This might be a stretch but hope someone can lead me in the right direction. I'm looking for a Salmon Faverolle bantam rooster to go with my hen. If you know if one or a breeder please let me know. Thanks all!!
Sounds like ChickenFest was a great success! I'm planning on being there next year!

In other news, @jchny2000 has agreed to take a rooster off my hands, but it's a bit of a drive - if anyone from the Indy area is going that way and wouldn't mind transporting him, I'd sure appreciate it!

In other other news, I've got my first pullet/new hen egg! I found two on consecutive days in the coop, but each was laid from the perch and broke on the ground. I've got plenty of nest boxes, with fake eggs in them, so I'm hoping she figures it out. I've already got one hen dropping eggs all over the place; I don't need all of them doing it!
Had a great time Saturday at Chickenfest. Met lots of wonderful people. Took a few pictures. [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] The cookies in the last picture were almost to pretty to eat I said almost. Mother2Hens did a wonderful job with the decorations. I also want to thank Mother2Hens and CRSelvey for the great door prizes. Again amazing job. Jchny2000 did a fantastic job getting the facility and making everyone feel welcome. Want to also thank jchny2000 and her DH for coming to our rescue Sunday morning when the pop-up camper we borrowed didn't want to pop back down. And to Minminme who didn't leave me stranded all alone at the park while my BF went to borrow some tools from jchny2000 and her DH.
I know that you would have done the same for me if situations were reversed, but you are quite welcome! : )
Hi All,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for getting together and bringing such yummy food to the Chickenfest. It was really nice meeting and talking with you all. We stayed an extra day up North, so I am just getting back online to check things out.

For everyone that didn't make it this year, we really hope you can next year!

So this morning I'm dealing with a suddenly blind hen, oor at least terrible depth perception, another hen with an ear infection, and possibly favus. Im hoping its just mites. I planned on cleaning out and sterilizing the coop today, and bathing the hens, and treating for mites, but I caught my boot on the silkies fence, and end o'd oover it. Its been a bit since Ive fallen like that. Couldnt catch myself either since I had a chick in my hands. She is fine. I look like a 10 year old that played to hard a recess. Two lovely skinned up knees. Pretty sure I pulled something too. Grrr. Hopefully this afternoon I will feel like cleaning the coop. Im so sick of this years pests and illnesses. Poor chickies. No matter how much you do for them, there is always something.
Yes exactly true. Hope you are ok, that happens to me every so often get my boot caught up on somethin and down I go.

I know what you mean. I went out to catch my little old lady Margo to treat my first bumblefoot and noticed her back end was all bloody. She has a prolapsed vent now too!!! I'm trying to treat that, if she pulls through I will still have to treat the bumblefoot. I am pretty tired of sick birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw I am so sorry.

Quote: Welcome, glad to help.

Quote: Yes very true.
I also had a great time at chickenfest and appreciate all the hard work you ladies out into it for us!

I stopped at our county fair today and wow was it pathetic! I sold birds to several people (all of which were way to young and not developed enough, IMO) and found out they were classing them by meat birds, white egg layers and exotics. Nothing about their true classes (asiatic, feather foot bantam, etc). Majority of the hens had all thei back feathers missing from being bred, sickly chickens (silkies eye matted shut), and no variety. I honestly have a larger variety at my house than I saw there. Barred rocks being shown as exotics! Not one bird appeared to be conditioned or cleaned for showing. Majority were meat birds (Cornish crosses). It was a serious let down. I was hoping to find some nice birds locally to get new breeders from. Definitely not going to happen!
Great pics of chickenfest Maybe next year I can make it! I love seeing everyone pics and reading the updates. I sadly have no new updates in the animal department. Does anyone know or have a pop-up camper for sale? I am looking for one so I can get out of the city.
Poor Margo is still prolapsed. I need to get more aggressive in my treatment and I am a bit squeamish about shoving her prolapse back in for fear of hurting her. Guess I need to toughen up since it won't be great for either of us if she has to be euthanized
. She is in my guest bath since I can control the light (to try to keep her from laying while prolapsed) and it makes soaking and treating easier. Not a great setup though, she hates it and I hate having a stinky bathroom!

My broody is set to hatch her eggs this week. Friday will be 21 days and I have heard that they could arrive early since the weather is warm. I am excited to see how many hatch. I have not caught her off the nest and haven't candled, so I have no clue what is going on under there. She also doesn't seem to be leaving the nest to poop, the nest is big enough that she is pooping around the perimeter. I need to pull her off the nest and clean it so it isn't too bad for the chicks when they arrive. I am planning on doing that today since I figure we are heading into the broody version of lock down. Do you think it is ok to move her and clean the nest? Do you think it would be ok to hit her with some poultry dust also since she hasn't been able to dust bathe? I just don't want to hurt the chicks that will soon be hatching into that fluff and am not sure if it would be better for them to be under her with mites or poultry dust in her feathers!
Very good question

Finally got our first dozen bantam/pullet eggs!
The top row of bleached out white eggs are from a couple white leghorn pullets that just started laying this week. The second row is from a egyption/game bird mix. The next row is from our awesome Faverolle, then last green egg is from a Americana mix bantam! Cool color mix I think.
Very cool~ I love color in my eggs!
Hi Everyone! We returned last night from Chickenfest including two nights in Indy staying with friends and visiting our oldest DD. I am exhausted!

I put together these photos from Chickenfest. Hope everyone can read the captions. BYC has photo size limits.
I thought I had taken more photos, and I especially hated not having a photo of CrazedChick!

I will check in later-- I want to go outside with my flock. I missed them so much just being gone for a weekend. It's a little weird, but I'm sure you understand.

Lovely photos! And I was really pleased to meet our lurkers, and get to talk with them

Welcome to our group, I think you will have a lot of laughs with us. We all help each other learn.
Got some silkie eggs from bradselig and had them hatch in time for our family reunion! I named them all after people from Beatles songs. My cousin also gave me a guinea and a MF in case anyone is wondering why Vera and Rita don't look like silkies. LOL Love these little fluff balls.

What adorable babies, oh my!
Sounds like ChickenFest was a great success! I'm planning on being there next year!

In other news, @jchny2000 has agreed to take a rooster off my hands, but it's a bit of a drive - if anyone from the Indy area is going that way and wouldn't mind transporting him, I'd sure appreciate it!

In other other news, I've got my first pullet/new hen egg! I found two on consecutive days in the coop, but each was laid from the perch and broke on the ground. I've got plenty of nest boxes, with fake eggs in them, so I'm hoping she figures it out. I've already got one hen dropping eggs all over the place; I don't need all of them doing it!
They will in time, My youngest BR turkey hen was doing that too, and some of the BAs did.
Looking forward to adding Gandalf! His colors are very interesting!

Hi All,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for getting together and bringing such yummy food to the Chickenfest. It was really nice meeting and talking with you all. We stayed an extra day up North, so I am just getting back online to check things out.

For everyone that didn't make it this year, we really hope you can next year!


I also had a great time at chickenfest and appreciate all the hard work you ladies out into it for us!

I stopped at our county fair today and wow was it pathetic! I sold birds to several people (all of which were way to young and not developed enough, IMO) and found out they were classing them by meat birds, white egg layers and exotics. Nothing about their true classes (asiatic, feather foot bantam, etc). Majority of the hens had all thei back feathers missing from being bred, sickly chickens (silkies eye matted shut), and no variety. I honestly have a larger variety at my house than I saw there. Barred rocks being shown as exotics! Not one bird appeared to be conditioned or cleaned for showing. Majority were meat birds (Cornish crosses). It was a serious let down. I was hoping to find some nice birds locally to get new breeders from. Definitely not going to happen!
you're welcome! And OMG
love that salsa!!
I am hoping to make it to state fair. I bet that will offer more opportunity!

Great pics of chickenfest Maybe next year I can make it! I love seeing everyone pics and reading the updates. I sadly have no new updates in the animal department. Does anyone know or have a pop-up camper for sale? I am looking for one so I can get out of the city.

Will keep my ears open, did you post on your FB page too? Fall is a really good time to start looking.

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