the new Chantecler boy (tenatively named Walter White) :
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Quote: Oh my I am so sorry! I have seen hens do this, usually its because the chick died or has a severe deformity. But, I have also seen adult chickens kill and eat chicks that were not theirs, especially when one hatches out of a duck nest for example. If I positively know it did kill a chick, that chicken "goes away" immediately. Cannibalism will spread through a flock once it starts and can get really ugly. Usually its more common in turkeys and pheasant type poultry.
So my preggo checked her pearikeets today and one was dead and the other was stiff but alive.. No real idea what went wrong one had small amounts of blood on her but not the other... I think maybe spider bite because she was stiff but alive my plan is to get her some silkies because she's been asking me for them but I don't know when because she's still bawling any ladies or husbands with experience please help either animal knowledge or woman knowledge would help
I am so sorry. Not sure what could have happened, try doing a search on google.

the new Chantecler boy (tenatively named Walter White) :
Handsome fella!
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So my preggo checked her pearikeets today and one was dead and the other was stiff but alive.. No real idea what went wrong one had small amounts of blood on her but not the other... I think maybe spider bite because she was stiff but alive my plan is to get her some silkies because she's been asking me for them but I don't know when because she's still bawling any ladies or husbands with experience please help either animal knowledge or woman knowledge would help
Just hug her and tell her that everything will be alright. The parakeets' time had come. It's sad but they are in a better place.
Sorry for your losses and troubles.
So guys, every so often I try to find contributors to our thread. A contributor is nothing more than a volunteer that helps keep our member list up to date, event planning, lots of other things that keeps our thread fresh and growing. Some of our contributors are @bradselig @atrueb00 @Mother2Hens .
@barb s and @minmin1258 helped with food prep, organizing and were a large part of last years chickenfest event. @racinchickins hosted our first chickenfest and is our treasurer for fundraising, and @SallyinIndiana worked on our Tshirt fund raiser this year. Also special thanks to @pipdzipdnreadytogo and @Leahs Mom for their articles, links and pictorials. @kittydoc and @kabhyper1 many others for updates on AI. @flyladyrocks for keeping us updated on Indy rezone!
I could go on, and on!! You are all just awesome!!
And I thank you all for giving your time to help out. If anyone has free time to offer and knows google docs/spreadsheets please send me a pm. I want to be sure there are several of us able to keep our list updated.
Thank you Janet for everything you do and have done for the thread! If it wasn't for you this thread would be here!

So work hasn't slowed down much for me. I'm now managing two stores at wince for another week. Then I hope it slows down for good! I still have several people to reply back to regarding chickens .I haven't forgotten. Will try to get back here soon. I actually took some vacation time at the end of next week! And it's not a stay-cation! Getting away from the house and animals for several day. Much needed break!

Sadly I've started to come home to less roosters. Well came home to find a hawk eating a Cochin! So frustrating.
So my preggo checked her pearikeets today and one was dead and the other was stiff but alive.. No real idea what went wrong one had small amounts of blood on her but not the other... I think maybe spider bite because she was stiff but alive my plan is to get her some silkies because she's been asking me for them but I don't know when because she's still bawling any ladies or husbands with experience please help either animal knowledge or woman knowledge would help
For the pregnant one dealing with the emotions of a loss, I recommend hugs and favorite foods. For me the food would be some form of ice cream or maple sugar candy. But if there is a sugar limit then maybe hugs and a movie she likes. Then to really help, maybe get her a fun thing for the child on the way, maybe something she could play with the baby. If she had lost a horse I would pick a my little pony. But there are all kinds of fun barn yard stuffed animals in the toy section. And peek a boo with a stuffed animal is a favorite baby game around here. I even found a stupid looking cheeping chicken at the dollar store a few months back.
Thank you Janet for everything you do and have done for the thread! If it wasn't for you this thread would be here!

So work hasn't slowed down much for me. I'm now managing two stores at wince for another week. Then I hope it slows down for good! I still have several people to reply back to regarding chickens .I haven't forgotten. Will try to get back here soon. I actually took some vacation time at the end of next week! And it's not a stay-cation! Getting away from the house and animals for several day. Much needed break!

Sadly I've started to come home to less roosters. Well came home to find a hawk eating a Cochin! So frustrating.
If you run out of roosters, I have a couple of EE I need gone, and quite a few other roosters that are on the list to be dinner. My hatches were almost all males this year. I have 2 pens full of roosters that I have sorted out then I have the youngsters that still need sorting but no more rooster pens.
Thank you Janet for everything you do and have done for the thread! If it wasn't for you this thread would be here!

So work hasn't slowed down much for me. I'm now managing two stores at wince for another week. Then I hope it slows down for good! I still have several people to reply back to regarding chickens .I haven't forgotten. Will try to get back here soon. I actually took some vacation time at the end of next week! And it's not a stay-cation! Getting away from the house and animals for several day. Much needed break!

Sadly I've started to come home to less roosters. Well came home to find a hawk eating a Cochin! So frustrating.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
Glad you got the chance to take a break! Hawks are a hard one to stop, I have no issues usually, with my geese and turkeys as long as they are able to access the coops. My single hawk problem came about when neither species visited my coop at the south end of our property. It got one of my silkies but the guinea went after it and resolved the problem.

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