I have only taken two weeks of Spanish so far. I basically know how to count to 40 and say assorted words

Presente= present
Buenas Dias= good morning
Mi mejor Amiga el __________= my best friend is________.

Plus basic stuff like señor and señorita.

There is other stuff I am suppose to remember.

I have never wanted to learn Spanish and still don't. I wanted to take 2 years if German and a year of viatmenese, but they got rid of a program and the only option is spanish, so I am pretty much stuck with it. But it is extremely easy to learn
I took Spanish in jr high & then in high school also many many moons ago. I had to brush up on it my final year of college when I did a 3 month Study Service Trimester in Costa Rica. The final 6 weeks on service assignment I stayed with my host family in a small village where I was the only English speaking gringa (white person) around! I haven't had much opportunity to use my Spanish since then, but now Chloe is in her 3rd year of Spanish & Benji just started this year, so I'm practicing up again helping them study. It's rather amazing how much is still retained after...ahem...30 years, but when they ask me how to say something in Spanish I'm often able to rattle off what they want to know. I do have to say that there is a lot I never learned!
LOL being construction, I learned several of the "bad" or "rude" words too!
The supervisor taught me those so If someone was being out of line I would know it!
It led to some very funny interactions because some of the new employees didn't realize I knew what was being said.. oopsie!
My Aching Back
Overdoing it with my yard work/entertaining my flock finally caught up with me.
I woke up yesterday with a bad leg and lower back pain. So annoying! I haven't decided what type of doctor to see, but I'd better make up my mind. I can feel crunching in my lower back. I won't even mention how I'm even more behind on the thread . . . I will catch up, but I want to go ahead and post the following.

Here's my experience with my Jubilee Orp Adeline's Bumblefoot.

On Thursday afternoon, I called the vet and picked up pain meds for Adeline since I could tell she was feeling worse --limping more dramatically and sleeping in a nesting box the night before. That night I brought her inside to her hospital kennel.

She had an appointment on Friday afternoon. I bring my ill chickens to Dr. Gormley who raises chickens and other farm animals. Besides his regular vet practice, he also runs a wild bird rehab clinic. Adeline was the second chicken patient that he saw yesterday. lol

While I waited, he removed the scab, inspected and cleaned the area, applied antibacterial ointment, and bandaged her foot including padding. He said it was good that I brought her in before it worsened, which would have required the infamous de-kernel surgery. Just fyi-- If surgery isn't done in time and infection spreads to the bones, it's too late. I was relieved that Adeline didn't have to go through surgery, and I'm glad that I had not attempted surgery myself since it wasn't necessary. I had decided not to because I had read about the pain involved, plus the potential for excessive bleeding during surgery and infection following surgery.

In addition to pain meds, she's taking an antibiotic. I'll bring her in on Wednesday for a re-check/bandage change.

I'm listing the charges, so that our members can gain a general idea of veterinarian treatment costs:
Exam/Diagnosis/Treatment $40
Batril (antibiotic) 200mg/10cc every 12 hours $22.00
Torbutrol (pain) 15ml
every 12 hours $25.50

I'm keeping her in her hospital kennel next to the glass doors where she can see her buddies. Dr. Gormley said she could go outside for a short visit each day if her bandage didn't get too dirty. Since then, it's been rainy.
Hopefully skies will be clear tomorrow.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday weekend!
So here's what the hens have been up to:

Left to right it's Golden Comet, RIR, RIR, Wellie/Brown Leghorn, Black Orp, Easter Egger. The colors didn't wash out in the picture, except that the EE eggs are slightly bluer than that in person.

Sizes are L, L, M, S, M, L, S.

I have one RIR who throws a Jumbo double yolk every now and then. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed with the size of eggs from the RIRs, but they're all laying like champs. This week I got 50 eggs from 8 hens. I'm not expecting them to keep up that pace, but if they do, I can sell enough eggs to pay for feed and litter, and actually get into the black, with free eggs for personal use.
I don't normally do this, but:
LOL being construction, I learned several of the "bad" or "rude" words too!
The supervisor taught me those so If someone was being out of line I would know it!
It led to some very funny interactions because some of the new employees didn't realize I knew what was being said.. oopsie!
lol I bet it did..

My Aching Back
Overdoing it with my yard work/entertaining my flock finally caught up with me.
I woke up yesterday with a bad leg and lower back pain. So annoying! I haven't decided what type of doctor to see, but I'd better make up my mind. I can feel crunching in my lower back. I won't even mention how I'm even more behind on the thread . . . I will catch up, but I want to go ahead and post the following.

Here's my experience with my Jubilee Orp Adeline's Bumblefoot.

On Thursday afternoon, I called the vet and picked up pain meds for Adeline since I could tell she was feeling worse --limping more dramatically and sleeping in a nesting box the night before. That night I brought her inside to her hospital kennel.

She had an appointment on Friday afternoon. I bring my ill chickens to Dr. Gormley who raises chickens and other farm animals. Besides his regular vet practice, he also runs a wild bird rehab clinic. Adeline was the second chicken patient that he saw yesterday. lol

While I waited, he removed the scab, inspected and cleaned the area, applied antibacterial ointment, and bandaged her foot including padding. He said it was good that I brought her in before it worsened, which would have required the infamous de-kernel surgery. Just fyi-- If surgery isn't done in time and infection spreads to the bones, it's too late. I was relieved that Adeline didn't have to go through surgery, and I'm glad that I had not attempted surgery myself since it wasn't necessary. I had decided not to because I had read about the pain involved, plus the potential for excessive bleeding during surgery and infection following surgery.

In addition to pain meds, she's taking an antibiotic. I'll bring her in on Wednesday for a re-check/bandage change.

I'm listing the charges, so that our members can gain a general idea of veterinarian treatment costs:
Exam/Diagnosis/Treatment $40
Batril (antibiotic) 200mg/10cc every 12 hours $22.00
Torbutrol (pain) 15ml
every 12 hours $25.50

I'm keeping her in her hospital kennel next to the glass doors where she can see her buddies. Dr. Gormley said she could go outside for a short visit each day if her bandage didn't get too dirty. Since then, it's been rainy.
Hopefully skies will be clear tomorrow.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday weekend!
Wow I hope you and Adeline get to feeling better soon.

Have a question... ha ha me with a question... how do the get bumblefoot? I THOUGHT I read that it was caused by living in wire cages ??? I can see I am wrong, but now I am wondering???
Just some random thoughts: The longer I am with my chickens, goats and horses, the more I see that, CHICKENS are so much harder to care for. ( worth it to me, just saying ) I mean look at this, they have so many injuries, illnesses and just general getting into stuff things and places they should not get into....
When something does go wrong, a vet is so hard to find for chickens, ( not for me I have one, but so many I notice don't ) not to mention the vet bills.
But.... we all do it anyway. We all love our birds ( in our own ways ) Some treat them like kids even, ( guilty ) and some they are a means to and end, ( no offence intended ) Take me for example: Some of my birds are for healthier eating ( the eggs ) and making enough money to hopefully pay for the feed ( never happens lol ) Others are Just cause I want and like them, and still Others cause I fell head over heals in-love with them. Then they die, but I do it anyway... Some people Say " your nuts " or "their just a farm animal y get so attached" my personal favorite..... " That comes out of a chickens butt and you eat it "
My own Aunt ... God bless her... just asked me the other day if the stores Bleached the eggs to get them white..... lol
I have family members that just totally do not understand why anyone would want to " waste good money on filthy creatures " Then we have the SNOBS that sit on our town boards, city hall ect... that like to tell us we cant have our chickens, goats, cows ect... in some areas.. even in the county you have to have your neighbors permission to own an farm animal of any kind. Its all nuts, I was born thinking this was a free America... boy was I wrong, The government has say on everything. Not going to get into that!
But, We explain, we fight for, and do what we have to do, all for the love ( in one way or another ) for our animals.
Just yesterday I actually went out walking up and down the street giving eggs away before they went bad ( my girls have really picked up ). My customers cant keep up, need more customers... lol and you wouldn't believe the responses I got from some of them... well yeah you probably would. One man even told me that farm fresh eggs taste horrible!!!! ??????? That was a first for me... I even tried to make friends with our neighborhood drunk, that was a mistake!! Lesson learned!! Never do that again!! I heard about my "crowing Roosters " Bahhing goats and yelling horses ( the neighbor's horses talk to our horses ... its funny sometimes.. And why do your d--- dogs bark????? Ok dude, go on about your beer and I'll go on about my life.
I did meet a neighbor that had chickens and I didn't know
And I noticed that Gertrude's old home, ( the BR that showed up after I culled my whole flock ) had packed up and moved away. Man I need to get out more lol.
I meet the nicest Mexican lady that wouldn't take my eggs unless I took some of her tamollies... guess what??? We had the most awesome tamollies I have ever eaten and I think I actually meet a new friend, we talked for an hour, DH had started to get worried about me lol. He didnt like the ideal I took off on foot to go knocking on doors in the first place.
ok thanks for letting me bend your ears. I think I'm done.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday
Already posted this in corresponding breed threads, but I thought maybe y'all could help out.

I'm actively searching for a trio or quad (or two) of good quality SOP Single Comb RIR, Rose Comb RIR, and Barred Rock around Indiana. If anyone has any leads on any, please let me know via PM any names, numbers, or e-mails. Thanks in advance.

Also, we booted ALL except three of our little ones out into the main flock today. I need my two indoor grow out pens to set aside my Australorp trio and to break some birds that have been sitting broody for literally 3 months.
Are you wanting Bantams or LF? There is a guy in my county that Raises LF RIR SC and I know someone who does the bantams as well. My daughter Raises and shows bantam Barred Rocks.

Got a late start so finishing up the tomatoes now, then I'll start the green beans. I'm so proud of my son -- he's 13 (8th grade). I had him look up on line how to harvest edible soybeans (it's been about 10 years since I last grew them). He read what to do, then went out and picked the beans that were ready -- still have a lot that are too green yet. He got them all washed & then I told him how to blanch them. After he got that done & they cooled he shelled them all, put them in a freezer bag, labelled them & stuck them in the deep freeze. Start to finish he did everything! I was totally impressed -- and he didn't even complain about doing it. I think he actually liked doing it (he got to watch a video while he was shelling them so that helped...took twice as long as it should have, but I didn't care!!)

Good job to both of you. Most kids now days wouldn't know where to begin.
Great accomplishment!!!! Congrats young lady! LAM I bet you are a proud Momma!
Thanks everyone, she was really happy

poor duck! thats a goose size egg! I had a double yolker goose egg that was 6.75 oz.. My embden hen was ok but geez thats my smallest girl too!

WOW !! That is one big egg !!
Welll we planned on going camping but decided to stay home.
Have to finish the hog pen, and have several projects otherwise in the works too. Going to have a get together with friends and a fire tho!
Ran around doing errands all day today. Days are getting shorter so fast, UGH. Really do not want to think about winter yet!
It never ends , always something to do, we all need to slow down and enjoy things. I planning on being with family also. So not ready for winter !!!

Pretty, even the explosion survivors lol

Yep all normal
just cowlicks

I miss camping, course I always take my horse... We have so much to do to get ready for winter, but as for the norm, money and time is fast running out... Hope you have a good time in front of the fire. Thanks for the link, it looks like I have 2 unknown ( due to not being able to see through the color ) and 4 good ones, threw 2 away.

G'nite all
A whole bunch of use to load up our horses and head to brown county, miss those days, but seems like everyone is so busy now days.
My Aching Back
Overdoing it with my yard work/entertaining my flock finally caught up with me.
I woke up yesterday with a bad leg and lower back pain. So annoying! I haven't decided what type of doctor to see, but I'd better make up my mind. I can feel crunching in my lower back. I won't even mention how I'm even more behind on the thread . . . I will catch up, but I want to go ahead and post the following.

Here's my experience with my Jubilee Orp Adeline's Bumblefoot.

On Thursday afternoon, I called the vet and picked up pain meds for Adeline since I could tell she was feeling worse --limping more dramatically and sleeping in a nesting box the night before. That night I brought her inside to her hospital kennel.

She had an appointment on Friday afternoon. I bring my ill chickens to Dr. Gormley who raises chickens and other farm animals. Besides his regular vet practice, he also runs a wild bird rehab clinic. Adeline was the second chicken patient that he saw yesterday. lol

While I waited, he removed the scab, inspected and cleaned the area, applied antibacterial ointment, and bandaged her foot including padding. He said it was good that I brought her in before it worsened, which would have required the infamous de-kernel surgery. Just fyi-- If surgery isn't done in time and infection spreads to the bones, it's too late. I was relieved that Adeline didn't have to go through surgery, and I'm glad that I had not attempted surgery myself since it wasn't necessary. I had decided not to because I had read about the pain involved, plus the potential for excessive bleeding during surgery and infection following surgery.

In addition to pain meds, she's taking an antibiotic. I'll bring her in on Wednesday for a re-check/bandage change.

I'm listing the charges, so that our members can gain a general idea of veterinarian treatment costs:
Exam/Diagnosis/Treatment $40
Batril (antibiotic) 200mg/10cc every 12 hours $22.00
Torbutrol (pain) 15ml every 12 hours $25.50

I'm keeping her in her hospital kennel next to the glass doors where she can see her buddies. Dr. Gormley said she could go outside for a short visit each day if her bandage didn't get too dirty. Since then, it's been rainy.
Hopefully skies will be clear tomorrow.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday weekend!
Chiropractors do wonders !!!! Hope your beautiful hens is better soon.
Are you wanting Bantams or LF? There is a guy in my county that Raises LF RIR SC and I know someone who does the bantams as well. My daughter Raises and shows bantam Barred Rocks.

Good job to both of you. Most kids now days wouldn't know where to begin.
Thanks everyone, she was really happy

WOW !! That is one big egg !!
It never ends , always something to do, we all need to slow down and enjoy things. I planning on being with family also. So not ready for winter !!!

A whole bunch of use to load up our horses and head to brown county, miss those days, but seems like everyone is so busy now days.
Chiropractors do wonders !!!! Hope your beautiful hens is better soon.
I have been to Brown County, its awesome, love the water fall. I miss it too haven't been able to go for 2 years now. Really need to go!!!!

Man everyone is talking about all these eggs. I got 1 yesterday!
Wow I sorry, that not good... I would throw a fit... I was throwing a fit just last week, but now I'm happy ... maybe now that you said something about it they will pick up for you

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