Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this
. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please
I'm sorry, but I was gone a week and don't know what help you are asking for. Can you please take a second to tell me what you are looking for or direct me to the right post?
For my birthday, I think I will ask for the auto chicken door.

I know someone who can help with that! :-D

if someone wanted to write a letter and then I would sign it

I understand exactly how you feel, and I'm sure you're not the only one. Basically, you want your letter to address the points that are in debate. The old law says that farm animals are prohibited because "The keeping of the animals is hereby found and determined to be a public nuisance and a menace to the health, safety and welfare of the City of Lawrence." So, in your letter you just want to explain how your chickens are not a nuisance or a menace or a threat to other people. Something like:

Dear Council,

My name is Aaron. I live in a suburban neighborhood with 1/2 acre lots. I have a small flock of 10 chickens that I keep in my back yard. They have a coop and a fenced outdoor run with plenty of space for them to be active, clean and healthy. I check them regularly for signs of illness, and I treat them when they're sick. They are very happy and well cared-for.

I maintain my property and keep it free of insect and rodent infestations, just like any other property owner in any town should. My chickens do not create additional problems with pests. My coop has no odor from the outside that could bother my neighbors. My chickens are quiet, and my neighbors have never made any complaint about them.

I raise my chickens to provide a low-cost source of food for my family. In these very difficult times, they help me to keep my grocery bills down. They also help my children learn valuable lessons in responsibility and about how to treat livestock animals kindly.

My chickens are not a menace or a threat to anyone's safety. While I understand that it is possible for a person to create a nuisance with excessive numbers of poorly kept animals, the current law assumes that everyone who keeps chickens will create a nuisance. This is simply not true. My experience, and the experience of many other small flock owners, provides the proof.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Aaron Martin

Feel free to put it in your own words, or not, as you see fit. ;-)
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yesterdays flooding and more on the way tonight and up till Tuesday I'm told. the silkies and the Seabrights were brought inside yesterday and the seabrights house was the victim of a play set, so they will be in the house for awhile till they get a new house

Am putting the Silkie house up on 2 concrete blocks till the weekend and we can make legs for it ( I wanted done in the first place ) I just hope they will climb a ramp that high. they have a little one right now. Never had a flooding problem here before don't know what the deal is. worried about the 6 days of it coming in tonight, even my horses were standing in the barn in water up to their ankles. The goats are having hissy fits!!!!!! they hate water. and I brought the babies in cause they couldn't find a place to get up out of the water in the barn and it was almost touching their little bellies. ( the adults had all the high places ) am making more high places today just in case we have the same problem again, 2 -3 mth old goats are not house friendly.

Hope no one else is having the same problems, I don't wish this on people I don't like let alone the ones I do.
Our yard has many deep puddles and flooding. Some are easy to spot others are not.
It got really bad in one pen and I had a few little chicks try to swim. Chicks do not swim. I found them this morning, it was sad. But for hte most part all of our adult chickens were good and the ducks are having a blast.

Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this
. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please
I have been really busy with my toddlers today. I think what might help you is a form letter or a fill in the blank letter. Maybe you could get something typed up and posted here. Then people could copy it into word and edit + sign it before sending it to you. That would be much better for me. It would still be a bit above a petition signature.
I think what might help you is a form letter or a fill in the blank letter. Maybe you could get something typed up and posted here. Then people could copy it into word and edit + sign it before sending it to you.

Done and done. See post # 28853 . Everyone has my permission to copy, edit, tweak, massage and seal that with a kiss. Not that you needed my permission. This is the internet, after all. ;-)

ETA -nevermind. I'll stay focused.
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I think there was a link posted a while back to a package put together for Salem OR. The historical significance of the town's name made it come to mind. There is a large amount of info in that package. If you summarize it and get a standard letter typed up, I'll sign it. There are other sample letters i found on google but most of them are just personal opinion including one I found for Boston chicken ownership approval. I don't have the time to fully edit a sample letter and if you do it you will get the talking points you want.
Does nobody care to help? I know this thread moves fast but I would write a letter for each and everyone on this entire site if they needed one for this
. This is really hard to go through and feel like very few people care at all. I'm so so so horribly depressed right now please

I'm sorry but I am at work during the day and can only get on periodically on my phone. I think you are being a bit unrealistic in your expectations during the middle of the day and I think more people will help during off hours. I am sorry you feel like people don't care, I think a number of people have expressed sympathy during your ordeal (rightfully so) and hope things go well at the meeting. Just please keep in mind that everyone has their own struggles also that they need to work around and it may take some time for people to respond. Just myself, I am working 50 hours this week, caring for my 40+ animals, trying to deal with a broken car, broken lawnmower that has to be functional to mow by the weekend, two sick dogs, a paralyzed rooster and I am petsitting my neighbors dogs cows and pigeons. I will certainly try to write a letter later but it will have to be worked around other things. Also please keep in mind that just because it looks like people are on the thread, many are getting caught up on old posts and have not read your request yet. You are not being ignored.
I think what might help you is a form letter or a fill in the blank letter. Maybe you could get something typed up and posted here. Then people could copy it into word and edit + sign it before sending it to you.

Done and done. See post # 28853 . Everyone has my permission to copy, edit, tweak, massage and seal that with a kiss. Not that you needed my permission. This is the internet, after all. ;-)

ETA -nevermind. I'll stay focused.

I must have missed it but what is the email that I'm to send the letter to?

edited for typos just like almost all of my other posts.
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Our yard has many deep puddles and flooding. Some are easy to spot others are not.
It got really bad in one pen and I had a few little chicks try to swim. Chicks do not swim. I found them this morning, it was sad. But for hte most part all of our adult chickens were good and the ducks are having a blast.

I have been really busy with my toddlers today. I think what might help you is a form letter or a fill in the blank letter. Maybe you could get something typed up and posted here. Then people could copy it into word and edit + sign it before sending it to you. That would be much better for me. It would still be a bit above a petition signature.
no chicks do not swim. So sorry for your loss
. I am lucky I was home and brought my non-swimers in. I bet the ducks are loving it, probably the only critters that are.. lol

I pm-ed her a letter that stole from hoosiercheetah but I edited it of course. BTW thanks a bunch hoosiercheetah .
This is Princess ( we hope ) I just want to show her off cause she is a special girl. What makes her so special is she has took to helping and protecting an injured pullet. In the 1st pic you can see the tail feathers of the injured pullet, Princess is never out of her sight, she will fight ya and the other chickens if she thinks you are going to hurt her friend. She clears the way to the feed dish when her friend is hungry or thirsty. She watches over her friend when they are out wandering around and she GRABS bugs for her friend. NO ONE MESSES WITH HER FRIEND!!!

So I just had to show her off.

thought we could all use an AAWWW moment

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