I somehow was expecting a longer list! :lol: Let me know if (when? ;) ) you get some silver Barnies!! I'd be glad to buy any of either size; chicks, eggs, or adults! :drool I will make room for them even if I have to build a coop specifically for them!

It always takes me ages to remember all the different breeds I have running around in my flock, and I don't even have that many birds as compared to some of y'all! (Although, considering I have 41 hens and somewhere in the range of 20-25 different breeds, I suppose that gives me some leeway. :D )

Um, who is building your coops?
Glad you think so! :) I've been sketching and scribbling out and sketching again until I settled on that arrangement. I really like it overall, just seeing if it seems like a good plan for a duck coop!

I'd read where a lot of people have said their ducks like sleeping outside more than inside. I wonder if it's instinct? I'm a bit paranoid about making sure every single bird is where they belong (yes, I count all 42 chickens before I lock the coop up every night... :oops: ) so I'll probably be carrying ducks in to bed every night. :lol:

My ducks return to the original run they grew up in at least 4 times a day. I feed them in the chicken run with the chickens so my goats do not get any of the feed. I have 2 mallards and 2 Pekins. Every morning and at least once in the evening, the mallards are waiting at the entrance to get in. The poor flightless Pekins are having a fit because they can not fly over the gate to get over there with them. I think you will be surprised at how willingly they will go back to the duck house at night if that is their routine. :) I too am one of those people who has to count every animal before they can officially be put up. I have 30 chickens, 4 ducks, 6 goats, a pig, and my 2 Great Pyrenees. The counting has probably saved a few chickens from spending the night out of the coop. It also alerted me that one of my bantam pullets was missing when I first got the chickens back in April. We devised a search mission and my daughter found her, about 20 mins into the search, deep in the wooded area, outside the fenced in area. She defiantly would not have survived the night at 8 weeks old in the woods. My ducks love to sleep in their kiddie pool but during the Winter it will be put up and brought out only on warmer days. I am sure my ducks are going to feel abused and neglected this Winter with out 24/7 access to the kiddie pool. Good Luck on your duck adventure and I look forward to learning how your set up works and hearing all your duck stories when you get them.:)
I never knew geese would deter a hawk attack! How "noisy" is a goose? Are the docile breeds good protection? Do geese go after human visitors or the family dog?
all those type birds, they earn their keep helping to protect the ducks and chickens. I couldn't safely free range without them.

I never knew geese would deter a hawk attack! How "noisy" is a goose? Are the docile breeds good protection? Do geese go after human visitors or the family dog?
Adding to those questions - do they bother the chickens? What kind of housing is needed for geese?
slow day today on the thread.
I'll add a question. Anyone have a good recommendation for roll out nesting boxes for larger birds? Right now we are using our wooden homemade nesting boxes.
Another question, anyone know of someone local who makes the roll out nests?

Last question of the post. Anyone looking to buy 2 white splash sumatra chicks. They are about 2.5 weeks old.
A friend gave us 3 pigeons, and of course my daughter layed claim to them. Can anyone tell me what breeds they are, and what color I'd write down to show them.??? The 2 big fat ones wouldn't cooperate on the pictures, but if someone needs more, I can take some more.

Okay, y'all, as is my usual habit anymore, instead of doing some homework today, I did something more interesting and drew up some basic plans for the duck coop.
Any duck people want to give me some pointers here as for how I can improve it?

Please, pick it apart.
I'm designing this from a 'chicken person with no duck experience' point of view, so I need all the criticism I can get.
I only had ducks for a short time this year before we sold them, but I can tell you they love water. Put your waterer where 1) You can refill it easily 2) When it spills, the area around it can get wet and not hurt anything. Have you thought of where to put a little kiddy pool/bathtub for them too? I've seen designs where the pool are is inside the run, which seems convenient. I really like it when people use bathtubs, as you can run some plumbing so when you drain it, the water goes elsewhere and it looks super easy to clean. Just make sure you have it located near a hose so you can clean and re-fill 1x-2x daily. Ducks seem to love making a mess with water. It's really cute

Check the tub out at the end of the video here. Such a great idea! He also explains how he made it in this video.


My family made me a treadle feeder as a gift last year. (Dad built it while sister & mom did the artwork. Lizard pic b/c I used to raise reptiles.) After a year it still works, but I have to occasionally reassemble the lever arm. If I did not have it, I would be considering a pre-made metal one. I added a pointed peak to keep the chickens from sitting on it.

The other feeders I have work perfectly because there's no moving parts. The hens must put their heads completely inside to eat, so there's less waste.
I fill it up all the way. As the chickens eat the food from the bottom, more from the top & sides fall through.
I hang them so little critters don't climb up into it & so the chickens do not sit on top (& poop). Not sure if little birds would find a way into it or not. I made smaller ones for the chicks, since they're easy & practically free to make.

Below is a smaller chick feeder made from a nut container. I later added a handle to hang it.

I cut the female end off the bottom to make a lip for the front.

PS- Neither of these ideas were originally mine. The treadle plans were found here on Backyard chickens & the feeder was from
These are really great! Super helpful. I added this post to the Indiana BYC'ers page.

Early planning stages for next years chickenfest, you can join the planning here:

Ok, I am thinking mid September. Yes or no's? taking a vote, and I will start looking for a northern location. Will post on our main thread also.
1. Plans are a swap, and maybe an auction on donated items like hatching eggs, even live birds. Swaps should be planned in advance and the owners responsibility. Chicken trains could also be worked out for the event.
2. @hoosiercheetah is offering an auto door demo. Other topics?
3. Pitch in or possibly catered. (several food chains even offer catering packages, like subway) Food committee will plan this, and take votes, decide on menu. @Minminme and possibly @barb s
Anyone interested in the food committee please holler! We need to plan for vegetarian members as well.
4. Time period...longer event, shorter? We all kinda felt it was too short!
Those 4 items will give us a good start on the new fest coming next year.
And just remembered also, campfire and smores!!!
I am really excited about Chickenfest 2015! Thank you for the update!
Hey peeps! I added a new section to the Indiana BYC'ers page for Chicken ordinances. I remember a few people posting letter examples in June and offering advice to anyone who was looking to appeal to city councils thinking of passing backyard chicken legislation. If you wrote a letter or have anything to add, could you please post it? I'd love to add more info from everyone.

Another section I'd like to add is Chicken Therapy. If you have anything to share on this topic, please post it! :) I first started reading about this topic this year, and Backyard Poultry Mag did have a good article on it called Feathered Therapy. (If you don't have a subscription see my trick here to read the article anyways) Are your chickens therapeutic? Do your kids/grandkids find them therapeutic? @Mother2Hens had a good post on being zen with the chickens, but I couldn't find it in recent posts.

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