Am very impressed with the new line of quail I added from @James Marie the babies are huge to start with, and grow so fast! I have 12 hatchlings so far. The 18 we processed, extra cocks dressed out at 14 oz average. I kept 12 for my layers/breeders. Just huge quail and am really pleased.
My geese are actively breeding and the Muscovy hens have chosen drakes. Egg production for the chickens has not picked up yet, that's OK. Turkeys are also breeding. My 2 Holland toms are not going to work out, so one will need a new home. My turkey boys are fighting a lot.
Mallards are breeding also. I have 12 or more, 2 boys. one fella thinks I need one boy and challenges the other nonstop! I took the subordinate fella and put him with 6 girls. Now to see if they are fertile.
My last challenge is the guinea. I need to co mingle 3 flocks. My oldest 5 guineas are all hens. The rest are mixed, lavender, pearls and dundotte. All together we have around 20..
Really waiting on my orp flocks to lay soon.
I don't want the cold to come back!!!!! I've let all the ladies out to enjoy some free ranging the last few days. They have been cooped up for months, last year's babies have never even been out to free range! I haven't seen the hawk in a while so I thought I would let them enjoy the nice weather too. It has been a hoot watching the youngsters exploring! Last night two of the mottled Breda and a brave silkied Ameraucana even roosted with the big girls in the big girl coop! It is so much fun seeing them start to get more comfortable with life!

All of my June babies held off on laying before Winter hit, but one of the Breda is now giving me cute little cream pullet eggs! They are gorgeous! Several other girls have started back up, it is nice having eggs to go collect again!

Life is humming along in my neck of the woods. I had a marathon day of interviews (5.5 straight hours!) at a company I would really like to work for, so I am still pretty drained from that. But excited that an offer could be coming in the next couple of weeks! I bought a new car and will be trading my horse trailer in for something a bit smaller. I'm looking forward to Spring and spending time outside again!
I don't want the cold to come back!!!!! I've let all the ladies out to enjoy some free ranging the last few days.

Couldn't agree more. I'm way ready for spring. I've been trying to get mine out at every opportunity, hoping to get them laying again. Silly old birds.
My grow out brooder pen pictures.

This thing is HUGE, I drool just thinking about it! I will still try to get if if its not sold by time we get a newer truck.
And I'll ask just in case. If any one here wants to help me clean out the garage, please let me know. I'd like to get it as clean and empty as possible.
If I can get a weekend worked out, I will be glad to help.
And I'll ask just in case.  If any one here wants to help me clean out the garage, please let me know.  I'd like to get it as clean and empty as possible. 

Do you need to haul stuff away? If not then I could probably lend a hand do you know how to calibrate a incubator maybe we can help each other...
I don't want the cold to come back!!!!! I've let all the ladies out to enjoy some free ranging the last few days. They have been cooped up for months, last year's babies have never even been out to free range! I haven't seen the hawk in a while so I thought I would let them enjoy the nice weather too. It has been a hoot watching the youngsters exploring! Last night two of the mottled Breda and a brave silkied Ameraucana even roosted with the big girls in the big girl coop! It is so much fun seeing them start to get more comfortable with life!

All of my June babies held off on laying before Winter hit, but one of the Breda is now giving me cute little cream pullet eggs! They are gorgeous! Several other girls have started back up, it is nice having eggs to go collect again!

Life is humming along in my neck of the woods. I had a marathon day of interviews (5.5 straight hours!) at a company I would really like to work for, so I am still pretty drained from that. But excited that an offer could be coming in the next couple of weeks! I bought a new car and will be trading my horse trailer in for something a bit smaller. I'm looking forward to Spring and spending time outside again!
I know my free rangers are enjoying it for sure.
Exciting news about the interview!
An on another note( can't believe I never figured this out before... So I've been having some laying issues.. None of my 25 hens have been laying for about three months or more... And today I was out there trying to figure out what I could do the a glimmer of light peeked over the shop/shed and I moved and happened to notice it hit just outside the run fence... Ding the shop/shed is on the south side and the coop/run is on the north side and the big ole shop is casting a giant shadow over all of my coops and runs.. They've probably thought they've been in Alaska with no sun for months no real idea how to remidy this short of a giant mirror or artificial lighting I wonder if that also effects them during the summer.. For the most part it's over head and they have no shade unless I put in branches
I have very happy hogs, and birds tonight! A friend called and said they cleaned out the freezer and had some stuff they wanted gone. Of course I said yes! DH picked it up on the way home from work. Well over 100 pounds, all but 2 packages were MEAT!! I have 6 adult hogs, so they got 2-5 gallon buckets today. Oh my goodness the happy piggies lol.
I gave several pounds of ground meat to the birds. The only ones not interested were the geese of course. Majority of it was venison. great boost for them all with the cold snap coming.

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