@Mother2Hens I am so terribly sorry about Ditzy
Few updates that will hopefully get pictures as the day progresses:

Last night, an aunt, an uncle and a cousin and her twin toddlers came into town from Kansas and Wisconsin to stay at my grandpa's house and celebrate his birthday. I brought over Noisy Boy (silkie rooster) and Brienne of Tarth (Dark Brahma hen) for the kids to pet and play with. Both chickens performed exceedingly awesomely with all adults and the seven children (oldest was ten, youngest is about two). Only two girls of the bunch; the rest were ultra-rowdy boys. Even with all the noise and babies chasing them, the chickens were very calm and enjoyed the attention (for the most part). I got to talk chickens with my cousin, whose husband has been trying to talk her into them, and got to inform the lot of them about poultry keeping in general. Had a really nice time

Grandpa also loaned me his huge live animal trap for the opossums under the house. I baited it with some cracked eggs and peanut butter, and lo and behold, we caught the giant mommy possum! Woot!
Will drop her off in the woods around Fort Harrison and set the trap again to catch her babies.
Caught her "baby" today! Woot!

"Baby" is definitely big enough to take care of itself, but I dropped it off where we dropped off its mom yesterday, and it took off in exactly the same direction as its mother.

While I've only been able to confirm the mom and two babies, I went ahead and rebaited the trap to see if there were any more hiding under our house.
Been working on making our setup a little more user friendly, partially because winter is on the way, but mostly because after the new year is my travel season for work. Trade shows have me gone quite a bit, which means daily duties fall to my ever loving wife. That said, I want things to be as turnkey as possible because it's bad enough I'm not there to shovel the walk...

Our first coop is small, only setup for 3 or 4 birds, and currently holds two, but the way it was constructed, it made it easier to put in three nesting boxes. There really isn't room for a feeder/waterer in the coop, but that's why genius struck. I built a gravity bunk feeder into one of the existing nesting boxes, which should keep the feed clean and accessible without my loving and supporting wife having to clean out feeders in the aftermath of a blizzard. Currently waiting on some cup waterers to experiment with turning an old ice cream tub into a waterer that will fit in the second wasted nesting box...

But I don't think my wife fully appreciates my genius...

Will try to get some pics up this evening...
Your feeder sounds awesome to me, I would love it if DH would do that here.

I just discovered that one of my lav orp pullets has a cracked beak. Otherwise, she looks OK.

I'm trying to debate if I should try to clip the beak, superglue, or just leave it alone.

I offered a bite of bread which she ate. Do I need to separate her for feeding?

Thanks in advance for any help.
It don't look like it is too far back to hurt if you trimmed it up and let it grow back. At least that's what I would do. Once its trimmed I bet she will eat just fine and not have any problems. I rescued some batery hens once that dang near didn't have any beak I just kept them even and they had no problem with eating.

@chick rookie i did a quick google search..
and eBay has several listed too. Amazon may also have them.
Thank you will check that out too.

Thanks to everyone for the links and such, I didn't realize Google knew everything... guess I should have.
Okay... Just had a major meltdown with my husband. I have to get rid of as much poultry as humanly possible. He's super ****** about how much they eat and that we're just not getting our money's worth out of them.

There are three BB turkey hens (one bronze, two white, all laying)
1 RP tom (one-year-old)
2 BO (one laying)
2 Dark Brahma roosters; one hen
2 Australorps
2 Light Brahmas
2 Welsummer hens
8 Muscovy ducks (4 drakes, four hens)
2 Silkies (one roo, one hen)
7 CX (5 roos, 2 hen)
Okay... Just had a major meltdown with my husband. I have to get rid of as much poultry as humanly possible. He's super ****** about how much they eat and that we're just not getting our money's worth out of them.

There are three BB turkey hens (one bronze, two white, all laying)
1 RP tom (one-year-old)
2 BO (one laying)
2 Dark Brahma roosters; one hen
2 Australorps
2 Light Brahmas
2 Welsummer hens
8 Muscovy ducks (4 drakes, four hens)
2 Silkies (one roo, one hen)
7 CX (5 roos, 2 hen)

Edited to add: need to get rid of most/all them over the weekend

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