Well, challenged a dealership today to meet my numbers. Lets see what they offer! We decided on a 2011 Chevy 2500HD. No dually, yay! Our poor old 1991 dually is just about worn out. I told Brad my DH its my new "Chicken Truck"! He was not amused lol. @SallyinIndiana fingers crossed, hope we can get down next weekend and help you out!
Well, challenged a dealership today to meet my numbers. Lets see what they offer! We decided on a 2011 Chevy 2500HD. No dually, yay! Our poor old 1991 dually is just about worn out. I told Brad my DH its my new "Chicken Truck"! He was not amused lol. @SallyinIndiana fingers crossed, hope we can get down next weekend and help you out!

I'll be sure to get to a store and pick up a cheese cake or two for dessert. But I'll understand if something comes up. Next weekend is that big couple celebration after all. Lots of publicity and money will be spent for couples everywhere.
Picked up 8 quality black copper maran week old chicks today!!
Been wanting them for awhile now.
Chick count to date is
4-ISA Browns
10-light brahma's
2-cuckoo Marans
2-black australorps
3-barred rocks
8-black copper Marans
Eggs In the incubator
8-cuckoo maran
4-LF salmon favaroll
8-our own barn yard mix
I believe this is going to be a busy year and just think chick days haven't even started yet!!
Thanks for the info on Breda chickens. I'm surprised that they're low on the pecking order because the photos I saw online look just as you described them. Tall —good posture! lol And I read some descriptions online that they have a "hawk or vulture like beak." Seems like those traits would be intimidating. Also interesting that they "small to nonexistent combs and waddles," but have feathered legs and feet — good for cold winters!
Other than this awful respiratory issue, they've been great in the col weather. She's smaller than he is (by quite a bit), but she's catching up (and getting so pretty!). The could look intimidating to a human eye, but chickens see right through that.

The patriotic Wyandotte and Wun Wun keep everyone in check. No clue what's going to happen to the roo pecking order when Wun Wun goes, but I'm sure the next alpha position will swing to the Wyandotte or Mr. July, who, as it turns out, is also quite the singer and has a set of pipes so amazing that I may have to find him a larger amphitheater to perform in. My humble backyard probably isn't the greatest place for him to practice for Travis Pratt tributes. So, while Wun Wun is the biggest guy in the yard by height (possibly also weight; Big Jim Slade, the Cochin is awfully close here) he has another home lined up, and things are going to get interesting. I'm hoping Mr. August, Mr. July, Mr. February and Mr. Rooster (my son's Breda roo) will be able to work things out without my yard becoming a death metal/opera mosh pit.

In good news, we've had four babies hatch, and they're all doing much better aster a night of electrolytes and vitamin supplements. I went to RK for food and such, and came back with chicken-print mud boots and eight chicks (6 CX, one Leghorn and one Jersey Giant) even though I pretty much swore I wouldn't get anymore. The JG I thought we'd picked up last year turned out to be an Australorp, and I rather miss the Leghorn eggs.
I am looking for a member that posts here. He (I think a he) lives in North Vernon In. and has or raises polish and if I am remembering right ,tolbunts. I am looking for some hatching eggs or a few chicks . Please contact me via pm. Thanks
DD is stuck home with strep throat today, so she decided to start training her chicken. Both did very well. In about 8min, "Bubbles" learned to consistently peck at the red target chip & not peck at the distraction white chip. She surpassed "Cuddles" on her 1st attempt, so it looks like Bubbles will be an excellent candidate for DD's project.
I've mentioned many times before that I sing (out of tune) the lullaby, "Hush little baby" to my hens when they are ready for bed because it decreases "arguments" and settles them down. They watch for my signals of slowly closing my eyes off and on and then they close their eyes. (If any new people on the thread are reading this, I hope I am not scaring them away! Haha) Tonight, I softly sang it to my new Lacy who's in quarantine in a bedroom. She started closing her eyes and going to sleep! (She might have been closing her eyes to pretend I wasn't there!) So as far as training, I've done some unplanned training (one night I was humming which led to the lullaby, etc.), but I'd like teach my hens some tricks!
Note to @pipdzipdnreadytogo ~ I agree that some used car lot pennant flags would be a perfect addition to your tent sale pictured below.

@MarshallPrime ~ How is your roo? Any word on what exactly is ailing him? Hope he is improving!
@jchny2000 ~ Congrats on your new Chicken Truck! I still keep my old minivan as my Chicken Truck. You have to have something for hauling Chicken Stuff!

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