So, I finally accepted the new job and put in my 2 weeks notice. I felt good with my decision despite having to sell the chickens and relocate! Then my current district manager had to throw a wrench into the it all! He offered me to run a bigger/busier store as well as becoming a training store to train new hire management. After finding out the pay increase, I was silly not to accept! So I am now staying at Family dollar and will not have to relocate. This all means I will keep the chickens. I will still be downsizing some, but definitely not all of them!
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What do you have and what's for sell I'm trying start a chicken / poultry farm so I need good egg layers for population increase among creating " new" populations... I've found that I really enjoy it and I can " franchise" it with a few friends who need jobs lol I sold out of my chicks in two days although my business plan is basicaly three stages... Egg production, hatchery, and meat birds. Although I don't know how I feel about the meat birds yet because I do enjoy them so much
Yes, I have been changing the water 2 times a day actually. I keep running the waterer bases through the sanitization cycle in the dishwasher.

We rounded up some poo samples and I am having hubby run it to the vet right now!

I ended up buying this product:

And this one:



Don't use the one that includes a wormer right now. These kiddos are in a weakened condition already. The wormer formula will put them more at risk than they already are.

Right now you need to focus on re-building their health through the vitamin/mineral/probiotic. You can worm when they are older if you choose to worm but now is not the time.
You can add some eggs (raw or cooked...they love slurping up the raw yolks), some tiny raw high-quality ground meat, etc. That will also help with the nutrition at this point. Even some plain yogurt could be used (not a lactose issue with yogurt as it is a fermented product...the LABs consume the lactose). Of course the tiny chopped liver for the "B" vitamins but it has to be very tiny. Any of the animal-source protein sources given raw will help strengthen and re-build nutritionally.
What do you have and what's for sell I'm trying start a chicken / poultry farm so I need good egg layers for population increase among creating " new" populations... I've found that I really enjoy it and I can " franchise" it with a few friends who need jobs lol I sold out of my chicks in two days although my business plan is basicaly three stages... Egg production, hatchery, and meat birds. Although I don't know how I feel about the meat birds yet because I do enjoy them so much

I'm going to have to go back through and redecide who's staying and who's going. Right now I have brahmas, mottled orps, barred rocks, wyandottes, silkies, and bantam Cochins. I also have a few others growing out.
So, I finally accepted the new job and put in my 2 weeks notice. I felt good with my decision despite having to sell the chickens and relocate! Then my current district manager had to throw a wrench into the it all! He offered me to run a bigger/busier store as well as becoming a training store to train new hire management. After finding out the pay increase, I was silly not to accept! So I am now staying at Family dollar and will not have to relocate. This all means I will keep the chickens. I will still be downsizing some, but definitely not all of them!
wow -- is your head still spinning from going in so many directions?! So glad you're staying around!
If you have recently hatched buff orpington's or have buff orpington's and have found that you have tomany rosters then pls pm me I'm in need of one also if anyone has jersey giant chicks or eggs or possibly brahmas pls pm me
I sent you a message. My buff roosters are $10 each right now. They are young from a 2/18 hatch.

My turkeys are having the hardest time with all of this mud. We keep spreading out more and more pine chips. In the last 3 weeks we have spread out almost 3.5 tree trimming dump truck fulls. I still have more chips so running out is not the issue. Elevation is the issue. We have nets over our pens and every time we put out more chips its less head space as well as issues with the gate.
As for the deep litter working and making a nice soft carpet to walk on instead of mud. That was true for the first 10 days or so of this rain but now mud is taking over in some of the pens. Our wood chip path keeps getting taller and a bit wider too as the chickens are spreading out the new chips every day.
Quote: Yes, that is exactly my thought! It is exactly what I did was mixed up the vit/min/pb I have put it in all waterers and I have been syringing it to the sickies. He has actually eaten a few bites of his feed with an egg yolk in it. Not much but I will take what I can.

His crop is full of liquid...he is not eating a ton. I may puree some eggs with buttermilk and feed him that?!? thoughts?

Should I
Update: We called to check on the status of the poop samples. Husband only spoke with a receptionist...she said that they did still find SOME coccidiosis in their waiting on a call from the vet!


ETA: This possibly explains that it may only be the nutrients vitamin def.
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@chickrookie Dosage is 2 teaspoons per gallon. Treat for 7 days for the first round. You may have to give them the mixed water solution in a dropper to make sure they get enough of the meds.

So sorry about your losses. We too are dealing with the same thing.
Wow I thought this said 2 tbl spoons the first time I read it. I hope I didn't O D my chicks. but I know they got enough..

I was so wrapped up in my own panic attack that I think I missed that you were dealing with this too at the moment. So sorry for missing it and I'm sorry you are going thru it too. It is NO fun!!

I lost another one, guess that might happen before the meds have a chance to kick in. Out of 25 total in the past mth, I have 7 left. all because I didn't see any blood in the stool and was giving the wrong meds. Now I feel like a heal!! 19 of those were Silkies of all different colors, I was going to have a very pretty back yard. I love those little fluffy buts running around the yard. but I still have 7, 4 blacks 1 porcelain ( I think ) 1 buff and 1 splash. Watch them all be roosters!! Now that my numbers are so down I will probably NOT get the hens I was hoping for.

@Mother2Hens I'm sorry about losing the battle against the gnat!!! That sounds painful. Hope it gets to feeling better very soon. This has been a very bad year, bugs, floods, disease, and now it looks like we are going to be fighting to get hay for all the critters as well, cause no one can get in the fields and cut and dry the hay. Always something.

@jchny2000 How is your nephew's foot doing? I bet he wares shoes from now on... lol

This is a little late but you guys with the raised gardens, they look awesome, I am going to talk to DH about doing that next year, course he will proably stomp off into the other room mumbling something about me always have something new for him to do.... lol

Now for a little cuteness to make me feel better and hopefully some of you as well:

Had more pic's but they wont load as for the norm with this dang laptop, I so need a new one.
Anyway this is that broody WR I have been talking about she had been sitting on 12 eggs for 29 days, I was about to break her heart and take the eggs from her when I didn't have to. She kicked them out on her own and was calling to the Silkie chicks and the lone BR chick in the outdoor brooder which is next to the broody hen area. So I opened the brooder door and she went right in with a beck full of bugs and fed the chicks!! So awesome, I was so happy she was adopting the Silkie clan. I watched her all day to make sure she wasn't going to flip out and kill all the chicks, that night she gathered them all up under her ( even tho a few didn't fit real good ) and went to bed. So I thought she had 20 new foster kids, some were totally on their own at this point but still accepted a mom for bed time.
and then yesterday she started loosing chicks and some of the rest were sick. So I left her the healthy looking ones and took the sick ones inside... that was a chore!!!! Those chicks started crying when I picked them up and my back and the back of my legs got the snot beat out of them. She did NOT like me in there messing with HER babies at all!!!
After I saw the blood in the stool of the chicks I took from her today I took all of them from her but the little BR. I didn't want to take all her kids that she adopted and have a depressed hen on my hands. So she has the BR chick, The 31/2 grown BCM's, the 1/2 grown Cochin and the 1/2 grown ??. but the 1/2 grown don't hang out with her like the little BR does, but she seems happy.
Will try and post the other pic's latter. Hope everyone has a better evening.

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