I want to ask a lazy question, so I'll call it a poll.

What's your favorite meat bird? And why?

I'd offer six options, but there are so many dual-purpose breeds I wouldn't know which to include or not. I know about CornishX and Dorkings, and Marans are good too, right?

What do you like to eat?

We've only processed once. I bought "stright run" black sex links and ISA browns last spring they both tasted great but were a little on the small side at about 3.5 pounds dressed. I've got 6 Cornish cross to do in a couple of weeks I'll let you know how they turn out. :)

Racin has American Bresse (sp?) that looked really nice in his freezer. Unfortunately the Bresse eggs I got from him didn't hatch :(
Well they are so cute but it is the milk I would want most.  I have heard it is great for babies.

I've heard the same thing. My wife does a lot of work with nursing mother support and baby nutrition issues. I think goat milk is supposed to be better all around for all ages of people. I'd love to have enough land for a little herd some day!
my babies love milk no matter their age. I'm still not sure that milking a goat would be any easier then nursing though. But late at night when I know I will be up past midnight and up at least 2 more times before 6 am, a goat sure starts looking good. Then if I look at our unmowed grass I really want a goat.

Editing to wonder if a goat would deter hawks.

Also editing to ask if anyone knows if blu kote is safe for scrapes and such for little boys. We ran out of the pain reliever spray and I don't want to attempt to rub in anything on a toddler.
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I love my goats but they don't seem to deter hawks. You have to watch the new born kids so hawks don't take off with them. We keep ours in a stall when they first kid.

I would not use Blue Kote on a human child. Carcinogenics are more detrimental to young children because their cellular structure is still developing.
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I just got two goats and plan to try milking. They are a lot of fun.. On another note.... I went outside today to find my cat chasing this what appears to be day old chick. I saved it. Looks like an EE which I have EE hens.. I can't figure out where it came from. I'm not missing any hens, no other chicks, can't find a rogue nest anywhere. I do have two broodys but they are only a week in. Anyway, sally you don't happen to have any newly hatched chicks for sale do u? I think I might check RK tomorrow. Raising a single chick stinks.
Lactose intolerant people are supposed to be able to drink raw cow milk too. The pasteurization destroys the enzymes (lactase) needed to be able to digest the lactose. (Not to mention denaturing the proteins, weakening the calcium bonds, etc. etc. etc..... I'm a cheese maker so I know some of the problems with pasteurization and how it renders milk pretty useless in most ways...)

I actually know some lactose intolerant folks who can drink raw with no problem.
my babies love milk no matter their age.  I'm still not sure that milking a goat would be any easier then nursing though.  But late at night when I know I will be up past midnight and up at least 2 more times before 6 am, a goat sure starts looking good.  Then if I look at our unmowed grass I really want a goat. 

Editing to wonder if a goat would deter hawks.

Also editing to ask if anyone knows if blu kote is safe for scrapes and such for little boys.  We ran out of the pain reliever spray and I don't want to attempt to rub in anything on a toddler.

You might want to look at Breastfeeding Moms Support Group on FB. My wife is an admin for the group, they're really good at commiserating, if nothing else.

I used to get up with her for every nighttime nursing. I did diapers and burping so she could gat a few more minutes of sleep. I remember several growth spurts where the kid would nurse 30 min of every hour, for several days in a row. It can be really miserable... But its so worth it. Hang in there! We're praying for you!
I just got two goats and plan to try milking. They are a lot of fun.. On another note.... I went outside today to find my cat chasing this what appears to be day old chick. I saved it. Looks like an EE which I have EE hens.. I can't figure out where it came from. I'm not missing any hens, no other chicks, can't find a rogue nest anywhere. I do have two broodys but they are only a week in. Anyway, sally you don't happen to have any newly hatched chicks for sale do u? I think I might check RK tomorrow. Raising a single chick stinks.
I have some that hatched today. They are straight run. I have not got all of them out of the hatching drawer yet though.
Production red hen x heritage RIR roo There might be a few sumatra chicks too. I'm planning to keep any blue chicks but I think I saw a few darker splash ones. Maybe a black star rooster I'm waiting for it to fully dry out. It would be free, as I have no real use for it. The production chicks are the cheapest. The sumatras are a bit more.

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