Haha. Yes from a buyers stand point, you can't go wrong buying from eBay! After I submitted my side of the transaction, I had to call paypal to make sure it went through because I could see it on the dispute. The lady said she wasn't exactly sure why I couldn't see it, but maybe because it was so long lol. I explained everything. But she said it was on there so we'll see what they say.
I can't say I would order shipped eggs right now, not with temps so low and the holiday rush. It is too much to stress over.

I had to cull an egg tonight. First time I had to pull a growing chick out of the bater and toss. It was saddening. The shell was leaking and slightly sticky at the pointed end. I tried and tried to find the leak but could not, it was a very porous shell. I thought of waxing the entire lower 2/3 of the egg but then the chick would not get enough air and it would need help out. I would also get stuck doing manual turns as the wax sticks to the turner. My best guess is that the eggs got too cold and the shell had a small hairline crack. It was the second one from that day that I had to pull for leaking. The high was only 28F that day.
Haha. Yes from a buyers stand point, you can't go wrong buying from eBay! After I submitted my side of the transaction, I had to call paypal to make sure it went through because I could see it on the dispute. The lady said she wasn't exactly sure why I couldn't see it, but maybe because it was so long lol. I explained everything. But she said it was on there so we'll see what they say.
Good luck, I cant see how they could rule in that persons favor.
Quote: So adorable! We dont know how old he was for sure, the lady that gave him up said the owner had him 5-6 years before she got him.
He was a lil spitfire when he watched over the teen chicks, and would fearlessly attack anything going near them.
He was slowing down last summer, and we brought him in, and he wore a diaper! He became quite a pet.
He had some lighter colors around his beak and eyes so we assumed he was feeling his age.
He had passed away one morning in his sleep. What a cool little guy, we miss him.
Quote: Just looked it up, Apr 12th! UGH, 8 months, and it was really dry like leather. Those were large and was wrapped in saran wrap, then freezer paper.

Quote: They used to have some way of doing it a long time ago, I fought a guy that lied about PC parts being better than what they actually were.
Tried to get him to correct it. Filed a claim, so he gave ma a negative. Its been so long ago I cant remember how it all worked now tho.
Brad- I'm also into orchids and such plants! I wouldn't order anything like that right now so why would I think eggs would make it either. It's just to big a chance. And it's not your fault. W do a lot of eBay here, buy and sell. People can be nasty for no reason and beyond reason too!! Hang in there!!

Bonk was soo pretty!
Brad- I'm also into orchids and such plants! I wouldn't order anything like that right now so why would I think eggs would make it either. It's just to big a chance. And it's not your fault. W do a lot of eBay here, buy and sell. People can be nasty for no reason and beyond reason too!! Hang in there!!

Bonk was soo pretty!
Thanks. Typically this time of year I only buy from no more than a state away. She was from Minnesota! She asked about heat packs after she won the auction. I explained that I only had 10-12 hour heat packs as the 72 hr where on order, just hadn't arrived yet. I told her if she wanted to stick with the agreed upon shipping date then the 72 hr packs wouldn't be here yet. She wanted to keep the original ship date.
I'm not a flower guy, but orchids are amazing! I love looking at them at work.
Been looking on eBay lol! there sure is a wide range too. My first one was really junky and never worked right, but was some off brand.
Want to make sure I get a good one that will last a few years this time. looks like the $200 range is better quality with more features.
The foodsaver is very popular, I have a lot more to learn on what models are better for meat and fish storage.
If I do garden this year, will be freezing veges too.
I have best hatch if I stay within Indiana, even in the summer, or just over the line. There is one guy in KY I have had good luck with and one Lady in OH too.
Live chicks, goslings I have got as far as CA and been healthy babies. I just avoid any eggs during the winter if its not real fast. (and hatch my own if they are laying!)
Brad- I frequently buy the old orchids at lows for clearance. But of course you have to wait for them to recover!! It's orchid math= chicken math!!
Noticed something very odd today. I have a good sized flock of geese 14 or more, and we live across from a park with a very deep gravel pit.
There is a lot of Canadian and mallard over there and they "fly over" regularly. Today, the canadians visited my goose flock!
Several, maybe 16 or more, landed in the north field and was "mingling" lots of wing grabbing and honking!
Their sounds are a lot like the african, so may be the reason? dunno. Just watched and made sure they didn't injure my birds.
I really don't care either way, but am wondering if I need to control interbreeding? my chinese hens were sure flirting with some.
They have visited before but never interacted with my geese til now.
My biggest worry is disease and parasites.

As you know, some of our experienced members recommend putting a little Apple Cider Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother" (unfiltered) in their water. I believe the standard is a Tablespoon per gallon of water.
jchny~ We have a subscription to Consumer Reports, but I checked and there weren't any reports about food vacuum systems. Sounds like you received some good info from members. There are lots of "reports" when googled, but you know how you have to sift through comments.

That's interesting about the visiting geese!
Originally Posted by chisNchickens

I try to wait until spring, bathing is stressful and it strips the natural oils making them more susceptible to cold.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for the tip. Btw, I love your special boy photos. Very sweet.

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