Got my last run 90% complete and have approx. 90% of my skin left. $*(#*#& hardware cloth!!! It attacked my face at one point, I am going to get some strange looks at work on Monday. This is REALLY a job where you need at least 2 sets of hands. It is not perfect since I only had two hands, but it is good enough and I think it will do the job of keeping predators out.

I still need to add a latch and handle to the door, bury the hardware cloth along the perimeter, assemble a jungle gym, and add shade cloth to part of the run and then cut the new pop door. Still sounds like an awful amount of work left!

I got the necropsy results back on my poor pullet. It was, as I suspected, Coccidosis and seemingly unrelated to Gregor's ailment. I'm still not sure why she got it at 14 weeks old, and the rest of the babies seem fine. I have been treating them just in case but now I'm going to be stressing about it. What are the early early signs? I can obviously recognize it when it is too late now but would like to be able to catch it earlier if it happens again.

Gregor is absolutely moving his feet and legs better and still seems to be eating ok but stopped drinking today. I am getting concerned about that. If he can make it to tomorrow my parents vet offered to try acupuncture on him for free as a guinea pig. I think anything is worth it at this point. It has been two weeks. If the acupuncture doesn't work I am getting ready to throw in the towel. At least then I can necropsy and get some answers. He is getting sick of being messed with, will not tolerate the sling any more (and it was helping him so much) and it is getting difficult to watch.
Run is looking really good! :) That darn hardware cloth gets me and my clothes a lot too. I am thinking of putting up trim around all the edges and painting them so it looks good and the edges won't get me anymore.
For those willing to take some time and pen a letter for LonelyPageTurner's meeting, I wanted to put a copy of my letter out "in the universe" as another example.

To whom it may concern,

I would like to voice my support for those desiring to keep backyard chickens in urban or suburban areas. A quiet, therapeutic hobby that can be done on a small lot, chickens not only help provide a bit of self sufficiency and sustenance in times when grocery bills are skyrocketing, but they also help teach children basic husbandry skills and develop a work ethic that most children today are sorely lacking.

In a time when crime rates are outrageous and houses stand empty, I feel that we should embrace a past time that encourages people to put time and effort into their property and teaches our youth the value of working for something, even as simple as the eggs for that morning's breakfast.

Unlike most pets, chickens require investment in suitable housing and take some effort to find and purchase. Because they require such investment we take pride in keeping our coops clean and looking nice and we take a lot of pride in our chickens. Because they require such investment, those who undertake to keep them see them as treasured pets. Unless there is abuse, which can happen with any type of animal, there is no noticeable smell or unsightliness. Unlike those who take a free dog and park it on a chain to bark at all hours of the night, chickens are quiet and most people don't even notice that their neighbor keeps them! Abuse can and will happen but you should punish those few individuals rather than refusing to take a chance and punishing the many who will be shining examples to the youth of tomorrow. Let's allow chickens to once again provide for the small family. Let's teach our youth the value of working hard and enjoying profits from our labor. Maybe then we will start to see society and crime rates turning around.

Although it is unlikely that I will be able to attend the meeting I would welcome visitors to my property and welcome questions.

Then I included my contact information which you all don't need to know!
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My kids took their 4H project birds to the 4H meeting tonight to be blood tested. And all came back negative!!
We also woke up this morning with a new baby Nubian doeling! Kinda shocked about that one lol!!
Some could also include that they provide a more healthful egg alternative to members of our communities. As if this fall, I should have enough eggs to donate to our local food bank and our homeless shelter. At least one of the hatcheries will send an extra chick in your order if you tell them you will donate the eggs. That's a definite plus to the community.
Thank you to everyone for entertaining my hissy fit. I'm sorry. Nobody deserved that. I'm so stressed and depressed. Thanks again to the people who have come to the meeting (s), and who have been supporting me. Hugs to you all.

My email is [email protected]
And my address is
.ninety 6 zero 6 English Oak Dr
Indy 46two3five

Or you can send me a pm or if you want to come to the meeting it's on Monday at the government building at 59th and post. I need to find out a definite time but I think it's 5 or 6 pm.

Sorry again guys.
I really am sorry. Brad, you're right. That wasn't very kind of me. I feel totally overwhelmed right now and I don't even know where to start. I appreciate the kindness and patience people have shown and truly, seriously am sorry.
I need serious help guys! One of my hens has a rip under her wing, I didnt know it was there until she started acting weird today. Infected. I claened it out. Went and got neosporin without pain killer, and I was going to apply that gauze and vet wrap. I have tyan and durymicin. Should I give her one of those????? Help!!!!!
I need serious help guys! One of my hens has a rip under her wing, I didnt know it was there until she started acting weird today. Infected. I claened it out. Went and got neosporin without pain killer, and I was going to apply that gauze and vet wrap. I have tyan and durymicin. Should I give her one of those????? Help!!!!!

I wouldn't treat with a systemic unless the topical doesn't work. Kep it clean and dry and make sure it breathes so it can heal. If no improvement or any worsening in 24 hours use a systemic med.
I couldn't wait. She has a fever and her wound stinks. Cleaned the bad tissue out, packed it with neosporin and gauze, vet wrapped around her sort of across her chest under leg back up around. The wound is on her side under her wing. I think my roo ripped her skin since she has no feathers there. . I dosed her with Tylan because she has an infection from the wound and is wheezing, so I figured tylan is best. Gave her drench in her water, a scrambled egg and a nice quiet dog kennel. If no improvement tomorrow, Ill take her to the vet. When she gets better her and the other baldies are going into their own coop for awhile to regrow feathers. Thanks for your advice though, I appreciate it.
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