will get really high as the chickens won't go down their tunnel to get to the run if they see snow on those stairs. I even thought of dumping hot water on the stairs but feared it would turn to ice.
I'll be watching to see how those hinges do.
I asked my husband what size he made the boxes. He used 1x6 boards cut 12" -- so a 12"x12" box. Since he was using scrap wood I think one had a higher back & one had slightly higher sides. We wanted to see if they liked more "privacy", but it doesn't really seem to have made a difference. He also left them bottomless and we just put them on the coop floor & filled with straw. They seemed to know what the boxes were for and started using them right away. I asked him if he wanted to go out & take a picture -- hopefully tomorrow! He was working in the barn all afternoon and was tired of the cold. Plus, he & my son just put in his new The Hobbit DVD. Wanted to watch it again before Part 2 comes out in the theaters next week. Middle Earth takes top priority around here sometimes!!
Thanks, we tried a box about 10" cube but it had a floor as it was more of a milk crate plastic box. We found it along side of the road on the edge of our property. No markings. In a way I'm glad it did not work as I would not have know where to get more. I'll see if I can find some scrap plywood in the back garage. Iw ould be a fun project for the children next week to help me make a box.
In this weather I would not be out taking pictures instead of watching a movie either.

Hello how has everyone been? It's been awhile since i have been on here. I still have my flock and always looking for more. Its been a very busy year for me and can't wait for it to warm up already.
Welcome back.

Originally Posted by SallyinIndiana
I went out in the pre-dawn hours today to try and get eggs before they were frozen. Nope the ducks still won and the eggs were frozen to the point of cracked shells. The water in the coop was barely glazed over with ice so I thought there was hope. The lights had been on for about 15 minutes in the coop other than the red heat lamps that were on the water. I'm enjoying the duck eggs and more ducks are not out of the picture but I need to get those eggs before they freeze. I thought of putting a heat light on the spot where they lay but it is not the same spot for more than a couple of days. It seems like as soon as the ducks pick a spot the younger pullets start moving in on it, like a battle scene and it becomes the pullet sleeping area. Still during the day those 2 ducks rule the coop and run. They even herded my RIR roos around the run when I let them mingle yesterday.
Completely carpet the coop with electric blankets. That oughta do it.

Perfectly fire safe too since people sleep in those things. Sure I have electricity in the coop but ... maybe next year I'll get them a small HVAC system. It sure would be nice to spend time with the chickens and be in the AC at the same time. It might decrease frostbite too. I have not had any trouble this year with frostbite but last year my production roosters would peck until bloody then they would get frostbite from the wet blood freezing on their combs.
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Completely carpet the coop with electric blankets. That oughta do it.

That sounds like something I'd do, John. Don't give me any ideas!
we havnt had any snow really here yet. But my flock usually love the snow.
Cluck ~ There's something wrong here if you live way up north and have no snow, and I am way down south and am covered in snow.
Your flock loves the snow and mine hates it. I'll trade with you.

Btw, good seeing you post again!!
Peaceful Walls posted:
So we shouldn't be surprised if a flock of chickens wearing crocheted shawls come caroling at our doors accompanied on the piano by Nene for Christmas?!!

Peaceful Walls ~ Stranger things have happened . . . don't put anything past our Indiana thread members!
Quote: Yes! it was for you :D my ignorance. What is ADM? Archers Daniel Midland?

What feed mill do you use? There is one in Middlebury that does non-gmo (not organic however) that is supposed to be a reasonable price but I have never priced with them so I can't say what "reasonable" means. So far I've gotten stuff from Honeyville (Topeka) but I'm curious to price the Middlebury feed place.
Thanks, we tried a box about 10" cube but it had a floor as it was more of a milk crate plastic box.  We found it along side of the road on the edge of our property.  No markings.  In a way I'm glad it did not work as I would not have know where to get more.  I'll see if I can find some scrap plywood in the back garage.  Iw ould be a fun project for the children next week to help me make a box. 

In this weather I would not be out taking pictures instead of watching a movie either. 

Welcome back. 

Perfectly fire safe too since people sleep in those things.  Sure I have electricity in the coop but ... maybe next year I'll get them a small HVAC system.  It sure would be nice to spend time with the chickens and be in the AC at the same time.  It might decrease frostbite too.  I have not had any trouble this year with frostbite but last year my production roosters would peck until bloody then they would get frostbite from the wet blood freezing on their combs. 


I actually knoe one peron who has an air conditoner and anotjer person who has a heater. Th person with the AC keep keep it at 75 ( personally not confotable for me) and the peron with the heater, has modern game and it is never below 50

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