When you purchase grains, be sure to get "untreated". Some (many) grains - including sunflower seed - are treated with an anti-fungus treatment to try to keep them from molding until planting time. It is not something that you want on your feed seed.
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How far away are you from Topeka?  (It's a bit south of Shipshewana.)

I get all my feed grains from Honeyville Feed.  They have non-gmo, likely gmo, and organic choice by the 50 lb bag.

Today's prices:

non-gmo $6.85 50 lb bag
organic:  $16.21 50 lb. bag

Wheat is high right now don't remember price.

Didn't price Barley or oats but last time I purchased they were about $12/ 50 lb bag for organic.

If you purchase one of the grains that they use lots of, they will usually allow you to purchase by the lb.  However, the price is higher per lb. for less than 50 lbs. than it is by the bag.

Prices change based on the market so you have to call ahead and get a price before going and be sure they have what you need.  They will usually be able to get whatever you want by next day if they don't have it in their stock.

Their website has not been working properly (this is a small-town company)  It may be working better now...


Thank you! Those are great prices! It's about a 1.5hr drive I believe. Might be worth it though for 50# bags that cheap.

Since I'm just starting to practice with fodder, I didn't want to have a huge bag of seed. I bought barley on Amazon for crazy expensive. I accidentally fermented my first batches and needed more seed. I've been buying 5lb bags of seed at a garden store on 71st st in Indy.
When they stop carrying the seed, I'll go to the local home brew stores and get it for $1.20 per lb.
Crazy, right? Can't find grain at TSC but can go to a beer store?
5 lbs was a good amount for me to start with.
yea I've looked on amazon and eBay. Both are rather expensive. I'll try my local feed mill, but their feed prices were always higher than farm stores.
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Minmin- I'm so glad they got to you! I thought about it several times today . I really didn't think It'd end well, I ordered early this spring and they didn't make it!!

Brad- your birds look awesome!!

Who was it had the bathing chicken.... Soooo funny!!

M2h- waiting on piano pics!!

Jchny- glad your feeling better, don't over due and go backwards!! CUTE babies!!!
I have been watching Harvest Breeze auction on the original poultry bid tonight for a black pair of show quality silkies. It is up to $450!
I hope mine get that nice. I got to start with her lines, so I can hope!!! Her birds are awesome!!
Wow! That's impressive! I used to be on that group, then one day I wasn't. Not sure what happened so I sent another request to join and still never been approved! I don't think I ever commented on the page, so not sure if they blocked me on accident or what! Very odd. I'd love to get back on it, there were a lot of nice birds on there.
Wow! That's impressive! I used to be on that group, then one day I wasn't. Not sure what happened so I sent another request to join and still never been approved! I don't think I ever commented on the page, so not sure if they blocked me on accident or what! Very odd. I'd love to get back on it, there were a lot of nice birds on there.
It definitely gives one incentive to improve lines. She has been breeding I think she said 11 years. My hens are from her birds, my roo is from another line. My girls usually look nice, but they have been dunking their whole heads in the water to drink and then eat, so they are buff instead of white right now. lol
Thanks! I've yet had to bathe a chicken, so I appreciate it! I need to do a couple whites that got pooped on!
bradselig ~ I learned how to bathe and blow dry a chicken from a youtube video.
Btw, your silkies look like so much fun! My favorite of yours is the blue one and I like jchny's black one from kabhyper's silkie egg. I've always liked dark colors in pets. ChisNchickens has said she prefers white ones, which are gorgeous, too.

ChisNchickens ~ Are you recommending that bradselig not bathing/drying his silkies in the winter because of switching temps from outdoors to indoors? I believe from what I've read on this thread that silkies are more susceptible to temp changes, etc. that other breeds-- not sure if that's correct. I'm just curious.
minmin ~ What a relief to find all of the chicks alive! That's pretty amazing. They are so fluffy and cute! I wasn't going to mention this until I heard that the delivery was successful, but last week during our ice and snow, I saw our postman stop in front of our house. He opened the back of the truck to get a package for us and several packages fell out onto the wet road and in big puddles. He picked up the wet boxes and threw them in the truck like the packages were footballs! Geez.

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