[COLOR=8B4513]I'd like to hug Jersey, too! She looks so soft.[/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]Animals are the best medicine![/COLOR] [rule]@tmarsh83 [COLOR=8B4513]There's something about having chickens that brings out the mad scientist in most of us. My creations tend to be more Rube Goldberg-inspired![/COLOR] [COLOR=8B4513]So sorry to hear about your kitty~ somehow I missed that post.[/COLOR] [rule][COLOR=8B4513]I went to Target yesterday because I had previously seen Halloween owls that looked just like those owls for scaring hawks away. I thought I could score some half priced ones, but I was too late. However, I just had to buy this adorable peacock Halloween costume for half price—even though I don't have a medium sized dog![/COLOR]
I couldn't get the pic to copy but a fellow supporter of the Peas tagged me with this cute costume! ;) Let me know if you can see it. I'm not sure how it will work.
In sadder news, we had two chicks hatch and die overnight. The three that had already hatched before last night are quite well though, so we're counting our little blessings. The other two eggs might be abandoned now (they were stuck under her much later, so she might just give up on them as quitters). 

"The way the egg turns" sometimes, so sorry, it's never easy losing the bitties.
Hi @browncow15 Your cow radar must've been on! Good to see your post.

@ellymayRans The link worked, and the picture is great! That dog knows how to pose~ so adorable!

My niece in North Carolina posted this pic of her daughter:

One more…someone posted this cat/bat :
@Indyshent Is there a way to find out where the roo came from so that person can be investigated?

From Indiana Advocacy | ASPCA

According to the ASPCA, birds commonly suffer injuries in cockfights, including punctured lungs, broken bones and pierced eyes, as a result of knives and blades "attached to the birds to maximize injury." Some cockfighting rings also inject the birds with steroids to make them more aggressive, the ASPCA said.
Cockfighting is a Level 6 felony in the state of Indiana, punishable by up to two and a half years in state prison and a maximum $10,000 fine.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome to the site.
I currently have four ISA Browns, two Black Stars and Two Silver Wyandots.
Getting ready for my first winter with birds.
Any suggestions for this variety of birds?

Just in case I didn't already
and our wonderful state thread.
You find we all have advice to give, on most everything... and we like to help, So never worry about asking. Trust me, I ask allot, and no one has gotten mad at me... I don't think... lol

Yes, the coop partition can be seen on page 4430, post 44294. I made one last year and used it to prevent my EE from bothering the Orps. My EE understood the concept of a partition. The recent one I made is to prevent the Orps, particularly gigantic Eliza from bothering my tiny bantam Cochin, Screech. However, Screech doesn't read rule books, and she ended up springing over the top of the partition and bothering the Orps! Tonight, it was Eliza's turn to reach over the partition and peck Screech away and off of the perch. So, Screech used her feathery feet to stomp out of the coop and march over to her old bantam coop! I intervened and when it had gotten a little darker outside, I put her back on the perch. Next, I'll have to put razor wire over the partition!
Congrats on your COW and your plans for a Great Pyrenees. My BIL in Bloomington recently adopted one from a friend who was moving. It's a beautiful, sweet dog!
I'm tired ~ weekend guests and lots of trick-or-treaters ~ Fun, but I'm going to hit the hay earlier tonight.
It didn't quote the right part, Anyway thanks for the booday wishes, The kids were very excited and almost wasnt able to get them to hold till long enough to get the pictures taken... lol

Currently dealing with a bit of scare at our place as well. I mentioned last week that our outside cat was hit on the roadside. He thought himself a golden retriever and lived with our dog outside (slept together, ate together, played together, it was the darndest thing I ever saw). Our Golden is 10, so once her outside companion left us the LW decided she was going to live the rest of her days out as an inside dog. She's trained well, so that's not a problem, but after a little more than a week inside we noticed some blood in her urine that she was bring back in with her hind end hair. So we had a vet appointment this morning. I of course, being the pessimist, just assume that our 10 year old golden is riddled with cancer and the end is nigh. Initially it doesn't look that way, vet suspects a UTI and is treating as such at this point. If it doesn't improve by the weekend we need to start looking at other things. I've buried one pet this month, don't care to bury another so soon.

I've gone mad scientist again this morning before work and am curious to see how this works. I shared my nesting box turned feeder, I've been trying to think of a way to do the same with a waterer at least for the winter. What I've settled on is a square, gallon, ice cream tub with a low-pressure chicken watering cup installed in the side. A couple rubber washer on either side and it doesn't seem to want to leak. I currently have it sitting on a block poking through the 2x4 wire on the fence run to get them using it and to make sure that it doesn't leak in the short term. May end up not using it if I don't heat the coop and just go the dog dish method in the run, but I like options.
I hope your dogie feels better soon

Here are a few of my SFH (Swedish Flower Hens) - both past and present.

Have to be careful with SFH now, however, as at least one hatchery has started selling birds they call sfh... but I'm not sure what they really are. Not even close to sfh. They were first brought into US in 2008 and there are a couple lines that are the real thing. I prefer the non-crested myself.

ETA: The coloring is called "flowering".

I love this breed they are beautiful. But way out of my price range so I have to be content to just look.

Indy Rezone Update:

In case you did not know, Indy Rezone is a done deal. So if you live in Indianapolis make sure you know the new laws taking effect April 1, 2016.
from the link below (where the whole code can be downloaded)

Indy Rezone is adopted!

updated October 8, 2015

The Metropolitan Development Commission approved the amended version of the Consolidated Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance on October 7, 2015 which was the final step in the adoption process. The new ordinance will take effect on April 1, 2016.
The six month time period between the adoption date and the effective date will be used to train city staff and modify administrative procedures. There will also be training sessions for practicioners and developers to help them understand the new ordinance. In addition, there will be an outreach effort to inform the general public about the new ordinance.

Here is the link

adoption of Indy Rezone on (this link has changed in the past week-no clue why but the old link does not even link to this one, I had to search for it again):

The entire code can be downloaded at the top of that page. If you scroll down to the very bottom of the page you can download the "draft" of the livestock license.

Here are page numbers - these are the pages printed in the actual document (in my pdf reader the pages are slightly different)
In order to find where these things were located we had to convert it to a word document to give us the ability to search.

  • Agricultural uses, Farmers Market, Garden as Primary use (Pg. 483-486) (in a very logical place, right between substance abuse and adult entertainment!)
  • Personal Garden, Personal Livestock (pgs. 526-528) (again in an easy to find location right between Dry-cleaning/Laundry and Outdoor storage!)
  • The only thing that would be considered “Grandfathering in” what you currently have/are doing- "Applications and Nonconformities" begins pg. 118.

Here is a Legal reminder for all of Indiana!
This is from a previous post I made July 9, and since legal stuff and chickens has been fresh on my mind I thought I would repost:

This is really important for everyone to know. Here is a link to the whole document,
this is the critical info for anyone who sells any kind of poultry in case you did not see it:

New Traceability Rules for Poultry Beginning Sept. 17, 2015,

poultry species will be subject to Indiana’s traceability requirements, like other livestock species. This requirement is a permanent requirement to Indiana law.
Anyone who buys, sells, leases, barters or exchanges poultry within Indiana must maintain a record of the transaction for 3 years. (This requirement is similar to other livestock species.) The following information must be recorded:
 Number and breed of poultry;
 Any individual animal identification present on the poultry;
 Name and address of the seller, lessor or owner; and
 Name and address of the purchaser, lessee or recipient.
Individuals do not have to maintain records of sales directly to an approved slaughter facility or through an approved livestock facility, because these facilities are required to collect that information. More information about HPAI and Indiana’s bird movement requirements (including importation standards) is online at:

I have already started all that, pain in the old kister . I also have taken care of the goat part too they sent my ear tags which will not be used, I'm not putting ear tags in my goats ears, Some of my goats don't even have enough ear to put them in and I flat refuse to put them where they want them if the ear is not available, that's just plain cruel!! are they nuts???

Haha.... the Sfh ARE expensive... but not the way I got mine.

I'd never pay Greenfire prices for my birds.
X2 I would never pay that much for any bird... sorry but nope not gonna happen.

In sadder news, we had two chicks hatch and die overnight. The three that had already hatched before last night are quite well though, so we're counting our little blessings. The other two eggs might be abandoned now (they were stuck under her much later, so she might just give up on them as quitters).
Sorry that sucks losing chicks.

Hi @browncow15 Your cow radar must've been on! Good to see your post.

@ellymayRans The link worked, and the picture is great! That dog knows how to pose~ so adorable!

My niece in North Carolina posted this pic of her daughter:

One more…someone posted this cat/bat :
Love em they are adorable

@Indyshent Is there a way to find out where the roo came from so that person can be investigated?

From Indiana Advocacy | ASPCA

According to the ASPCA, birds commonly suffer injuries in cockfights, including punctured lungs, broken bones and pierced eyes, as a result of knives and blades "attached to the birds to maximize injury." Some cockfighting rings also inject the birds with steroids to make them more aggressive, the ASPCA said.
Cockfighting is a Level 6 felony in the state of Indiana, punishable by up to two and a half years in state prison and a maximum $10,000 fine.
Well that's the law but it hardly ever gets enforced. They usually get a slap on the wrist and their animals taken away but that's about it.
Got a question for my fellow goat owners... I have doe that paces and does a stretch type of thing with her neck and she calls softly the whole time. I have checked her for bloat, worms any wounds Just don't know what is going on with her. She eats and drinks, she is not losing weight, she looks real good really. She is breed for the first time and is due the last of Dec. first of Jan.
any ideals before I call the vet would be great.
Haha.... the Sfh ARE expensive... but not the way I got mine.

I'd never pay Greenfire prices for my birds.
X2 I would never pay that much for any bird... sorry but nope not gonna happen.

If I ever get enough birds around here and a cockerel in the next batch, perhaps I'll have some available for sale ... that folks can afford!
Good morning everyone! I had a busy week last week. My dogs tested positive for Giardia (probably brought in with one of my last three foster dogs) and battling that (with five of them!!!) has been a nightmare!!!! I also had an appointment scheduled to get a bunch of chickens processed, and that was super bad timing with the whole Giardia thing. I got through it! It was the first time I have had any processed and I felt super sad and guilty about it....but also relieved. Since I am not planning to hatch next year I shouldn't have to do this for a while!!!!

I started getting pens rearranged. I put the Bielie pullet and the two Bielie/Isbar pullets in with the Bielies and it was the easiest transition ever. I went out the next morning and they were all out with the rest of the flock and two of them were casually swinging on the swing. LOL. What good girls. They are also a really beautiful and HUGE mix. I am surprised since the Isbars are such runts......but they got their size from the Bielies for sure. I will try to get some pictures at some point.

Winter prep is underway at the farm. I still have some trees to prune and gardens to cut back. I have been trying to get someone to haul in aglime for my horse paddock, and can't find anyone who wants to take my money!!!! It is mind boggling!!!!
UGH, thats no fun to treat or deal with either. Hope your dogs recover quickly!
I will be shutting my incubator down after this hatch. I want to do a thorough deep clean, and move it to another room.
DH is hauling ag lime right now at his work, the guys are running all over the state. Its triaxle dump truck sized tho, not sure how much you need. Send me a PM if you're interested and I will get the info for you.

Quote: Nah, if you really look at my flock prior to this, the majority is actually roosters. I had maybe about 15 or so hens! I had 1 LO, 4 dark cornish, 6 EE, 1 BR 1 WL 2 RIR 1 BA. My free range roosters are for the freezer. I had downsized way too much over the last year and its hurt my egg sales. @LonelyPageTurne and I get together a couple times a month for processing days. DH is building a plucker for us so the task will be so much faster, yay!

Currently dealing with a bit of scare at our place as well. I mentioned last week that our outside cat was hit on the roadside. He thought himself a golden retriever and lived with our dog outside (slept together, ate together, played together, it was the darndest thing I ever saw). Our Golden is 10, so once her outside companion left us the LW decided she was going to live the rest of her days out as an inside dog. She's trained well, so that's not a problem, but after a little more than a week inside we noticed some blood in her urine that she was bring back in with her hind end hair. So we had a vet appointment this morning. I of course, being the pessimist, just assume that our 10 year old golden is riddled with cancer and the end is nigh. Initially it doesn't look that way, vet suspects a UTI and is treating as such at this point. If it doesn't improve by the weekend we need to start looking at other things. I've buried one pet this month, don't care to bury another so soon.

I've gone mad scientist again this morning before work and am curious to see how this works. I shared my nesting box turned feeder, I've been trying to think of a way to do the same with a waterer at least for the winter. What I've settled on is a square, gallon, ice cream tub with a low-pressure chicken watering cup installed in the side. A couple rubber washer on either side and it doesn't seem to want to leak. I currently have it sitting on a block poking through the 2x4 wire on the fence run to get them using it and to make sure that it doesn't leak in the short term. May end up not using it if I don't heat the coop and just go the dog dish method in the run, but I like options.
Oh man, thats scary. I hope your golden is ok! Just such a sweet loveable breed.
Can't wait to see what your plans will be, its definitely time to start thinking winter.

Quote: You would love her! She is incredibly soft and is enjoying being brushed out. I love the peacock costume!!

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